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How many players per team you think suits this gamemode best? Can only be uneven!

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  • 7+

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Dedicated Member
Jan 13, 2016
Alright so after reading @jollow250 's post on a Blockwars update (https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/blockwars-suggestions.195605/) I thought of the following suggestion on a new Gamemode to bring Blockwars back to life :)

I keep on seeing less and less players in the blockwars lobbies which is sad, because the game is actually really good and fun. However, I do not like Core, since for me the games always tend to last untill the time runs out, ending in a tie.
I like capture the flag but also in this gamemode there are some things I dislike, I will get to that in a second. What I think blockwars needs is, ofcourse, an update, one with more votable game amplifiers and other fun extra's just to make the games more interesting, but it also needs a new gamemode (preferably replacing core but could also just be a third one).

Here's what I definately do not like about the current 2 gamemodes and what I'd like to be changed in the third one. #TheThirdGamemode!

- Teams
Only 2 teams? Why? Games would be so much more chaotic and fun if instead of 4 players with the same colour above their head other teams would come at you as well. Certainly in Capture the Flag, having options to choose from would make games so much more fun. Games usually end up in big fights in the centre and a lot of people solo'ing for the block, to then either get knocked off or triple teamed on by the defenders. Yes, people get into the cores and steal blocks but honestly, those are usually just lucky tries.

- The building phase
Okay so the players get a couple of minutes to defend their block and base, what would you do? Of course, build a box around the block and mayebe even a second or third layer, should be good, okay lets make some walls which never really do anything but they look cool and show the opponent that we really have a undefeatable base. Still got blocks left over? Lets make a bridge from spawn to the wall so we can get there without having to encounter opponents trying to steal our block, sounds like a great plan. Still some blocks left? More walls, and a staircase against the wall hoping the other team did the same thing (they probably did) so we can get some cool air-encounters.

Every, single, team always makes the very same defense around their block. So why is this building phase even here? Why not premake the defenses and just summon them when the game starts? Itll only prevent people from stealing others trap-blocks (okay maybe 20 seconds so people can place those) and ruining defences.

- The TNT kit
This pretty much killed the idea of preventing people from getting into the core. Because the tnt-kit only has to come around twice to blow up 70% of the entire structure around the block. Everyone who still feels like defending will just have to kill attackers off the moment they enter the base or leave it because getting them away from breaking blocks around the core is useless. The block is exposed already anyways.

Okay so those 3 things are things I'd like to see changed overall, now lets get into adding something new, a new gamemode. First a quick disclaimer tho:

Before you all start saying things like ''This is just another variant on skywars, just like eggwars and lucky islands, we already have enough of those''. Please note that those 3 games are by far the most played games on the CCGN. Since we want blockwars to not die, I dont think adding a variation of blockband to blockwars sounds like a smart idea does it? So yes it is yet another variation on skywars, but I can assure you itll be played just like a whole new game.

This is the idea;

-Map layout
Of course there will be more than 1 team, I think 4, 8 and 12 teams are good numbers to start with. Every base is about 10 blocks away from mid (no thats not far), mid. Instead of going with the ol' classic round mid with all islands rounded around (thats a lot of round). I think a lay-out like that of Tea-Party in eggwars would make for cooler looking maps, after all, in the current blockwars maps they are always stretched out too, so I think we should keep that. (Also think maps where mid is lower than the spawn islands are cooler to play on, so that'd be fun too)

-Vote for a base
So in the waiting lobby (or in the glass if people prefer waiting in a glass cube) people will recieve 2 voting items. One of course will be for the kits (ill get into that later) and the second one will be for your base. Instead of giving people time to build their own base which will all look exactly the same, I suggest saving some time and let players chose from premade defenses. These are the ones I came up with:

-Double/Triple layered block defense and 3 blocks of the bridge already built
-1 layered block defense and 2 high wall stretched over the horizontal axes of your base with steps on your side of the wall for hard base access, but easy base leaves.
-1 layered block defense and a full bridge to mid.
-1 layered block defense and a 1 block high wall around the first half of your base to force people to build up 1 more block when they come from mid.

There are probably way more (also better) ideas for base designs but again, these are the ones I quickly thought of. Of course these designs are purchasable in the shop.

(also thought of giving people, say 10 coins to spend on several base designs such as a first, and a second layer, the bridge or different types of walls, to allow them to fully customize it. But for now I thik the premade ones are good).

