Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


May 19, 2021
I've got an idea in mind, that in my opinion would fit in really well with both ctf and bridges: So the game focuses one one part heavily: On defence! So i was thinking maybe you could earn coins by killing people or completing quests. Then you could add like canons or artillery that each player can spawn into the game at any place for a little fee of such coins. This way sneaking your way in our storming with diamond armour can be more exciting and hard! This would also mean that low skill players can make a huge impact on the game!
Here are some ideas for these tools:
*Shoots big canon balls with a player controlling when and where it shoots. High Damage.
*Cooldown would be around 3 seconds
*Works like a minigun just with arrows and a bow-like structure
*A shield which restrains enemy players from getting to the flag/portal which is breakable using 5 hits with any weapon
*Recharges every 30 Seconds

With the Blockwars Rank, you can get a 1,5x coin multiplier

Every Player should only be able to place one, and there should be a max limit of these spawnables per team like 10 in Giga and 5 in normal

I hope you could consider adding this to the game and i hope you have a nice day!


Novice Member
Dec 4, 2022
Russia, Moscow
I've got an idea in mind, that in my opinion would fit in really well with both ctf and bridges: So the game focuses one one part heavily: On defence! So i was thinking maybe you could earn coins by killing people or completing quests. Then you could add like canons or artillery that each player can spawn into the game at any place for a little fee of such coins. This way sneaking your way in our storming with diamond armour can be more exciting and hard! This would also mean that low skill players can make a huge impact on the game!
Here are some ideas for these tools:
*Shoots big canon balls with a player controlling when and where it shoots. High Damage.
*Cooldown would be around 3 seconds
*Works like a minigun just with arrows and a bow-like structure
*A shield which restrains enemy players from getting to the flag/portal which is breakable using 5 hits with any weapon
*Recharges every 30 Seconds

With the Blockwars Rank, you can get a 1,5x coin multiplier

Every Player should only be able to place one, and there should be a max limit of these spawnables per team like 10 in Giga and 5 in normal

I hope you could consider adding this to the game and i hope you have a nice day!
it would change the game and the whole gameplay a lot, so idk
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Reesle wrote on TnAdan_'s profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂
lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
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