Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Aug 24, 2020
Today I played 1 hour and 40 mins of Cubecraft including loading up games so it really was like 1 hour and 30 mins. I ran into 37 different hackers and ran into the same hacker 3 times i don't wanna hate on Cubecraft nor l but thats pretty appoling in my opinion
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Forum Expert
Jun 27, 2020

Deleted member 469419

Yeah, just as everyone is saying:

CubeCraft anticheat developers are now exclusively dedicated to the Java anticheat and they're making it, they're implementing much more new things that are resulting really useful, so this mean that there's not so much hackers as used to be.

At the moment if you see any rule infractor in bedrock (hackers in this case), you can submit a report on this sub-forum. You'll have to be patient because staff are busy, besides with the report they do other internal responsibilities. Just apply this haha: "Patient is the key of success".

You can also help cubecraft applying for helper and becoming therefore as a moderator (staff). You can do it just HERE, they need bedrock players exclusively dedicated to that platform!
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Aug 25, 2020
i usually play cube craft for like 3 hours a day in weekends and run into about 20 different hackers in only CTF and they are flyhackers killaura and also reach but Can’t do anything when I play egg wars there is definitely flyhackers someone maybe a staff or a hacker just fly to our egg and destroy it so blatantly I suggest you guys can try me out for being a staff cause I keep getting hacked on games such as CTF and also egg wars which makes me thing I can bait them to hack on me and ban them I can be on cubecraft for about half a day when weekends so I can ban quite a bit of hackers in a day about 100 to be exact my username in cubecraft is newjason12354 you guys can make me admin anytime and I can ban hackers and cross teamers


Dedicated Member
May 2, 2017
يبدو في الوقت الراهن أن إدارة كيوب كرافت تبذل قصارى جهدها بالتعاون مع المبرمجين من أجل توفير تجربة أفضل للاعبين في كل من الجافا والبيدروك. أعلم أنه ما زال إلى الآن بعض الغشاشين قادرين على اللعب دون التعرض للحظر خصوصًا على منصة البيدروك. يجدر بك أن تعلم أنه ليس من السهل أن تحصل على ما تريده في يوم وليلة. مانع الغشاشين هو منظومة متكاملة
.يعمل عليها فريق مبرمجين مدرب على أعلى مستوى بينما أنت جالس تلعب وتستمع بوقتك

إذا كنت منزعجًا لهذه الدرجة من الغشاشين، فكما قال أصدقائي في التعليقات السابقة، يمكنك الإبلاغ
عن الغشاشين سواء كانوا على منصة الجافا أو البيدروك. ولكن يجدر بك أن تعلم أن بلاغات البيدروك تختلف عن الجافا حيث أن لها نظامًا يختلف تمام عن سابقتها. ضع في حسبانك أن تسجل مقطع فيديو .كاملًا للشاشة توضح فيه كل شيء حتى يسهل على الإداري الذي يشاهد مقطعك حظر الغشاش مباشرة

: لحظر الغشاشين على منصة الجافا

: لحظر الغشاشين على منصة البيدروك

At the present time, it seems that CubeCraft staff is doing its best in cooperation with the developers in order to provide a better experience for players in both Java and Bedrock. I know that until now some cheaters are still able to play without being banned, especially on the Bedrock. You should know that it is not easy to get what you want overnight. The anti-cheat is an integrated system that a highly trained team of developers work on while you are sitting and enjoying your time.

If you are upset with this degree of cheaters, as my friends said in the previous comments, you can report them, whether they are on Java or Bedrock. However, you should know that Bedrock reports differ from Java, as they have a completely different system from the previous one. Remember to record a full-screen video explaining everything to make it easier for the staff to watch your clip to block the cheater directly.

To report cheaters in Java:

To report cheaters in Bedrock:

Thank you!
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Forum Expert
Mar 1, 2019
It's constantly being worked on by the three anti-cheat developers that were hired earlier this year.
You can also report players ingame or on the website!
Keep in mind, that the hacked clients are also getting better everyday;)
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Dedicated Member
Aug 18, 2016
UAE, Dubai
As everyone stated, the anti-cheat is currently testing some new checks (As far as I've noticed certain players banned reasons lately), hopefully, soon enough there will be little to none cheaters in the future.
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Forum Veteran
Mar 12, 2017
het land van kroketten, frikandellen
I think if they make the anti cheat like they made it on Java it would be so much better almost every hacker get banned by sentinel the last time
That is not possible. Bedrock works completely different and there are different cheats available. I believe it is also a problem at Microsoft's side because their protection isn't that good but I'm really not sure.

As far as I know the developers are working hard on it and also Cubecraft is recruiting a lot more moderators lately to fight this big problem. For now we have to be patient untill it gets better. On Java they're already at a point where I don't even see a single hacker every week so Bedrock is to follow really soon hopefully.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2020
That is not possible. Bedrock works completely different and there are different cheats available. I believe it is also a problem at Microsoft's side because their protection isn't that good but I'm really not sure.

As far as I know the developers are working hard on it and also Cubecraft is recruiting a lot more moderators lately to fight this big problem. For now we have to be patient untill it gets better. On Java they're already at a point where I don't even see a single hacker every week so Bedrock is to follow really soon hopefully.
Okay that’s great to hear, but I think another big problem is still that there are more players on bedrock than on java but the staff team on bedrock isn’t as active as the staff members on java.

I think we need to find a sort of solution for that because if someone reports a hacker now on the site it will take a while before they take care of it
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2020
Okay that’s great to hear, but I think another big problem is still that there are more players on bedrock than on java but the staff team on bedrock isn’t as active as the staff members on java.

I think we need to find a sort of solution for that because if someone reports a hacker now on the site it will take a while before they take care of it
This is because the bedrock edition is much newer than Java, especially if you consider how the better together update basically rewrote the game, so there are fewer admins and developers.
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Forum Veteran
Mar 12, 2017
het land van kroketten, frikandellen
Okay that’s great to hear, but I think another big problem is still that there are more players on bedrock than on java but the staff team on bedrock isn’t as active as the staff members on java.

I think we need to find a sort of solution for that because if someone reports a hacker now on the site it will take a while before they take care of it
That's what I said: They're working hard on recruiting more staff
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2020
This is because the bedrock edition is much newer than Java, especially if you consider how the better together update basically rewrote the game, so there are fewer admins and developers.
Ah okay I hope the staff member team on bedrock will become bigger soon to get all the hackers out of the game, Thanks for the information


Novice Member
Aug 20, 2020
Another way to deal with hackers, idk it's illegal to name it or not, but I like how Lifeboat anticheat is, flying goes glitchy (teleports you back) & I mostly see game immediately kicks them I don't know how it works, but It was great.
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