Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Aug 10, 2016
So basically, tell something about yourself by using this format, I'll start.

Have you ever..

Snuck out? Yes
Broken a bone? Yes, 4 times actually
Cried yourself to sleep? Nyies
Been arrested? Ofcourse
Felt lonely? Yes
Felt depressed? Well i'm playing minecraft, so i guess you know now.

What's Your...

Birthday? 30th January
Biggest fear? Spiders, i have Arachnophobia, so i guess that explains alot.
Dream Car? Audi R8
Dream house? Tai Lopez's house.

Do you...

Like someone? Ofcourse
Love someone? Ya
Have tattoos? No
Have piercings? Nope
Party? Like once a month


Artist? The Weeknd
Movie? Autopsy of Jane Doe
Song? The Weeks - House of Balloona / Glass table girls
Book? Lost City
Animal? Dog!

Would you ever..

Get married? Ye
Get kids? Kids = stress
Swim with sharks? That's my dream.
Eat rotten food? Lemme jump of a bridge first. guess.
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Jan 26, 2017
Huehuehue second

Snuck out? Nah.
Broken a bone? Yes, over 8 times. Also, 5 of them were on the same place, AKA my right ankle.
Cried yourself to sleep? Nope.
Been arrested? Once when I was 10 (breaking windows, oops)
Felt lonely? Definitely
Felt depressed? Of course. I think everyone has.

What's Your...

Birthday? November 7th
Biggest fear? I fear heights. I hate it and I will never like it.
Dream Car? Audi R8 aswell.
Dream house? Don't really have a dream house, as long as I have a decent one.

Do you...

Like someone? Yup.
Love someone? Yup.
Have tattoos? Not yet.
Have piercings? Nope.
Party? Pretty often.


Artist? Russ.
Movie? Deadpool.
Song? Russ - Exposed
Book? Don't have a favorite book.
Animal? Cats all the way.

Would you ever..

Get married? Yup
Get kids? Maybe like... one?
Swim with sharks? Sharks are one of my favorite thing on earth so, yeah definitely.
Eat rotten food? For money, yup.
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Forum Expert
Nov 29, 2015
Quarantined at home
Have you ever..

Snuck out? Yes.
Broken a bone? No I'm like very careful.
Cried yourself to sleep? Yes .-.
Been arrested? I've stayed a couple of nights in a police stations.
Felt lonely? of course.
Felt depressed? Yes.

What's Your...

Birthday? 26th July.
Biggest fear? That I'll be bullied because I'm gay.
Dream Car? Volkswagen Beetle xD.
Dream house? Everything is better than the box where I live in now.

Do you...

Like someone? I like everyone.
Love someone? Well sometimes you just see someone and you think: "Daayyummm he cute" but I don't love someone atm.
Have tattoos? No.
Have piercings? No.
Party? My whole life is a party.


Artist? Green Day.
Movie? Taken.
Song? Misery - Creeper.
Book? Hahaha books lol.
Animal? CatsFTW.

Would you ever..

Get married? If I find the right person.
Get kids? I don't really know.
Swim with sharks? If I get the chance of course.
Eat rotten food? Wut?!
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Forum Expert
Feb 8, 2014
Land O' Corn
Have you ever..

Snuck out? Nope
Broken a bone? No
Cried yourself to sleep? Ofcourse
Been arrested? No
Felt lonely? Duh
Felt depressed? Yepp

What's Your...

Birthday? June 11th
Biggest fear? Everyone dying
Dream Car? Chevy Camaro <3
Dream house? One that isn't a box

Do you...

Like someone? More so
Love someone? Yes, we're engaged
Have tattoos? No
Have piercings? Used to
Party? I'm a loner


Artist? Skillet
Movie? Dont have a favorite
Song? Blue October - Into the Ocean
Book? No favorite
Animal? Red Panda :3

Would you ever..

Get married? Yep
Get kids? Maybe in the future xD
Swim with sharks? Sounds fun
Eat rotten food? Already done
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Forum Expert
May 7, 2016
The Netherlands.
Have you ever..

