Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Mimoune xb

Apr 26, 2023
France 🇨🇵
I want to talk about a topic of languages. I have seen many people who want to do a private chat, but in French. I expect that there is a French administrator who understands French, and I also mean that the chat has protection. And we do a group of French, Belgian, and Arabic ROMs only, and we see a plan to switch to another language, such as Chinese, Korean, or Russian, and ....

I advise you to activate this suggestion because it guides people, and in the Cube Craft community there are many Arab and French people. This suggestion greatly benefits the server, especially people who do not know the English language, and the addition of Arabic support. I know these languages. I will apply for rank one day. And that's it. I hope you like the suggestion. It will help server a lot 👍🏼:cube_dark:


Novice Member
Jul 13, 2021
The internet
While it's understandable that some people may prefer to communicate in their native language, it's important to note that moderators who are proficient in these languages may not always be available (Or just don't have them). This could potentially lead to issues with the mods monitoring and enforcing rules in these channels. Additionally, creating too many language-specific channels could lead to fragmentation within the community.
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Mimoune xb

Apr 26, 2023
France 🇨🇵
أريد أن أتحدث عن موضوع اللغات. لقد رأيت العديد من الأشخاص الذين يريدون إجراء محادثة خاصة ، ولكن بالفرنسية. أتوقع أن يكون هناك مسؤول فرنسي يفهم الفرنسية ، وأعني أيضًا أن الدردشة تتمتع بالحماية. ونقوم بعمل مجموعة من الرومات الفرنسية والبلجيكية والعربية فقط ، ونرى خطة للتبديل إلى لغة أخرى ، مثل الصينية أو الكورية أو الروسية ، و ....

أنصحك بتفعيل هذا الاقتراح لأنه يوجه الناس ، وفي مجتمع Cube Craft يوجد الكثير من العرب والفرنسيين. هذا الاقتراح يفيد الخادم بشكل كبير ، وخاصة الأشخاص الذين لا يعرفون اللغة الإنجليزية ، وإضافة دعم اللغة العربية. أنا أعرف هذه اللغات. سوف أتقدم بطلب للحصول على رتبة ذات يوم. وهذا كل شيء. أتمنى أن يعجبك الاقتراح. سوف يساعد الخادم كثيرا👍🏼: cube_dark:
أريد أن أتحدث عن موضوع اللغات. لقد رأيت العديد من الأشخاص الذين يريدون إجراء محادثة خاصة ، ولكن بالفرنسية. أتوقع أن يكون هناك مسؤول فرنسي يفهم الفرنسية ، وأعني أيضًا أن الدردشة تتمتع بالحماية. ونقوم بعمل مجموعة من الرومات الفرنسية والبلجيكية والعربية فقط ، ونرى خطة للتبديل إلى لغة أخرى ، مثل الصينية أو الكورية أو الروسية ، و ....

أنصحك بتفعيل هذا الاقتراح لأنه يوجه الناس ، وفي مجتمع Cube Craft يوجد الكثير من العرب والفرنسيين. هذا الاقتراح يفيد الخادم بشكل كبير ، وخاصة الأشخاص الذين لا يعرفون اللغة الإنجليزية ، وإضافة دعم اللغة العربية. أنا أعرف هذه اللغات. سوف أتقدم بطلب للحصول على رتبة ذات يوم. وهذا كل شيء. أتمنى أن يعجبك الاقتراح. سوف يساعد الخادم كثيرا👍🏼: cube_dark:

While it's understandable that some people may prefer to communicate in their native language, it's important to note that moderators who are proficient in these languages may not always be available (Or just don't have them). This could potentially lead to issues with the mods monitoring and enforcing rules in these channels. Additionally, creating too many language-specific channels could lead to fragmentation within the community.
While it's understandable that some people may prefer to communicate in their native language, it's important to note that moderators who are proficient in these languages may not always be available (Or just don't have them). This could potentially lead to issues with the mods monitoring and enforcing rules in these channels. Additionally, creating too many language-specific channels could lead to fragmentation within the community.
hi .
We can do law. like . Every administrator must be active, for example: I am from 8 am to 11 am, and from the hour another administrator must take another 3 hours, and so on, or if someone has an excuse or a problem, the chat is closed until he comes The other administrator and opens the chat. And also there are a lot of volunteers. Regarding the school, the chat is closed, or a person who is not studying should look at the chat. In this case, if no one is active, the chat will be temporarily locked It is opened by a French administrator. It's very, very easy