I personally think making this gamemode a solo gamemode is the smartest idea, since you need to vote within your team on what base design you want to use. Now this shouldnt really be a problem if your teammate is one you personally know, or one that you are in a call with. But things get harder when your teammate is one you never spoke to before. Youll likely both have different strategies and therefor want different base designs. 2-player games of this gamemode would therefor never work. Uneven ammount of players per team would, but that still might cause problems with communication and stuff. Therefor I think solo is the way to go.

Im not going to come up with a lot of new kits as I actually think the current ones in blockwars are good (except for TNT kit). However there will have to be some modifiactions to each kit, modifications in the form of blocks.
Since a bit of bridging is involved, blocks are needed.
A kit like warrior should only recieve a few blocks, maybe 5 or so as the kit is really strong and mainly focussed on defending, not on attacking.
Here a list of the current kits and how many blocks they should recieve according to me:

-Warrior: 5 blocks
-Archer: 5 blocks
-Runner: 7 blocks
-Miner: 10 blocks
-Tank: 3 blocks
-Builder: 15 blocks
-Jumper: 7 blocks
-Ninja: 7 blocks
-Bomber: die.
-Summmoner: 7 blocks

The ammount of blocks you recieve will change the ammount of time it takes you to build over to mid and start attacking. I am hoping this will encourage to change kits during the game as some will be stronger early game, and others will have their strenght late-game.
Jumper, Miner and Runner for example will be really strong rush kits as they can make it to mid with their 7 blocks if they choose to not build or partially build a bridge during the base-voting.

-How to win?
Okay so so far I do not think this game is like eggwars or skywars at all. This game mainly reminds me of eggwars, simply because you have to build over to other islands to break something. But furthermore its really original (i think).
So everybody has a different base lay-out and will be protecting and attacking at the same time (This reminds me of bottle-soccer I used to play with my friends back in the day. You had to knock over bottles with water using the ball (meaning you had to engage a bit to recieve the ball and get a good angle on the bottle, but you also had to stay back to protect your bottle from falling over), if you make it to someone's island and manage to break their block you ''steal'' the block (capture the flag, i know.) with it you run to the center of mid, where a 3x3 area is located with flashy lights and stuff to indicate that that is the place to be. You need to stand on the point for (i think 5 seconds is good) 5 seconds to officially capture it. This'll add 1 capture point to your name. (This also brings back cubecrafts removed game; Control Point a bit). Of course people can attack you while standing on the point so thatll make for some great raging moments.

There will be 2 winners, 1 with the most captures and 1 with the least stolen blocks. You can try to go for both but I do not think that'd be the best strategy.
I guess the game would end when a block got stolen from everybody but 1. Haven't really thought about ties unfortunately :/ If anyone has an idea on how to fix that, I'd love to hear it. (Lol maybe 1v1 duels to decide the winner? :P that'd make for even more raging moments).

Im not the biggest fan of trap blocks, but on the other hand they make attacking harder so I think they should stay, and also be a part of this gamemode. I definately think a trap block should be choosable which tells you whenever someone enters your island (kinda like the red text : ''Your egg has been destroyed'' in eggwars, but then more as an alarm) so you have time to run to mid, and wait for the capturer so you can try to claim back your block.

I also have been thinking about positive trap-blocks you can place down during the game. Things that give positive effects or a golden apple each time you step on it (with of course a cooldown). You could place one of those down say in front of someones bridge to give you a little extra to defeat them (haste would be a good one too).

Thats pretty much it, I know its not too complicated but honestly, minigames should never get overcomplicated. Also, my laptop is lagging from the ammount of text in this thread so ill be ending it shortly. I will add a poll on if you think SOLO or teams of 3 and 5 will suit this gamemode better.

Signing off :)



Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
Alright so after reading @jollow250 's post on a Blockwars update (https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/blockwars-suggestions.195605/) I thought of the following suggestion on a new Gamemode to bring Blockwars back to life :)

I keep on seeing less and less players in the blockwars lobbies which is sad, because the game is actually really good and fun. However, I do not like Core, since for me the games always tend to last untill the time runs out, ending in a tie.
I like capture the flag but also in this gamemode there are some things I dislike, I will get to that in a second. What I think blockwars needs is, ofcourse, an update, one with more votable game amplifiers and other fun extra's just to make the games more interesting, but it also needs a new gamemode (preferably replacing core but could also just be a third one).

Here's what I definately do not like about the current 2 gamemodes and what I'd like to be changed in the third one. #TheThirdGamemode!

