Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

A pigeon

the one we have now is good but i would really prefer one like the actual hunger games. And I also know sg will never ever be revamped after its catastrophic failure but anyway here i go

The game would be called Hunger Games and an alternate version of existing SG. Inspired from the books.

So first of all, the cornucopia. I think it should be a lot bigger so the chests be placed a lot wider. No person should get more than a few chests this way.

This would result in removal of grace time. Lava and water buckets would be unavailable. You’d be given buckets though - its your job to go fill them up with lava or water from natural sources.

Next, food. Food would be available in a few scattered chests around along with weapons and other basic amenities. The majority of food would come from the nature however.

You might also come across poisonous berries with which you could craft some custom ability potions.

Then, I’d like the removal of the world border. Now, the new border would be in the form of hazards. For example, wildfires and poisonous gas. Rather than force people toward the centre, these hazards will attempt to force people towards one another.

Wild Mobs and nighttime will be key. You’ll need to find a way to avoid them. One such method is gathering resources and making a small camp. Custom crafting would come into play. Similar to bz, you can harvest stone, wood and metal, coal.

Harvest wood and sticks and some coal to make a campfire. Make a tent using wood and wool. This’ll discourage mobs from nearing you and also increase your regeneration rate.

Food would not be so abundant. Food will be non-stackable and can decay in this game. You’ll need to make special chests to preserve food.

TNT is available through chests. Enderpearls can be recieved via killing endermen at night.

You can make 2x2 platforms via custom crafting. They’d have a long build time - 20 s, and can be broken via bow/melee. Useful for treetop sleeping at night.

This game would not display player name tags until they’re really close. Game would be heavily influenced by the hunting aspect of the darwin project.

You’ll beed to look closely for player trails - scaffolding, missing resources/trees, randomly placed lava/water etc.

This game wint include any kits.


Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
Food would not be so abundant. Food will be non-stackable and can decay in this game. You’ll need to make special chests to preserve food.
In that case regeneration by saturation should be disabled, or food will always be the limiting factor in fights.
You can make 2x2 platforms via custom crafting. They’d have a long build time - 20 s, and can be broken via bow/melee. Useful for treetop sleeping at night.
I don't really understand that. Can you do anything up there? I don't actually want to take a nap during the game.

The game sounds interesting. Would play and them complain how unbalanced it is.
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iTz1Hamood wrote on SunburnWarz's profile.
I love this summer name!
It's actually interesting name tbh
I wonder how you came up with it
Because it's realy first of its kind
And it just sounds cool:)

Have a great summer WarZ!:D
BicolourSine41 wrote on black moguss's profile.
Thanks for the follow! Have it back :D
Does anyone know what the release date is from the epic loot introduction??
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During your lifetime you will spend around seventy-nine days brushing your teeth.
BicolourSine41 wrote on Reesle's profile.
The pfp is great! The giveaway was for your new pfp!
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