Dedicated Member
Apr 12, 2022
hi .
We can do law. like . Every administrator must be active, for example: I am from 8 am to 11 am, and from the hour another administrator must take another 3 hours, and so on, or if someone has an excuse or a problem, the chat is closed until he comes The other administrator and opens the chat. And also there are a lot of volunteers. Regarding the school, the chat is closed, or a person who is not studying should look at the chat. In this case, if no one is active, the chat will be temporarily locked It is opened by a French administrator. It's very, very easy
The only thing I’m confused about is the closed chat you're talking about. Is it on the actual server the discord or the forums?


Well-Known Member
i think thats a pretty good idea, the languages should be arabic, russian and german (not saying this only because im german but because i see lots of germans in the vcs too), maybe turkish and french too. and since there are so many swedish staff members, a swedish vc/chat wouldnt hurt.
also good luck with your staff application!
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Forum Expert
Apr 10, 2020
The Land Of Pigs
uhm idk if any of you have noticed but lately they’ve been removing any channel that was not active enough to limit the number of channels there are why would they suddenly add 1783718 new channels again? especially if it has to be in such a complicated way? why would a staff member wanna sit and just watch a channel for 3 hours? they’re volunteers not paid employees..


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow
I want to talk about a topic of languages. I have seen many people who want to do a private chat, but in French. I expect that there is a French administrator who understands French, and I also mean that the chat has protection. And we do a group of French, Belgian, and Arabic ROMs only, and we see a plan to switch to another language, such as Chinese, Korean, or Russian, and ....

I advise you to activate this suggestion because it guides people, and in the Cube Craft community there are many Arab and French people. This suggestion greatly benefits the server, especially people who do not know the English language, and the addition of Arabic support. I know these languages. I will apply for rank one day. And that's it. I hope you like the suggestion. It will help server a lot 👍🏼:cube_dark:
You should know that the specific language channels were deleted because there was too little to no moderation available for them. They do not have enough moderators available for certain languages and for languages like Arabic, there are none available whatsoever.

Not only is that a reason why they haven’t added the channels back/created new ones, they also haven’t because this will just split the community up more. It will cause less activity in the standard general channels and if someone has a problem in, for instance, french-general or arabic-general, it is very likely no one who is able to support them will see the message.

hi .
We can do law. like . Every administrator must be active, for example: I am from 8 am to 11 am, and from the hour another administrator must take another 3 hours, and so on, or if someone has an excuse or a problem, the chat is closed until he comes The other administrator and opens the chat. And also there are a lot of volunteers. Regarding the school, the chat is closed, or a person who is not studying should look at the chat. In this case, if no one is active, the chat will be temporarily locked It is opened by a French administrator. It's very, very easy
It is impossible to monitor staff’s schedule like this as <insert drumroll>, they ‘work’ voluntarily. Every staff member still has a life outside of CubeCraft that includes school, work, sleep and other activities that will stand in the way of that. Timezones also add onto that problem. It’s not like you apply for helper and that immediately means you get paid to devote your every minute of the day to CubeCraft in a specific schedule, because you don’t. It’s not a job and not all staff are adults that don’t have to attend school and whatever else.

Aside from this, I’d like to address the problem with forcing CubeCraft to hire staff who speak a specific language. The recruitment team puts effort in searching for the best applicants in between the tons of applications they receive. It might just so happen that there aren’t any quality applicants that speak a certain language. Would you just accept them anyways, because they speak a specific language? First of all, that would be incredibly unfair to other applicants who do not speak those languages, and secondly, if those applicants aren’t of quality, it will look incredibly bad for CubeCraft to hire them.

