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Jun 26, 2020
CubeCraft Universe

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Hi! I am Shotgun, a TD try hard who works hard to make TD great again! The reason I’m writing another guide is because of my Full Guide being too long and too complex for some people to read. However, if you want to know detailed information about anything, use my full guide’s table of contents to navigate to the wanted information. This guide focuses on various basic & advanced strategies but do so in a fast pace. Please go to the How to Play part of my Full Guide (OUTDATED) if you are looking for a more detailed and easier readable guide.

Please use my full guide if you are not a quick learner, this guide goes through strategies used by experienced TD players in a fast way. You might not understand parts if you don’t already know the concept of TD.

If you want more guides or a community to play and make strategies and parties with; join CubeCraft Universe! They also host tournaments and events!

General Strategies and Tricks

This part explains the general gameplay, in other words: what you need to know for the basics when playing TD. It also includes some useful tricks.

But before I start to tell you anything about the game, strategies or whatever this guide includes. I want to talk to you about a very important part of actually any game: kindness. A community cannot grow without it. A community can be broken without it. A community can die without it. The player base of TD isn’t that much as you may know. However, the community that is there needs kindness and love. Everyone has their own way to give those two, some teach others the game, some give a listening ear, and some will just wish everyone good luck.

What I want to make clear is that this small community can only be grown by kindness, how does toxicity or being mean help us? Just be the best person you can and there will be others that show their best side. Let us all make TD great again!

General Gameplay

Now for the actual guide, the first and most important component of gameplay, one word: communication. Even if you are not in a party, communicating with people can be extremely helpful. If you feel like people are not as good as you, communicate either way, even better, share your knowledge. Of course, there’s sometimes a language barrier but at least try, every game. Communication can lead to stronger, more organised and coordinated attacks as well as defence. It can make your team twice as strong as it is without. One word again: communication.

Second most important section of gameplay I want to emphasise, ALWAYS send troops, no matter what, send troops. Does the opponent attack? Send troops. Are you in the middle of a rush? Send troops. Never stop sending troops. You need that EXP to keep up and be fast. Try to send your EXP grinding waves every 15 seconds, each second that you are losing because of sending a wave too late can cost you the game. Only when you have all troops unlocked that you want to use, you may consider stopping to send.

Thirdly, get rid of the thought that offence and defence are roles you fulfil. You are always doing both. There is no way you are “attacking” for the game being. Everyone attacks, everyone defends. This is because defending can lead into more Coins to aid your attacks, also attacking can stop your opponents from attacking so that you have more time to build defence.

Also, there is no key to every game. Always keep track of your own defence and the defence of your opponent. If you can’t give a teammate an indication of what kind and amount of defence your team or the opponents have at any time, you failed.

Next, don’t be ashamed to ask for Coins to your teammates. It’s a team game and there are multiple reasons that you can be behind on Coins. Ask for them if you need them, but if you don’t need them necessarily, don’t ask them. Only ask when absolutely needed. Teamwork is the most important thing in TD, sending troops simultaneously can lead to strong pushes. Sharing coins and sending troops together (teamwork) is the key to be or become the best. Sharing coins can be done with /share <player> <amount>.

Finally, the source of getting coins by the Goldmine (which is important to upgrade as fast as possible), by your towers' kills (or your sword's/bow’s kills) which hits the finishing blow on troops, and power up kills.

Starting Towers

Your starting towers should focus on killing EXP grinders and getting as much coins as possible. Early Coins are important to get, these can be used to send more expensive but better EXP grinders which can lead to earlier rushes or Goldmine upgrades. Use a Mage, a Quake, an Ice and some Artilleries for this.

EXP Grinding

Below you can find a table of the best troop options for grinding EXP. EXP Grinders are troops with the lowest Coins to get 1 EXP but still a decent amount of EXP given.
Note: 1 or 2 Blaze(s) I combined with Silverfish I or Spiders I is better than Pigman I. The Witch is coloured red and flagged as not useable because they give opponents a large amount of Coins, never use them for gaining EXP. The higher the troop is on the list, the better Coins for 1 EXP value it has.


Useful Tricks

Cornering Potions

When throwing AoE Potions, make sure aim them. If a potion covers the centre (middle line) of the track it is effective for the entire part of the track. This way, you can use potions more effectively by throwing them on the fifth block from the corner of the turn. (if a track has a width of 5 then 6 blocks, if 9 then 4 blocks) Below you can find a screenshot to make it clearer.


Speeding works better than Healing, 3 players speeding are enough to make a continuous lane of Speeds. If opponents use Freeze, then make sure 4 players are speeding. Other players can use potions for Defence or throw Heal. Otherwise use Heal only at the Castle, 2 healers are enough there.

Bridges and Double Hit Spots

Double hit spots are spots that reach 1,5 times as much (or more) track than the average Tower Spot, use them first to get the maximum defence power out of your coins.

The range of towers is not only horizontal but also vertical, this means that bridge spots can be counted as double hit spots. Be careful though, the “range calculating block” is on top of a tower, this means that a tower below a bridge can more likely be a double hit spot than a spot which is on top of a bridge.

