Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Jun 24, 2019
I suggest that adding AFK Farming Report it could be a really good idea. There are many people who use some things to join games repeatedly and farm a lot of wins without doing anything, as if they had something automatic. I've seen this a lot in "Snowman Survival", where people can win whether they are "Snowmen" or "Survivors".

How could this option be implemented?

In the report panel, add a new item to represent AFK Farming:
  • Suggested icon: A clock.
  • Name: AFK Farming.
  • Lore: "Report this player for getting profit while being inactive".

For example, it could be placed where the red circle is.

Captura de pantalla 2024-11-25 015618.png


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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2023
I was playing Snowman Survival few days ago, and there were 3 players afking, which was ruining the game for me and everyone else in that lobby. And because it was pretty early in the morning, they were in the same game almost every time. After some time I didn't see them anymore, but later saw one of them still afking. So it's safe to say that they did this for a really long time, maybe even close to 30+ games.

So this clearly is a problem that we see every day. And of course this goes against Cubecrafts rules since it's winfarming. And because this happens so often, it would take too much time to report everyone by recording them and making the report in the reporting site. I 100% agree that there should be an option to report players who stay afk for over 3 games straight. (Assuming that 3 games is still the maximum amount you can stay afk in a row.)

But I think that the simplest way to solve this issue is to make it so that the player gets kicked out of the lobby if he stays afk for a longer time, rather than give them punishment straight away. This report option would be a good thing to have if there are players who are intentionally farming medals or exp by doing this in a party for example.
Apr 22, 2022
Maybe,but personally,I think the afk Farming Should Only Be allowed in Skyblock only,since Skyblock allows you To grind Anything you want while you are away,but however in others,No,because Other than skyblock,it is considered win farming,and will end up Unfair advantage,so I agree with Above,but It should not be not allowed everywhere since there is skyblock gamemode in Cubecraft,so that means afk farming report should be implemented to everywhere in cubecraft except Skyblock,otherwise it will make players mad in skyblock because of afk farming report and get banned for that


Dedicated Member
Jun 24, 2019
I was playing Snowman Survival few days ago, and there were 3 players afking, which was ruining the game for me and everyone else in that lobby. And because it was pretty early in the morning, they were in the same game almost every time. After some time I didn't see them anymore, but later saw one of them still afking. So it's safe to say that they did this for a really long time, maybe even close to 30+ games.

So this clearly is a problem that we see every day. And of course this goes against Cubecrafts rules since it's winfarming. And because this happens so often, it would take too much time to report everyone by recording them and making the report in the reporting site. I 100% agree that there should be an option to report players who stay afk for over 3 games straight. (Assuming that 3 games is still the maximum amount you can stay afk in a row.)

But I think that the simplest way to solve this issue is to make it so that the player gets kicked out of the lobby if he stays afk for a longer time, rather than give them punishment straight away. This report option would be a good thing to have if there are players who are intentionally farming medals or exp by doing this in a party for example.

I'm totally agree with you but many players are in party with some friends, and when you are in a party, you cannot be kicked.
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PickleeeePastaaaaa54 wrote on sebasxd12's profile.
I knew it! I saw you in ctf duels 2day. I was with a person named Mintypie231 and my ign was Fionnjackp14. You're very good at the game and it was fun even tho u didn't know who i was xdxd
PickleeeePastaaaaa54 wrote on boaty!'s profile.
Wowzers ur 124 xd
Future predictions: Beta Games are eventually removed or moved to another lobby.
So here is what I think will happen should all these games move to another lobby:
BedWars - BedWars lobby
Pillars of Fortune and Buy N Build - Arcade lobby?
Arcade lobby is something I thought of for casual and short games
jamesthesignificant wrote on PickleeeePastaaaaa54's profile.
Wanna do daily question 17? Write it like this on my profile

Daily question 17 (Guest Host: @PickleeeePastaaaaa54)

Guys I literally just saw @Lyriie , @Flxen and @CxbeCraft in the same lobby lol
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