Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Search results

  1. IDKhan

    Bedrock Java All Networks leaving in team based games should be punishable!

    so not long ago someone suggested removing the leave option during the 10 second count down for the game to start in team games as with someone not being in your team, even if its one less... is a huge disadvantage BUT! people can do /hub so it would be useless so i dont think there is a real...
  2. IDKhan

    Bedrock remove coloured text filter

    ! i have only put bedrock in the prefix as im not sure if this applies to java, please tell me if it does so i can change it :) ! hey CubeCrafters so right now, you cannot change the colour of your text outside of party, nor can you change how text looks eg: bold or italic when you try it...
  3. IDKhan

    Video streaming SW duels rn :)

  4. IDKhan

    Video video about the new minerware teases! :)

    HI, i made a video looking at the new teasers for minerware, feel free to check it out!
  5. IDKhan

    All Networks add normal xp rewards

    hello cubecrafters! i could be wrong, but to my knowledge there isnt any rewards for your normal xp it would be pretty cool to add like a prefix as a reward like every 10 levels or smth idk cause atm there isnt really much point in xp other than to flex haha so yea, maybe give a free trail or...
  6. IDKhan

    All Networks helping smaller content creators

    something ive really wanted for a while is a way to fly around the maps & lobbies for cinematic shots for videos, but for smaller creators without yt rank it isnt really possible i was thinking maybe adding maps and lobbies to the market place? i know it isnt as easy as that, but something...
  7. IDKhan

    Video streaming with viewers rn!!

    join if you want
  8. IDKhan

    pink glitch problem is back

    i just wanted to know if pink glitch is back for everyone? and is pink glitch something that cc is able to fix or is it a mojang problem? cause im having to restart my cc every few minutes now its mad annoying lol
  9. IDKhan

    70k dc members 🥳

    damm congrats on cc for reaching 70k discord members, cant believe the community is this huge
  10. IDKhan

    Cubecraft has honestly gone down hill

    I honestly don't see the point anymore How are you going to tease a whole community with a massive update, just to leave us hanging and then scraping it a year later No matter how much you update eggwars, it won't make up for this Plus what is happening with the staff team, half of the people...
  11. IDKhan

    VIP levels cost

    Hey so idk where to ask this, and I hope a staff member sees this Is there an estimate on how much it could cost to get to rank 30 That's it, bye :)
  12. IDKhan

    Bedrock VIP update change

    The only thing I want to be changed is so you can see how much VIP EXP it is for every level No matter your rank Other than that, good update Great job
  13. IDKhan

    End update

    Petition to make me admin so I can work on the end 🙏🙏/j But fr, at this point I dont really care Just PLEASE tell us and let us what's going on with the SB situation Instead of leaving us in silence lol
  14. IDKhan

    please unmute me

    ive been muted for well over a month i get that ive broken a rule and should accept the consqiewarheiwsdhfsdc i cant spell the word but you get it but it being over a month is kinda far for a punishment ngl if im not unmuted soon, i will have to fight every staff member to the death, except...
  15. IDKhan

    Video Is cubecraft killing the community?

    this is mostly all my opinion, if im wrong on anything in this video please tell me
  16. IDKhan

    Video NEW VIP UPDATE! teasers, thoughts and predictions

    in this video i share my thoughts and opinion + predictions about the teased vip update 😁
  17. IDKhan

    where is the end update

    the podium for the end was released almost a full year ago and all there is to show is an enderdragon it doesnt even have a project lead anymore prob shouldnt have put the podium there until you were sure about a release date but either way the lack of updates is really hurting the community
  18. IDKhan

    FINALLY, new vip content

    IM SO GLAD THIS IS BEING ADDED IVE WAITING SO LONG FOR CUSTOM PFP BANNERS (if im wrong and its something else i look stupid and im sad) also i assume the star stuff is what goes on your profile, like the current stars but there are now diamond vip level cant wait to see what they have made...
  19. IDKhan


  20. IDKhan


    Why does all the really good updates always happen when I'm on holiday 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
  21. IDKhan

    End update | Skyblock

    👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 Looks really good
  22. IDKhan

    All Networks my opinion on the beta games UI for eggwars

    its good, i really like it but i dont see the point in the animations and stuff like yes it looks good but when your actually in a game your mainly trying to get eveything as fast and efficient as possible so with the animations + that little lag, it really slows you down and makes it even...
  23. IDKhan

    game crashes when i open cc store

    does anyone elses minecraft crash when opening the cc store idk if its a cubecraft problem or a playstation thing jusr wondering so i know if i should report it to playstation or cc
  24. IDKhan


    GG to green grapes the war has been settled and purple wins by 1 vote so yea purple is just better ig
  25. IDKhan

    green v red/purple grapes

    OK SO a certain someone is causing trouble in the discord **cough cough TheDuda** and thinks green>red grapes and even tho he has lost he still wont give up so, vote on this poll, whatever gets the most wins and of story
  26. IDKhan

    Bedrock change the new UI a little

    dont get me wrong, the new UI looks amazing and the people who made it did a great job but i think it should change a little, the bundle and map selection should be changed, its just way to small and the bundle is too big the main focus of what your looking at will be quick play and maps, so...
  27. IDKhan

    new cubecraft UI thing

    YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this looks sick, well done to whoever made it now when i buy stuff i can also be visually pleased XD i assume this is a future update coming soon and not a concept LOL
  28. IDKhan

    All Networks sg barrier thingy

    imo the sg storm thing should be slowed down just a tiny bit lol cause once your in you cant get out idk if its just cause of my internet or if its like that and also it makes it more annoying from you cant even see it till its like 3 blocks away so its kinda hard
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