Mimoune xb

Apr 26, 2023
France 🇨🇵
The only thing I’m confused about is the closed chat you're talking about. Is it on the actual server the discord or the forums?
أنا أعترض
👍🏼 ok
uhm idk if any of you have noticed but lately they’ve been removing any channel that was not active enough to limit the number of channels there are why would they suddenly add 1783718 new channels again? especially if it has to be in such a complicated way? why would a staff member wanna sit and just watch a channel for 3 hours? they’re volunteers not paid employees..

uhm idk if any of you have noticed but lately they’ve been removing any channel that was not active enough to limit the number of channels there are why would they suddenly add 1783718 new channels again? especially if it has to be in such a complicated way? why would a staff member wanna sit and just watch a channel for 3 hours? they’re volunteers not paid employees..
I will be honest with you. I talked about this topic in the proposal and I want to close it completely. I said that there are many people who are "disturbed and angry" because they want other languages such as French and Arabic, but there is no one to answer them and cross them. Even to know their meaning in the translation because they do not understand the English language. + Why was an English or Spanish channel created, even though all South American countries speak this language, but the Arabic language is more than that. + The French language also includes countries. Like Belgium, France and Canada endlessly... + The chat activity will not go away because the chat is an English chat. There are people who speak English. Why do they go to a chat they do not understand its language? Also, the English language is not a language that everyone knows 100/100, and half of the world does not know it at all. And there is no official language all over the world. And these are superstitions, + I did not say that they are forced to do so, they are the ones who want it, not me. And the chat of other languages was deleted because there was a problem between me and people only, and we could solve the problem, but Mr. Hazard deleted his chat. This is not our topic today, but I wanted to refer to this topic. + I said that if someone sees insults, insults, or something immoral, he opens his ticket and says to support and support in his own language, he will see the message and look into the matter. I've been getting a lot of messages on Discord with the same topic. And I noticed one day when I entered the room my voice people were speaking in German. This is proof that the CubeCraft server does not only have Americans or British citizens. There are players from all over the world and a message to Mister Hazard. : This is not a reason for me to delete a private chat, but rather other languages. I have made a problem with people who do not know how to speak English. Before the chat was deleted, I used to see that there were a lot of Russians, Arabs, and other people who were speaking normally and well and listening. And I deleted their source of communication for them + I haven't seen how many people I know on a server since I deleted the chat in other languages. And if this causes you a big problem in your reputation or something like that. Do servers for every popular or frequently used language in the world. All this talk from people who want this decision is not from my head. 🤏🏼
You should know that the specific language channels were deleted because there was too little to no moderation available for them. They do not have enough moderators available for certain languages and for languages like Arabic, there are none available whatsoever.

Not only is that a reason why they haven’t added the channels back/created new ones, they also haven’t because this will just split the community up more. It will cause less activity in the standard general channels and if someone has a problem in, for instance, french-general or arabic-general, it is very likely no one who is able to support them will see the message.

It is impossible to monitor staff’s schedule like this as <insert drumroll>, they ‘work’ voluntarily. Every staff member still has a life outside of CubeCraft that includes school, work, sleep and other activities that will stand in the way of that. Timezones also add onto that problem. It’s not like you apply for helper and that immediately means you get paid to devote your every minute of the day to CubeCraft in a specific schedule, because you don’t. It’s not a job and not all staff are adults that don’t have to attend school and whatever else.

Aside from this, I’d like to address the problem with forcing CubeCraft to hire staff who speak a specific language. The recruitment team puts effort in searching for the best applicants in between the tons of applications they receive. It might just so happen that there aren’t any quality applicants that speak a certain language. Would you just accept them anyways, because they speak a specific language? First of all, that would be incredibly unfair to other applicants who do not speak those languages, and secondly, if those applicants aren’t of quality, it will look incredibly bad for CubeCraft to hire them.