- Teams
Only 2 teams? Why? Games would be so much more chaotic and fun if instead of 4 players with the same colour above their head other teams would come at you as well. Certainly in Capture the Flag, having options to choose from would make games so much more fun. Games usually end up in big fights in the centre and a lot of people solo'ing for the block, to then either get knocked off or triple teamed on by the defenders. Yes, people get into the cores and steal blocks but honestly, those are usually just lucky tries.

- The building phase
Okay so the players get a couple of minutes to defend their block and base, what would you do? Of course, build a box around the block and mayebe even a second or third layer, should be good, okay lets make some walls which never really do anything but they look cool and show the opponent that we really have a undefeatable base. Still got blocks left over? Lets make a bridge from spawn to the wall so we can get there without having to encounter opponents trying to steal our block, sounds like a great plan. Still some blocks left? More walls, and a staircase against the wall hoping the other team did the same thing (they probably did) so we can get some cool air-encounters.

Every, single, team always makes the very same defense around their block. So why is this building phase even here? Why not premake the defenses and just summon them when the game starts? Itll only prevent people from stealing others trap-blocks (okay maybe 20 seconds so people can place those) and ruining defences.

- The TNT kit
This pretty much killed the idea of preventing people from getting into the core. Because the tnt-kit only has to come around twice to blow up 70% of the entire structure around the block. Everyone who still feels like defending will just have to kill attackers off the moment they enter the base or leave it because getting them away from breaking blocks around the core is useless. The block is exposed already anyways.

Okay so those 3 things are things I'd like to see changed overall, now lets get into adding something new, a new gamemode. First a quick disclaimer tho:

Before you all start saying things like ''This is just another variant on skywars, just like eggwars and lucky islands, we already have enough of those''. Please note that those 3 games are by far the most played games on the CCGN. Since we want blockwars to not die, I dont think adding a variation of blockband to blockwars sounds like a smart idea does it? So yes it is yet another variation on skywars, but I can assure you itll be played just like a whole new game.

This is the idea;

-Map layout
Of course there will be more than 1 team, I think 4, 8 and 12 teams are good numbers to start with. Every base is about 10 blocks away from mid (no thats not far), mid. Instead of going with the ol' classic round mid with all islands rounded around (thats a lot of round). I think a lay-out like that of Tea-Party in eggwars would make for cooler looking maps, after all, in the current blockwars maps they are always stretched out too, so I think we should keep that. (Also think maps where mid is lower than the spawn islands are cooler to play on, so that'd be fun too)

-Vote for a base
So in the waiting lobby (or in the glass if people prefer waiting in a glass cube) people will recieve 2 voting items. One of course will be for the kits (ill get into that later) and the second one will be for your base. Instead of giving people time to build their own base which will all look exactly the same, I suggest saving some time and let players chose from premade defenses. These are the ones I came up with:

-Double/Triple layered block defense and 3 blocks of the bridge already built
-1 layered block defense and 2 high wall stretched over the horizontal axes of your base with steps on your side of the wall for hard base access, but easy base leaves.
-1 layered block defense and a full bridge to mid.
-1 layered block defense and a 1 block high wall around the first half of your base to force people to build up 1 more block when they come from mid.

There are probably way more (also better) ideas for base designs but again, these are the ones I quickly thought of. Of course these designs are purchasable in the shop.

(also thought of giving people, say 10 coins to spend on several base designs such as a first, and a second layer, the bridge or different types of walls, to allow them to fully customize it. But for now I thik the premade ones are good).

I personally think making this gamemode a solo gamemode is the smartest idea, since you need to vote within your team on what base design you want to use. Now this shouldnt really be a problem if your teammate is one you personally know, or one that you are in a call with. But things get harder when your teammate is one you never spoke to before. Youll likely both have different strategies and therefor want different base designs. 2-player games of this gamemode would therefor never work. Uneven ammount of players per team would, but that still might cause problems with communication and stuff. Therefor I think solo is the way to go.

