Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Oct 4, 2016
Hi, I know that this has been suggested before but, I still think this has some potential.

I would basically like to suggest adding a ticket bot for support and here are reasons why:

1) Support will be organized for staff members
2) your message does not get lost in other help requests in #💌︱staff-help
3) Support that requires more time from staff members to assist can be easily organized
4) It is safer when sharing more info that may be personal because only staff can see the messages.

Here is how the ticket bot works:
1) If you want to create a support ticket, you are gonna react to the message the bot has sent
ticket reaction.PNG
2) Once you click it, a new channel will be created and only you and staff members have access to that channel.

3) You can easily rename tickets to make it more organized, he is how it may look from the staff point of view:

ticket list.PNG
4) Once you are done with supporting you just close the ticket by again reacting to the age the bot has sent to the ticket channel and delete the ticket afterward.

This is basically all if you have anything to say or ask me. Just reply to this thread.


Forum Expert
Feb 4, 2020
The Netherlands
I like the suggestion but there is only one problem. Spam.

The ticket system does work on small discord servers. It is clear and easy to use.

But on larger servers like Cubecraft, it is pretty much spam. Every ticket gets their own channel and that’s not doable. Staff-help is good enough and I would like to keep it this way. Even though, thanks for the suggestion!


Forum Expert
Dec 10, 2019
I don’t like this suggestion for multiple reasons. First of all all those ticket channels will be really messy and unorganised for staff members. Also, questions and answers could also be really helpful for other people who have the same questions, they can simply look it up in the search bar and they might have already the information they want. If you want to share or ask something that contains personal info or other things you might not want to share with others you can always dm a staff member. And as Quis already mentioned, spam is a really big problem. The Cubecraft discord is simply too large for the ticket system.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
i have a love/hate feeling about this suggestion.
i love it because messages get easily drowned by others, and sometimes wont get answered by staff, as you mentioned, sometimes nice if a topic needs more attention.
the thing i hate about it is already mentioned, staff would get spammed and people would open fake tickets. you could punish them, but i dont think staff is willing to punish this many people.


Novice Member
Sep 17, 2020
The United Nations of Planet Canada
I like the suggestion but there is only one problem. Spam.

The ticket system does work on small discord servers. It is clear and easy to use.

But on larger servers like Cubecraft, it is pretty much spam. Every ticket gets their own channel and that’s not doable. Staff-help is good enough and I would like to keep it this way. Even though, thanks for the suggestion!

I figured I was going to be a smart bean and mention this first, but I guess not.
Another problem I can see with this is not only spam, but also trolling tickets. While it is smart to only give exclusively ranked players things like this (/report etc), people can still stroll/spam. Since it is exclusively donators who have this ability however, there is much less of it. The problem with that is how some unranked players who genuinely want to do good for the community can't report rule-breakers as easily. This is the one flaw in this system!
I feel like having tickets could be useful, but since we already have Staff-Help, it won't really change much. Sure, if you really wanted to, you could ask a friend/staff-member, but the whole point of Staff-Help is that people can ask for help there!

The only real difference between a ticket system and Staff-Help is that the ticket system is more private. I feel like some players might be threatened by the publicity of this! In case you don't understand what that means, here is an example: You are being bullied at school. The bully warns you that if you tell anyone about him, he will make it worse. This is a classic bully situation. I am in no way saying that this happens often on CubeCraft, but I feel like people would be a lot more open if they knew their comments were being taken privately, and securely! This is the best part about the staff-feedback forum! :D

Side-note, I also think that players who have proven themselves time and time again to be making accurate/correct reports, should be taken more seriously as well! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying other players should be taken any less seriously though!

This was kind of a long comment but I hope you get what I am trying to say here!
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