Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. W

    This Has Become a Serious Problem

    Cubecraft has become a good server theres not doubt about it, But its dying, and heres why. I wish not to speak ill of cube craft but when it comes to egg wars and hackers it gone insane, cube craft has become lazy. I find it hard today to find a single round of egg wars where someones not...
  2. E

    Why have a lot of teaparty and rome in the eggwars lobbys?

    Please add the mode automatically remove maps that have no one people in. Sorry for my bad english, i am brazillian. Is too much spamming of teaparty in eggwars lobbys! Please remove this maps or fix it!
  3. iDuckYT

    Hit Delay

    Hey there! Of course you have seen this post alot probably, but I need to spread the word. This is just insane, the hit delay makes it impossible (for me and many others) to play. Please at least take this into consideration, as this is very annoying and it should be removed. ~iDuckYT
  4. GGGamingVL

    Survival Games Teams, Only games for 4 players.

    Hello everyone, So as you see i'm talking about Survival Games (Don't see it often). If me and my friend join the survival games lobbies, the only thing that comes up is games for 4 players per team, these games get filled extremely slowly (at least later at night, but i've also played in the...
  5. TheNLGamersNL

    1.9 sword cool-down

    Dear Cubecraft, I found a video, where someone told how to remove sword cooldown, because it sucks:
  6. NoPingJustLorren

    Please fix Blockwars (ESP)

    Hola, quería quejarme de el "autoequilibrado" que hay en Blockwars. De verdad os parece justo que en una partida tú captures 3 banderas y que cuando falten 30 segundos un noob del otro equipo se vaya y te cambie a tí de equipo? Y pierdes la partida. Me parece fatal, no dejéis que se haga! Si se...
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