Im not going to come up with a lot of new kits as I actually think the current ones in blockwars are good (except for TNT kit). However there will have to be some modifiactions to each kit, modifications in the form of blocks.
Since a bit of bridging is involved, blocks are needed.
A kit like warrior should only recieve a few blocks, maybe 5 or so as the kit is really strong and mainly focussed on defending, not on attacking.
Here a list of the current kits and how many blocks they should recieve according to me:

-Warrior: 5 blocks
-Archer: 5 blocks
-Runner: 7 blocks
-Miner: 10 blocks
-Tank: 3 blocks
-Builder: 15 blocks
-Jumper: 7 blocks
-Ninja: 7 blocks
-Bomber: die.
-Summmoner: 7 blocks

The ammount of blocks you recieve will change the ammount of time it takes you to build over to mid and start attacking. I am hoping this will encourage to change kits during the game as some will be stronger early game, and others will have their strenght late-game.
Jumper, Miner and Runner for example will be really strong rush kits as they can make it to mid with their 7 blocks if they choose to not build or partially build a bridge during the base-voting.

-How to win?
Okay so so far I do not think this game is like eggwars or skywars at all. This game mainly reminds me of eggwars, simply because you have to build over to other islands to break something. But furthermore its really original (i think).
So everybody has a different base lay-out and will be protecting and attacking at the same time (This reminds me of bottle-soccer I used to play with my friends back in the day. You had to knock over bottles with water using the ball (meaning you had to engage a bit to recieve the ball and get a good angle on the bottle, but you also had to stay back to protect your bottle from falling over), if you make it to someone's island and manage to break their block you ''steal'' the block (capture the flag, i know.) with it you run to the center of mid, where a 3x3 area is located with flashy lights and stuff to indicate that that is the place to be. You need to stand on the point for (i think 5 seconds is good) 5 seconds to officially capture it. This'll add 1 capture point to your name. (This also brings back cubecrafts removed game; Control Point a bit). Of course people can attack you while standing on the point so thatll make for some great raging moments.

There will be 2 winners, 1 with the most captures and 1 with the least stolen blocks. You can try to go for both but I do not think that'd be the best strategy.
I guess the game would end when a block got stolen from everybody but 1. Haven't really thought about ties unfortunately :/ If anyone has an idea on how to fix that, I'd love to hear it. (Lol maybe 1v1 duels to decide the winner? :p that'd make for even more raging moments).

Im not the biggest fan of trap blocks, but on the other hand they make attacking harder so I think they should stay, and also be a part of this gamemode. I definately think a trap block should be choosable which tells you whenever someone enters your island (kinda like the red text : ''Your egg has been destroyed'' in eggwars, but then more as an alarm) so you have time to run to mid, and wait for the capturer so you can try to claim back your block.

I also have been thinking about positive trap-blocks you can place down during the game. Things that give positive effects or a golden apple each time you step on it (with of course a cooldown). You could place one of those down say in front of someones bridge to give you a little extra to defeat them (haste would be a good one too).

Thats pretty much it, I know its not too complicated but honestly, minigames should never get overcomplicated. Also, my laptop is lagging from the ammount of text in this thread so ill be ending it shortly. I will add a poll on if you think SOLO or teams of 3 and 5 will suit this gamemode better.

Signing off :)


Block Wars is the top 4 game.
Lucky Islands is the one starting to fauter.
But anywho...

I'm not really intresed in this concidering CCG only has 2 modes... A new game type and or stratigies and them cleaning up maps would be better rn
Both gamemodes are loved and I have grown to like both...


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
I think the building phase allows player to be strategic about how they place their blocks
1 of my favourite examples is Icy-peaks, you can do so much in this game during building phase, you can build up to have a way over the mountain, you can make a tunnel underground to allow players to get from the cave hole to the ice like parkour area, you can cover the house, you can do so many things you can do if you want to be creative, so I like it

The positive trap blocks are kinda just the same as power-ups currently are except always reusable

Anyways a fairly interesting new version


Yeah feel my pain. I rarely get replies these days.

I did not say anything because i made a contradictory thread to this.
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Spyridon Agnew Dragon

Dedicated Member
May 27, 2016
Only 2 teams? Why? Games would be so much more chaotic and fun if instead of 4 players with the same colour above their head other teams would come at you as well. Certainly in Capture the Flag, having options to choose from would make games so much more fun. Games usually end up in big fights in the centre and a lot of people solo'ing for the block, to then either get knocked off or triple teamed on by the defenders. Yes, people get into the cores and steal blocks but honestly, those are usually just lucky tries.
If your suggesting what i think you are ld LOVE a mega blockwars where we have 3-4-5 teams


Forum Expert
Jul 7, 2016
It's a No from me, sorry.