Snuck out? Yes
Broken a bone? Nope
Cried yourself to sleep? Maybe...
Been arrested? Noo
Felt lonely? Absolutely
Felt depressed? Hackers.. Hackers everywhere

What's Your...

Birthday? 24th of November (The day @Mac joined the Forums :p)
Biggest fear? Little rooms.. I forgot the name. Claustophobia or something
Dream Car? That things what says I-A
Dream house? The awesome dirt house. No jk Messi's house

Do you...

Like someone? Yeaa
Love someone? Uhh yes.. ma family friendss
Have tattoos? NO NEVER
Have piercings? ^
Party? Once a month


Artist? Not specific one
Movie? Recep Ivedik lmao
Song? Trap mixes
Book? What is that?
Animal? KITTENSSS @zRinne

Would you ever..

Get married? Yes
Get kids? Uhu
Swim with sharks? ...
Eat rotten food? In Minecraft.. xd


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
Have you ever..

Snuck out? Nope xd
Broken a bone? Never
Cried yourself to sleep? Yes. It's why I hate my period lol.
Been arrested? no
Felt lonely? I felt lonely untill last year.
Felt depressed? no

What's Your...

Birthday? December 9th
Biggest fear? Living to isolated to get a boyfriend or to get drunk/having fun.
Dream Car? -
Dream house? A big, white, mansion with a pool.

Do you...

Like someone? Not sure yet. Maybe there's a guy I met on the internet and lives 213 km from me ;c.
Love someone? Yes.
Have tattoos? Nope
Have piercings? My ears are pierced like almost every girl.
Party? Only when my friends are celebrating their B'day which is 3 times a year.


Artist? Johnny Depp
Movie? To many to pic one :p. I really love movies like Divergent, the Hunger Games, the Maze Runner and etc.
Song? Changes every month, but Purple rain from Prince is the song my dad and I always sing together.
Book? The Maya Dyer series is my fav. God I love all 3 parts.
Animal? Dog because I have one and it's a cutie fhewiufguiqfq2jw. Cats are supercute too though :D

Would you ever..

Get married? Yes
Get kids? Maybe one day.
Swim with sharks? Hmm maybe.
Eat rotten food? NEVER.
Last edited:


Forum Veteran
Dec 6, 2015
the Netherlands
Have you ever..

Snuck out? Nope.
Broken a bone? Yes, I broke my right collar bone, it hurt like hell...
Cried yourself to sleep? Nope.
Been arrested? Nope.
Felt lonely? Sometimes.
Felt depressed? Nah I don't think so.

What's Your...

Birthday? 23 August
Biggest fear? I guess I'd say things such as bees, wasps, spiders and more of those stupid things. (snakes are ok imo)
Dream Car? None yet, as long it looks fancy ;>
Dream house? None

Do you...

Like someone? Yea, enough.
Love someone? Yup
Have tattoos? Nope.
Have piercings? Nope.
Party? Rarely - Never.


Artist? I concider this guy as an artist https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa6TeYZ2DlueFRne5DyAnyg
Movie? Aliens Vs. Predator - Requiem
Song? Don't really have one.

Would you ever..

Get married? Most likely.
Get kids? I prefer not, but who knows.
Swim with sharks? As long there is a big barrier between me and them yes. Unless it are passive sharks of course.
Eat rotten food? Not as far as I know.
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Spyridon Agnew Dragon

Dedicated Member
May 27, 2016
Have you ever..

Snuck out? Yes
Broken a bone? No
Cried yourself to sleep? No
Been arrested? Yes by Ka-Boom when i tried to sneak into a music festival without a ticket, to try to catch wolfgang
Felt lonely? Yes
Felt depressed? ehhh rare

What's Your...

Birthday? September 10th :D
Biggest fear? My only fear i dont have to worry about anymore....
Dream Car? Not interested in the superchargers vehicles much
Dream house? Still blueprinting it in my head

Do you...

Like someone? yes
Love someone? Of course! im married to her
Have tattoos? No
Have piercings? No
Party? Me and my friends party pretty often

Would you ever..