Well I will respond to this book. 📖

And the same words you said are the same words that someone wrote to whom I replied . I will be honest with you. I talked about this topic in the proposal and I want to close it completely. I said that there are many people who are "disturbed and angry" because they want other languages such as French and Arabic, but there is no one to answer them and cross them. Even to know their meaning in the translation because they do not understand the English language. + Why was an English or Spanish channel created, even though all South American countries speak this language, but the Arabic language is more than that. + The French language also includes countries. Like Belgium, France and Canada endlessly... + The chat activity will not go away because the chat is an English chat. There are people who speak English. Why do they go to a chat they do not understand its language? Also, the English language is not a language that everyone knows 100/100, and half of the world does not know it at all. And there is no official language all over the world. And these are superstitions, + I did not say that they are forced to do so, they are the ones who want it, not me. And the chat of other languages was deleted because there was a problem between me and people only, and we could solve the problem, but Mr. Hazard deleted his chat. This is not our topic today, but I wanted to refer to this topic. + I said that if someone sees insults, insults, or something immoral, he opens his ticket and says to support and support in his own language, he will see the message and look into the matter. I've been getting a lot of messages on Discord with the same topic. And I noticed one day when I entered the room my voice people were speaking in German. This is proof that the CubeCraft server does not only have Americans or British citizens. There are players from all over the world and a message to Mister Hazard. : This is not a reason for me to delete a private chat, but rather other languages. I have made a problem with people who do not know how to speak English. Before the chat was deleted, I used to see that there were a lot of Russians, Arabs, and other people who were speaking normally and well and listening. And I deleted their source of communication for them + I haven't seen how many people I know on a server since I deleted the chat in other languages. And if this causes you a big problem in your reputation or something like that. Do servers for every popular or frequently used language in the world. All this talk from people who want this decision is not from my head. . + I just love to help and I want to help Cube Craft. I am not greedy like some people. + I said if there is an excuse, the chat is closed until the administrator comes + I did not say that it is necessary for the administrator to see the chat for 3 hours repeatedly. It is enough just to do a review of the chat and only that it is not difficult. I made an assistant arranged only for these problems and try to help the server to the maximum extent and do good. But I expect that there are people who do not like him, I hope as well before making any decision regarding this. This is something that matters greatly to the server. You do not have a problem because you understand English and you have no objection. But there are people who do not know this language and they are in trouble. And this is what I mean Not because you're not having problems with language and. All people are like you. We don't know anything about people. I used to learn English and I'm still learning it. I was facing a big problem in this matter. And now not so much because I am I learned it, but not all people have a translator or money to pay for an English school, and I suggest that an admin do a mention of Avery One and say if there is someone who knows languages such as German, Russian, etc. ... he can volunteer for sorry On this poem, I also want to point out something that bothers me greatly. " chat Netherlands !!!?? " Do not expect them to add this useless chat because it is simply an English language and half of its inhabitants are English. And come on, not many people use it. In addition, their chat is not active or very rare because everyone There they speak in general English chat Also, their population is only 16 million. I don't think that this number is all playing Minecraft 😶 It's good to have your country's language, but look at other people, not just yourself, that's unfair and you're done. Thanks for reading the message 🤎👍🏼 :agree:
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Dedicated Member
Feb 20, 2016
I also want to point out something that bothers me greatly. " chat Netherlands !!!?? " Do not expect them to add this useless chat because it is simply an English language and half of its inhabitants are English. And come on, not many people use it. In addition, their chat is not active or very rare because everyone There they speak in general English chat Also, their population is only 16 million. I don't think that this number is all playing Minecraft 😶 It's good to have your country's language, but look at other people, not just yourself, that's unfair and you're done
I would like to comment on this point.

Just because the Netherlands has 16 million inhabitants, does not mean there is barely any dutch users on the platform. As a matter of fact, there is a surprisingly large amount of Dutch cubecraft players, especially on Java.
This part is a little bit smaller on bedrock, but there is still a large amount of Dutch players on that platform as well.
And just because the majority of Dutch speakers also speak proper English, does not mean they would not deserve a Dutch chat.
If the network would decide to add back language channels, it would not be fair to not include a Dutch channel.
And in all honesty, I find it a bit odd to ask for language channels but then call a Dutch channel "useless".

And while I somewhat degree other language channels can help with inclusiveness, I also understand the moderation it requires, especially with the languages that are less represented in the cubecraft team. Therefore I will support cubecraft in this decision

Mimoune xb

Apr 26, 2023
France 🇨🇵
I would like to comment on this point.

Just because the Netherlands has 16 million inhabitants, does not mean there is barely any dutch users on the platform. As a matter of fact, there is a surprisingly large amount of Dutch cubecraft players, especially on Java.
This part is a little bit smaller on bedrock, but there is still a large amount of Dutch players on that platform as well.
And just because the majority of Dutch speakers also speak proper English, does not mean they would not deserve a Dutch chat.
If the network would decide to add back language channels, it would not be fair to not include a Dutch channel.
And in all honesty, I find it a bit odd to ask for language channels but then call a Dutch channel "useless".