Relocking Troops

After you unlocked a troop for free from a power up you can relock it to get the original EXP back. This can be done by right clicking the troop within 10 seconds of receiving the power up.

EXP Stalling

EXP Stalling is slowing the troops sent by the opponent and killing them at the end of the track. Make sure your towers kill them and not the Castle Guards (for Coins). This results in the opponent not getting their EXP and therefore not being able to upgrade their Goldmine as fast as you do. Placing a Poison Top Path at the start can be useful in this tactic because it doesn’t kill troops but does damage them.


Below are basic pushes described which could work, remember to look at the opponent’s defence before deciding which push you are using. Also, every combination of pushes or an improvised push could work even better, don’t always go basic.

The rushes are explained in short sentences and instructions, they usually say which goldmine to go for, how much EXP is needed in total, how much waves is the best, how much one wave costs and what the best way to gather EXP for this rush is.


Endermite V

1000 EXP gm, 2400 EXP, 3 waves, 2400 Coins and gather EXP with a combination of Spiders and Silverfish. Witch I can be used for support.

Skeleton IV

1000 EXP gm, 2235 EXP, 3 waves, 2700 coins and gather EXP with mostly Spiders and some Silverfish if you have enough Coins. Witch I can be used for support. Send in the middle of the waves. Speeding works exceptionally well.

Skeleton V

2500 EXP gm, 4111 EXP, 3 waves, 3060 Coins and gather EXP with Silverfish. Witch I – IV are the most effective for support. Send in the middle of the waves. Speed works exceptionally well.

Creeper IV

2500 EXP gm, 2975 EXP, 3 waves, 5040 Coins and gather EXP with Silverfish and some Skeletons. Witch I – III may help for support. Send in front of the waves. Use speed to avoid Inferno’s.

Creeper V

2500 EXP gm, 4850 EXP, 3 waves, 6120 Coins and gather EXP with Silverfish and Skeletons combined. Witch II – IV may help for support. Send in front of the waves. Use speed to avoid Inferno’s

Blaze II

2500 EXP gm, 1375 EXP, 2 waves, 7200 Coins and gather EXP with Spiders. Speed works exceptionally well.


Blaze IV

2500 or max gm, 5586 EXP, 2 waves, 10368 Coins and gather EXP with Silverfish and Skeletons combined or Blaze and Silverfish if Skeletons are upgraded. Speed works exceptionally well.

Blaze V

Max gm, 10275 EXP, 3 waves, 12444 Coins and gather EXP with Silverfish and Skeletons combined or Blaze and Silverfish if Skeletons are upgraded. Speed works exceptionally well.

Final Pushes

Magma / Blaze

Max gm, 5139 + 10275 + 20551 EXP, 4 – 8 + 3 waves, 31540 + 12444 Coins and gather EXP with Silverfish and Skeletons combined or Blaze and Silverfish if Skeletons are upgraded. Use 2 Witches as support, send at the end of each wave of Magma Cubes. 3 waves of Blazes on top. Speed works exceptionally well.


Coming soon.


In the following paragraphs various defences are described, these are not all defence combinations that exist but at least a good portion of the most important ones.
Freeze can always be combined with other potions to achieve more effective potion defence. Setting up defensive towers such as Ice and Quake beforehand can give you a head start for when defence is needed. This can also be done with placing a Poison Top Path at the start or some Archers at the end. When building Archers beforehand, make sure you place them all with a gap of 1 spot between them, this will force the opponent to use multiple speeds instead of only needing 1 speed to get their troops past.

Skeleton IV/V

This strategy focuses on defence without the usage of Artillery Bottom Path (the old way of defending them). Use inferno to take out Witches and Meteor AoE for support.

Low on Coins
Use Ice, Quake, Artillery Top Path front row and Sorcerer Top Path back row.

Medium on Coins
Use Ice, Quake and Sorcerer Top Path back row.

High on Coins
Use Ice, Quake, Poison Bottom Path, Sorcerer Top Path back row, Archer Bottom Path front row.


Receiving a Rush From 1/2 Players
Use Ice, Zeus Top Path back row and Turret Top Path. Use Zeus AoE for support.

Receiving a Rush From 3+ Players
Use Ice and Archer Bottom Path front row. Use Meteor AoE for support.


Use Ice on back row and Archer Bottom Path front row. Zeus Top (for small pushes) or Bottom (for big pushes) Path can help you out too. Use Meteor AoE for support.


Use Skeleton Medium on Coins defence combined with Artillery Bottom Path front row and Inferno AoE potions.


Use Blaze and Skeleton defence combined, Artillery Bottom Path back row and Zeus Bottom Path back row can be rather useful at the very end of the track. Use Meteor AoE for support.


Same as Magma. Use Inferno AoE for support.


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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2020
CubeCraft Universe

⚙️ Guide Update 🏗️

- Changed some text structure to make it more understandable
- Added two parts: one about communication and the other about kindness
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