Get married? Already am
Get kids? Eh i do kinda have one shes a furry created out of a mixture of magic and darkness
Swim with sharks? No terrafins a land shark so kinda hard
Eat rotten food? Never!

Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
Have you ever..

Snuck out? Yes
Broken a bone? Nope
Cried yourself to sleep? *sighs* yes ;-;
Been arrested? Only on prison servers
Felt lonely? I am forever alone </3
Felt depressed? Yes...

What's Your...

Birthday? 18th May
Biggest fear? Being homeless and starving :(
Dream Car? The bat mobile
Dream house? Anywhere with a place to sleep, a place to eat, and a place to keep my junk in a place with no crime

Do you...

Like someone? Yus :3 ♡
Love someone? ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Have tattoos? No
Have piercings? Nope
Party? I don't get out much...


Artist? "Yes" - I'm a hipster
Movie? Power Rangers - The Movie (original)
Song? Yes - "Hearts" though I change to a new yes song everyday pretty much :3
Book? I stopped reading books a while ago... :(
Animal? KITTAY!!!!!

Would you ever..

Get married? Marriage is kind of old school but sure
Get kids? Probably not
Swim with sharks? Swimming is for fish and @Nikoshka :P
Eat rotten food? I've probably done that before many times... :P
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So basically, tell something about yourself by using this format, I'll start.

Have you ever..

Snuck out? No
Broken a bone? No
Cried yourself to sleep? Sadly, yes
Been arrested? Never
Felt lonely? Yes
Felt depressed? Nope

What's Your...

Birthday? September 18th
Biggest fear? Heights
Dream Car? Any car
Dream house? None, my house right now is great.

Do you...

Like someone? Ya
Love someone? My family
Have tattoos? Hell No!
Have piercings? Hell No!
Party? Nope


Artist? The Weeknd/Chainsmokers
Movie? The Benchwarmers
Song? Dont Wanna Know-Maroon V
Book? I hate books
Animal? No ):

Would you ever..

Get married? Idk, maybe
Get kids? Maybe
Swim with sharks? Hell no
Eat rotten food? Of course, I live in America, where half of the people are fat af.


Forum Expert
Mar 17, 2014
fabulous land
Have you ever..

Snuck out? No, not yet
Broken a bone? Never lol.
Cried yourself to sleep? Yes, everybody makes mistakes, everybody has bad days
Been arrested? Lolno, surprisingly, the police need to up their game.
Felt lonely? Yes
Felt depressed? Yes

What's Your...

Birthday? 27th October
Biggest fear? Being murdered I guess
Dream Car? The "Cat" Wagon
Dream house? One of those Latin influenced houses that your aunt would own but like in a tropical environment.

Do you...

Like someone? Hell yeah
Love someone? They aren't dating me so they aint gettin no love until that happens
Have tattoos? No
Have piercings? No
Party? If I'm invited (which doesn't happen often)


Artist? Uhm.... UHMMM... Marky Mark & the Funky Bunch?
Movie? Grease? Maybe?
Song? Let Me Love You by DJ Snake ft Justin Bieber is pretty damn good
Book? The Hella Hungry Caterpillar
Animal? I can relate to the following: Cats, because they are either playful or summoning Satan. Flamingoes, because they are hella gay, and Crocodiles, because they look hella scary but they are actually just resting.

Would you ever..

Get married? Yes
Get kids? 1 or 2
Swim with sharks? Yaaasss
Eat rotten food? How much am I getting paid?
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Forum Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
Snuck out? No.
Broken a bone? No, but I did bruise both of my ankles.
Cried yourself to sleep? Not a puss.
Been arrested? no Bike lights :^)
Felt lonely? As if.
Felt depressed? LOL

What's Your...

Birthday? 20th of August
Biggest fear? spiders.
Dream Car? Oldtimer.
Dream house? A normal-big sized wood cabin in snowy mountains.

Do you...

Like someone? I like my comrades
Love someone? Nope
Have tattoos? No.
Have piercings? No.
Party? 2x a year I guess


Artist? I like a lot of artists.
Movie? dunno
Song? None
Book? The maze Runner
Animal? Cat

Would you ever..

