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Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
@CommunistCactus thanks for letting me steal your title without permission kappa
Egg Rewards: Part 1 (Maps)
Let's start off with Egg Rewards. This was just posted over in another thread by @HatchyIsHere , I developed a more detailed post and since it's likely to get lost in that thread. Most of you know what I posted regarding it only being available in the good mid camping maps, as usual let's go map-by-map to show what it should and shouldn't be added to.

This will be the format:

A. Mid camping tier (w/o rushers): God+ - God - High - Mid - Low - Trash
B. Mid camping tier (w/ rushers): God+ - God - High - Mid - Low - Trash
C. Rushing tier: Trash - Low - Mid - High - God
D. How common are rushers? Very uncommon - Uncommon - Average - Common - Very common

1. City
A. Low
B. Trash
C. God
D. Very Common

Add rewards? No

2. Forest
A. Mid
B. Low
C. God
D. Very common

Add rewards? No

3. Medieval
A. High
B. Low
D. Very common

Add rewards? Probably not

4. Pizza
A. Trash

B. Trash
C. God
D. Very common

Add rewards? No

5. Storm
A. God
B. Trash
C. Mid

D. Average

Add rewards? Controlled

6. Toys
A. Low
B. Trash
C. God
D. Very common

Add rewards? No

7. Fairground
A. God
B. God

C. Low

D. Uncommon

Add rewards? Yes

8. Garden
A. God++++++++++++ (or just God+)
B. God+++++++

C. High
D. Average

Add rewards? DEFINITELY

9. Huts
A. God
B. Low
C. High

D. Average

Add rewards? Controlled

10. Instruments

A. God+
B. God
C. God

D. Very common

Add rewards? A map of extremes, but only 3 islands means yes for sure

11. map_unknown
A. God+++++++++++
B. God+++++++++++

C. Trash
D. I think it's fair to say NEVER

Add rewards? yes if you disagree you're about to get it (or just remove emerald gen)

12. Dwarven
A. God
B. High-God (depending on mode)

C. Low
D. Average

Add rewards? Yes

13. Food

A. God+
B. Mid
C. High

D. Common

Add rewards? Controlled

14. Kingdom
A. God+
B. God+

C. Mid

D. Average

Add rewards? Yes

15. Magic
A. Low

B. Trash
C. God
D. Very common

Add rewards? No

16. Oriental
A. God

B. High
C. Average
D. Average

Add rewards? Leans yes

17. Space

A. God

B. High
C. Average
D. Common

Add rewards? Leans yes

18. Treehouse

A. High
B. Mid
C. God
D. Very common

Add rewards? No

19. Beach

A. God+
B. God+

C. High
D. Very common

Add rewards? Yes

20. Mushrooms

A. God (Normal) God+ (OP)
B. High (Normal) God+ (OP)
C. Average
D. Common

Add rewards? OP Yes, Normal Leans Yes

21. Teaparty

A. High (Normal) God+ (OP)
B. High (Normal) God+ (OP)
C. Completely underwater
D. Never

Add rewards? 100% DEFINITELY

22. Western
A. Low
B. Trash
C. God
D. Very common

Add rewards? No

23. Aztec

A. God++++++++++
B. God++++++++++

C. Trash
D. Very uncommon

Add rewards? Yes

24/25. Mansion / Rome
A. Varies based off teammates
B. Varies based off teammates

C. God
D. Extremely common

Add rewards? No

Complete List:
- Instruments
- Garden
- map_unknown
- Dwarven
- Kingdom
- Beach
- Teaparty
- Mushrooms (OP only)
- Aztec
- Storm*
- Food*

And possibly:
- Oriental
- Space
- Huts*
- Mushrooms (Normal)

Congrats, you made it through part 1!

Egg Rewards: Part 2 (Items)
On the original thread, many people asked "Well, what items would you get" - Here's some ideas. Note: Normal mode only

4 Team Maps
  • 1 Egg - (Assistance) 30 Gold
  • 1 Egg - (Team Upgrade) Haste I
  • 1 Egg - (Shop Unlock) 1 Iron = 1 Ice
  • 1 Egg - (Assistance) Decreases steak price to 3 iron
  • 2 Eggs - (Shop Unlock) Bomb Jumping Package [Non-igniting tnt x 8, button, 2 redstone] If update to 1.12 happens it can be bought in a shulker box, otherwise they have to be bought seperate
  • 2 Eggs - (Team Upgrade) Haste II
  • 2 Eggs - (Shop Unlock) Wolf Spawn Egg - 25 Gold
  • 2 Eggs - (Team Upgrade) Regen I on kill
  • 3 Eggs - (Shop Unlock) Diamond Armor Pieces - 48 Diamonds
  • 3 Eggs - (Team Upgrade) Sharpness I
  • 3 Eggs - (Shop Unlock) Something that is HEAVY anti mid camping (maybe @CommunistCactus has an idea)
Want to know what you guys think of these before I continue


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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2016
I agree with adding egg rewards, I disagree with one of these rewards being (a) nuclear missile(s).

On a side note, mid camping on huts isn't that easy. Not saying it isn't doable, but I personally don't think it should be god-tier.

On a less related note, I thought that mid camping on dwarven was gonna be hard until I tried it and me and my friends EZPZ'd the game with our only death being accidentally walking into the void.

A pigeon

J'adore cette thread.

I will type a paragraph here later , dont wanna rn .

If i forget then mention me somewhere . Also copy paste the first part of the thread and get it pinned in the eggwars section.
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Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
Btw, the nuclear missile is a Throwable charged creeper. If within 2 blocks of detonation, it's always instant death.
You can charge it with right click for more range and left click to detonate.


Uh ... see , you're current idea of a nuke is disgusting. Instead i propose the nukes to be massive damage area missiles - Right click to throw , and they travel a far distance.

Either that or a machine gun - fires a volley of 10 shulker projectiles

Ir maybe an airstrike - you can specify where missiles land , islands or mid

If players are at mid , splash damage missiles will rain on them , homing in on them to an extent . They can be avoided , but area damage is massive - about 7 blocks

Tell me which nuke idea you prefer

Your current idea is more like a landmine. It could work as a different weapon altogether . Make it launch players 10 blocks into the air

Landmine damage;

Iron armour - 8 hearts if damage

Diamond - 5 hearts

Chainmail -6 hearts of damamge (to provide reason to use chain if you know there's a landmine somewhere)

Leather - instant death
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