Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2020
OwO's Secret Laboratory
CubeCraft should add a autoclicker detector and detects how many clicks you do in a second or calculates your CPS and if it detects you are using a autoclicker you would get a warning or ban or kick from CubeCraft just whatever the consequences are for that person using a Autoclicker
But the thing about autoclicker detector is no matter how hard you try to make it perfect, there's always gonna be issues with it because a perfect autoclicker detector just doesn't exist. CubeCraft already has an autoclicker detector loong since but it's never perfect.

Hence, that's why most people could get false banned from just drag clicking because no matter how hard you try, making a perfect autoclicker detector just isn't possible let alone in just a minecraft server.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2021
Cordoba, Spain
CubeCraft should add a autoclicker detector and detects how many clicks you do in a second or calculates your CPS and if it detects you are using a autoclicker you would get a warning or ban or kick from CubeCraft just whatever the consequences are for that person using a Autoclicker
That's what sentinel actually does, if it detects an inusually high amount of cps during a long period of time, it will issue a ban. However, it isn't as easy as counting how many cps you have to discern whether you are using an autoclicker or you are actually doing it in a legit way.
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lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
BicolourSine41 wrote on luminance69's profile.
Welcome 🤗 🤗
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