And while I somewhat degree other language channels can help with inclusiveness, I also understand the moderation it requires, especially with the languages that are less represented in the cubecraft team. Therefore I will support cubecraft in this decision
I will respond to your comment. Also, I want to close this topic with 2 words

arabic population : 430,753,333 Millions people . It's an amazing number. I think there are 2 million players every year playing Cube Craft. And 1 million a month.. in addition to that French population : +60 million people !!!! . and russian and German !!! and japan ..... Infinity of countries there is not only the Netherlands or United Kingdom in this world!! Do not think about your passion, think about your mind. + I have no problem with the Dutch people or the Netherlands. That's just freedom of expression! :pride:


Dedicated Member
Feb 20, 2016
I will respond to your comment. Also, I want to close this topic with 2 words

arabic population : 430,753,333 Millions people . It's an amazing number. I think there are 2 million players every year playing Cube Craft. And 1 million a month.. in addition to that French population : +60 million people !!!! . and russian and German !!! and japan ..... Infinity of countries there is not only the Netherlands or United Kingdom in this world!! Do not think about your passion, think about your mind. + I have no problem with the Dutch people or the Netherlands. That's just freedom of expression! :pride:
I have never said there is not a huge population of Arabic or French speakers. I am just saying you should not just disregard the Dutch player base, just because the Netherlands has a small population. CubeCraft focuses on their player base, not the entire global population

I think if they would add channels again, they should look at which languages are spoken the most on the cubecraft network (not globally), and add those channels, and it would not surprise me if with those parameters, a Dutch channel would still be added, because it would surprise you how many cc players are Dutch.
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Mimoune xb

Apr 26, 2023
France 🇨🇵
I have never said there is not a huge population of Arabic or French speakers. I am just saying you should not just disregard the Dutch player base, just because the Netherlands has a small population. CubeCraft focuses on their player base, not the entire global population

I think if they would add channels again, they should look at which languages are spoken the most on the cubecraft network (not globally), and add those channels, and it would not surprise me if with those parameters, a Dutch channel would still be added, because it would surprise you how many cc players are Dutch.
We must do an official vote on this case and the number of people who voted on a country will be added. And before I mention Avri, I should say that if there are volunteers for me in these languages
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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2021
Bamboo forest
I will respond to your comment. Also, I want to close this topic with 2 words

arabic population : 430,753,333 Millions people . It's an amazing number. I think there are 2 million players every year playing Cube Craft. And 1 million a month.. in addition to that French population : +60 million people !!!! . and russian and German !!! and japan ..... Infinity of countries there is not only the Netherlands or United Kingdom in this world!! Do not think about your passion, think about your mind. + I have no problem with the Dutch people or the Netherlands. That's just freedom of expression! :pride:
Yes, there are A LOT of languages that are more spoken than dutch, but we have a lot of dutch players, and a lot of dutch staff. Since we have a lot of Dutch staff, we can moderate it easily, we don't have much, or even any staff that can speak Arabic, therefore we would have issues moderating that.

Mimoune xb

Apr 26, 2023
France 🇨🇵
نعم ، هناك الكثير من اللغات التي يتم التحدث بها أكثر من اللغة الهولندية ، لكن لدينا الكثير من اللاعبين الهولنديين والكثير من الموظفين الهولنديين. نظرًا لوجود عدد كبير من الموظفين الهولنديين ، يمكننا تنسيقه بسهولة ، فليس لدينا الكثير ، أو حتى أي موظفين يتحدثون العربية ، وبالتالي سيكون لدينا مشاكل في تعديل ذلك.
ل I can volunteer. And a lot of people can volunteer, just tell them about it. And do mention here or everyone. There are a lot of people who want to volunteer, and by nature people will not come alon . and Regarding the French, there are volunteers. Now they can't speak in a chat because it's not their language. :pride:

Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022
I want to talk about a topic of languages. I have seen many people who want to do a private chat, but in French. I expect that there is a French administrator who understands French, and I also mean that the chat has protection. And we do a group of French, Belgian, and Arabic ROMs only, and we see a plan to switch to another language, such as Chinese, Korean, or Russian, and ....

I advise you to activate this suggestion because it guides people, and in the Cube Craft community there are many Arab and French people. This suggestion greatly benefits the server, especially people who do not know the English language, and the addition of Arabic support. I know these languages. I will apply for rank one day. And that's it. I hope you like the suggestion. It will help server a lot 👍🏼:cube_dark:
This will constitute an obstacle for officials because they may not be fluent in speaking these languages and they need to look for assistants who can speak them
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