Let me explain
-Map layout
Of course there will be more than 1 team, I think 4, 8 and 12 teams are good numbers to start with. Every base is about 10 blocks away from mid (no thats not far), mid. Instead of going with the ol' classic round mid with all islands rounded around (thats a lot of round). I think a lay-out like that of Tea-Party in eggwars would make for cooler looking maps, after all, in the current blockwars maps they are always stretched out too, so I think we should keep that. (Also think maps where mid is lower than the spawn islands are cooler to play on, so that'd be fun too)
No, I know many people who would do crossteaming without making it noticeable. There are also people who target me so bad (and it would result unfair for people like me) and they somehow would help each other to let their teams win making the game unfair.

-Vote for a base
So in the waiting lobby (or in the glass if people prefer waiting in a glass cube) people will recieve 2 voting items. One of course will be for the kits (ill get into that later) and the second one will be for your base. Instead of giving people time to build their own base which will all look exactly the same, I suggest saving some time and let players chose from premade defenses. These are the ones I came up with:

-Double/Triple layered block defense and 3 blocks of the bridge already built
-1 layered block defense and 2 high wall stretched over the horizontal axes of your base with steps on your side of the wall for hard base access, but easy base leaves.
-1 layered block defense and a full bridge to mid.
-1 layered block defense and a 1 block high wall around the first half of your base to force people to build up 1 more block when they come from mid.

There are probably way more (also better) ideas for base designs but again, these are the ones I quickly thought of. Of course these designs are purchasable in the shop.

(also thought of giving people, say 10 coins to spend on several base designs such as a first, and a second layer, the bridge or different types of walls, to allow them to fully customize it. But for now I thik the premade ones are good).
In this case you should also suggest the same thing for Eggwars as this game is based in protecting an egg (like a wool). I'm sure people would be against it like me.
You should take into consideration many people have different ideas to protect their base in many ways and some of them have better strategies than others. What I mean is that the protection of a base depends of the players, they should feel free to protect their base as they want, and different Maps also require different protection according to their design so Premade defenses are a wrong option, at least for me.
Another thing I want to add.
Players with bad PvP but good defence +
Players with good PvP but bad defence
= Balanced game.

I personally think making this gamemode a solo gamemode is the smartest idea, since you need to vote within your team on what base design you want to use. Now this shouldnt really be a problem if your teammate is one you personally know, or one that you are in a call with. But things get harder when your teammate is one you never spoke to before. Youll likely both have different strategies and therefor want different base designs. 2-player games of this gamemode would therefor never work. Uneven ammount of players per team would, but that still might cause problems with communication and stuff. Therefor I think solo is the way to go.
Two things: Crossteaming and wins farming.

I'm against this because new people who play this game for first time will have a bad experience (when they play vs experienced players) and they might not want to play this game anymore.
I like Blockwars because this game is based in teamwork (if you can't do anything, your teammate could do it), that's the kind of game I always look for to have fun and cooperate with people. If this releases a Solo mode, I think and I'm sure it will ruin it.

Im not going to come up with a lot of new kits as I actually think the current ones in blockwars are good (except for TNT kit). However there will have to be some modifiactions to each kit, modifications in the form of blocks.
Since a bit of bridging is involved, blocks are needed.
A kit like warrior should only recieve a few blocks, maybe 5 or so as the kit is really strong and mainly focussed on defending, not on attacking.
Here a list of the current kits and how many blocks they should recieve according to me:

-Warrior: 5 blocks
-Archer: 5 blocks
-Runner: 7 blocks
-Miner: 10 blocks
-Tank: 3 blocks
-Builder: 15 blocks
-Jumper: 7 blocks
-Ninja: 7 blocks
-Bomber: die.
-Summmoner: 7 blocks
-Builder: 15 blocks
This kit wouldn't make sense anymore although the other kits have less blocks.

Anyways, I don't like this change.

Im not the biggest fan of trap blocks, but on the other hand they make attacking harder so I think they should stay, and also be a part of this gamemode. I definately think a trap block should be choosable which tells you whenever someone enters your island (kinda like the red text : ''Your egg has been destroyed'' in eggwars, but then more as an alarm) so you have time to run to mid, and wait for the capturer so you can try to claim back your block.
I agree with this but I think it's enough when you are told if your trap block is broken.

Things that give positive effects or a golden apple each time you step on it (with of course a cooldown).
This, somehow, would encourage to camp :/ so nope.

You could place one of those down say in front of someones bridge to give you a little extra to defeat them (haste would be a good one too).
This would be a good addition, I like it.
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