Get married? how am i supposed to know?
Get kids? hell no.
Swim with sharks? idk
Eat rotten food? why is this even a question
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Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
Have you ever..

Snuck out? No
Broken a bone? Once
Cried yourself to sleep? No
Been arrested? Nope
Felt lonely? No
Felt depressed? Nope

What's Your...

Birthday? 9th February
Biggest fear? Me dying before having sex once.
Dream Car? Give something that doesn't pollute our atmosphere.
Dream house? A house big enough to bring my gaming setup and a kitchen.

Do you...

Like someone? A lot of people.
Love someone? Sure...
Have tattoos? Maybe in the future.
Have piercings? I'm no Gothic.


Artist? Josh Pan
Movie? Most of them.
Song? Misogi - Beowulf
Book? Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
Animal? Dragons

Would you ever..

Get married? Eh.. idk
Get kids? Probably not
Swim with sharks?. What kind of sharks? If non-dangerous ye why not.
Eat rotten food? Think my breakfast milk wasn't fresh. brb....
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
Snuck out? Never.
Broken a bone? No
Cried yourself to sleep? No
Been arrested? Never in my whole entire life
Felt lonely? Almost always
Felt depressed? I don't even think so

What's Your...

Birthday? January 6th, 2006
Biggest fear? Fear of Heights
Dream Car? I have a dream car xD
Dream house? Live in a dream house

Do you...

Like someone? My friends
Love someone? My family
Have tattoos? Never, and would lecture about never getting them
Have piercings? Nope
Party? With my family


Artist? I like multiple artists
Movie? Disney Storks Movie (I think it's a Disney's production)
Song? The Nights by Avicii
Book? Dork Diaries
Animal? Giraffe

Would you ever....

Get married? I don't know!
Get kids? I have no idea, but it sounds stressful
Swim with sharks? NEVER!
Eat rotten food? Ew!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2016
In a country
So basically, tell something about yourself by using this format, I'll start.

Have you ever..

Snuck out? No
Broken a bone? No
Cried yourself to sleep? No
Been arrested? Never
Felt lonely? No
Felt depressed? Nope

What's Your...

Birthday? July 26th
Biggest fear? snakes
Dream Car? i already have a 4.2 lt Audi Q7
Dream house? None, my house right now is great.

Do you...

Like someone? Ya
Love someone? My family
Have tattoos? No!
Have piercings? No!
Party? Nope

Would you ever..

Get married? Idk, maybe
Get kids? Maybe
Swim with sharks? No
Eat rotten food? No
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
Have you ever..

Snuck out? Yes
Broken a bone? Yes,1 time
Cried yourself to sleep? never
Been arrested? Never
Felt lonely? Yes
Felt depressed? nope

What's Your...

Birthday? 28 Dec
Biggest fear? snakes
Dream Car? Lambo
Dream house? captainsparklez's house

Do you...

Like someone? Of course
Love someone? Ya
Have tattoos? No
Have piercings? Nope
Party? every week or so

Would you ever..

Get married? Yes
Get kids? meh,idk
Swim with sharks? NOPE
Eat rotten food? NO. pls
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Novice Member
Dec 18, 2016
your mom lmao xDDD
Have you ever..

Snuck out? nope
Broken a bone? i tripped and fell like 1ft and broke my arm to death oops
Cried yourself to sleep? ye
Been arrested? no i never go outside lol
Felt lonely? al the time
Felt depressed? i want to die

What's Your...

Birthday? june 2nd
Biggest fear? political corectness
Dream Car? any
Dream house? dont care aslong as it has fast internet

Do you...

Like someone? yes
Love someone? what is love
Have tattoos? no
Have piercings? no
Party? literally never gone to one


Artist? me
Movie? shrek 5
Song? smash mouth - all star
Book? books r trash
Animal? cat

Would you ever..

Get married? no
Get kids? hell no
Swim with sharks? as long as they end my life
Eat rotten food? no
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Reactions: Sangre
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