Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Expert
As of right now, I am pretty sure that it is a recommended age. Not a required age. You are right that age has nothing to do with maturity, and as I stated before it is just a recommended age. Many staff members joined the team at 12 such as @SevereWarning. How is this discrimination to younger people? So with this logic you are saying that the drinking age or the driving age are both discrimination? No. They are for your safety and the other people's safety. Yes, you can apply when you are younger but you have a lower chance of being accepted. I have seen many teens/tweens play on the server. Yes, there are a good amount of 10-12 year olds but there are also people who are older than 13. Many people say that Minecraft was meant for kids, and yes it was originally made for a younger playerbase, but as the years went by. Many older people started joining Minecraft, which made it a game for all ages. I have seen many people who are 10 or 11 who are very respectful and mature, but - let's face it - the longer you live on Earth. The more experience you have irl and in-game. You get higher in school. You start learning to be respectful, and your mind keeps getting more and more knowledge. Many younger kids are experiencing this too, and therefore Cubecraft does allow 12 year olds in to the staff team, at some times, but it is way more likely to get accepted at 13 or older. If the age requirement were to go lower, the CCG recruitment team would have to deal with way more applications. If anything, the age requirement should be increased. Not trying to be ageist in any way, just stating the reality.
my fingers are numb rn

Edit: Oh wait, he requested a lock.
Feb 1, 2017
As of right now, I am pretty sure that it is a recommended age. Not a required age. You are right that age has nothing to do with maturity, and as I stated before it is just a recommended age. Many staff members joined the team at 12 such as ed. Not trying to be ageist in any way, just stating the reality.
my fingers are numb rn
When you try to apply and in the Helper FAQ it says you must be 13


Forum Veteran
Nov 15, 2016
Yes but Hypixel have a Jr. Helper for anyone who applies under age and it is also 16

1. Stop being a smart-ass
2. Teenagers do drive cars
3. Please list the fake information
4. I didn't say that

1) Maturity matters. >.>

No point in getting ruled up over something like this. Being thick skin is essential if you wanna live through this process.

2) Teenagers drive cars. But are they 13? No, 16 and trained.

3) I dunno what's the age range, but I see more teens than kids.

4) You implied that.

(Also, what do you mean about re do? You got lots of response here.)


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
Yes but Hypixel have a Jr. Helper for anyone who applies under age and it is also 16

1. Stop being a smart-ass
2. Teenagers do drive cars
3. Please list the fake information
4. I didn't say that
Language mate, you just proved why age matters. I mean you let someone break you and already insulted them. This is why it must remain the way it is.


Dedicated Member
Apr 22, 2017
-1 the age restriction is to make sure applicants have less chance of being too immature. It is not discrimination, its just that kids are more likely to be immature than teens and adults. Have you seen Super Minecraft Kid on Youtube? Ik that channel's fake but its an accurate demonstration of what some kids are like. They rage at ppl who don't like what they like. Now we wouldn't want to be banned just bc we don't like something a 6 year old mod does. I've even seen a video on Youtube where a kid told all ppl who hate Minecraft to kill themselves! We don't want staff who encourage players to take their own lives just for not liking something they do, do we?


Forum Veteran
Sep 15, 2015
Suggest JrHelper for CubeCraft, instead of this

Teenagers do drive cars
Where? Teenagers here means 12-13 years old. In most countries 16+ people can drive cars
Stop being a smart-ass
It's called Irony. (If it hurted you it's sarcasm, sorrry xo)
4. I didn't say that
Please list the fake information
According to Quora, the 40% of Minecraft players are 13-15 years old


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
1. Age has little to do with someone's maturity, you should not be judged by it.
Well to be honest, it's a good starting point. When you think of someone that's 10, you don't really automatically assume a well-behaved, mature player.
Most children that I meet in-game aren't too bright when it comes to debating & things alike, since they lack the general knowledge that they (should) get taught in school. It's not definite, but it's just a starting point.

2. It is discriminating against younger people
I don't really see how this is necessarily a problem. Sure, "discrimination" sounds harsh, but in this case they're just trying to lower the amount of applications with little to no effort put into them & bad spelling.

3. The majority of Minecraft players that I meet are 10-11-12
Well... what about it?
This really doesn't prove anything...

4. Just because they're younger doesn't mean they don't have the respectfulness of an adult/teenager.
Pretty much the same as #1.
You can also say it like this:
Just because they're children, doesn't automatically mean they are mature & respectful.
It's just a case of "could be".

Also, It's pretty common to see children being easily offended & hold grudges against a person. This type of behavior wouldn't be good for the staff team, as their actions reflect on the rest of the staff too.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
Suggest JrHelper for CubeCraft, instead of this

Where? Teenagers here means 12-13 years old. In most countries 16+ people can drive cars

It's called Irony. (If it hurted you it's sarcasm, sorrry xo)


According to Quora, the 40% of Minecraft players are 13-15 years old
Notice how all the numbers from 13 to 19 end with teen ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2016
United States
I think that the age restriction for the Helper Application should be lowered for the following reasons

1. Age has little to do with someone's maturity, you should not be judged by it.
2. It is discriminating against younger people
3. The majority of Minecraft players that I meet are 10-11-12
4. Just because they're younger doesn't mean they don't have the respectfulness of an adult/teenager.

As a resolution to this, I think that anyone under the age 13 should be given a chance and be given a list of scenarios that would happen while being a staff member and then be judged off what they would do

If you are confused by anything please let me know as I will explain it better

Hey there,

Thanks for sharing your suggestion.

However, I have to disagree on you with this one. Currently I'm 17 years old and I have in my possession a learners permit because by the law of my state, if you're under 18 you have to undergo a process in which you start off with your Learners. Now, what if I go to the MVA (Motor Vehicle Administration) and tell a staff that I want my license because I have experience driving and I'm mature enough to hold my license. There response would be a "no", but then I explain to them that what they're saying and doing is discriminatory and that my friends who are 15 - 17 want to do the same thing, do you think they would then give me the license at that point? Exactly...no. Why? Because it's a limit that has been stated for a valid reason.

Cubecraft is not a server with 100 players, but with thousands every single day. I don't think that most of the underages are capable to handle the diversity of situations one encounters every day, don't get me wrong some could do so, but the list could be counted with my hands. Trust me, I have experience when it comes to huge networks, they would lose their patience and do something wrong because they're nervous and cannot handle the situation like someone more "mature" or capable could.

Once again, thanks for sharing your suggestion, keep up the good work!
- JossueDev​
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