Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
Hey everyone I am going to be going super In depth into each item and what can be improved aswell as overall changes with the emeralds that can be implemented.
I will also be making a video about the change to give a detailed review on it all very soon.

This overall I feel is actually a good change to have, it may seem scary at first as this is something that hasn't been around for 2 years but the fact that emeralds have been used as a large focus for late game as opposed to early game meaning the META has not actually changed very much when it comes to the emerald shop.

However the problem I can kind of see is the upgrade time being about 10 minutes, bedrock is alot faster paced than java so i feel 10 minutes is a bit too long and would suggest it being decreased down to 5 minutes per upgrade as it would help the late game stage alot more, afterall, no one wants to wait 30 mins for the emeralds to get to level 3.

I also love the idea of the emerald generators being active when you go near them instead of them spewing at emeralds as the game goes on, it makes emeralds more likely to be used late game rather than early game which is great for the competitve community to not have to deal with them and great for casual players wanting to play around with emeralds for the fun.

2. Emerald Shop:
While I was very positive about the emeralds being added I do not have alot of positive things to say about the late game items available to buy, I feel alot of these items are extremely overpriced for what they actually do and do not provide any sort of advantage for people wanting to take games to late game.

Speed Potion

Due to bedrock physics being slightly different I feel the speed potion should be buffed to speed II or speed III as opposed to speed I as it makes very very little difference to how you move, it is only slightly faster than normal sprint jumping and would honestly never be used in a late game situation effectively, as it does not give much of a buff. I would also like to add that it should say what speed you get on the item option to make it easier for people to know what they are buying to figure out whether it would be effective or not.
As for pricing I feel it is is quite well priced overall for all modes except for Hardcore which should be decreased down to 7 emeralds as opposed to 10 emeralds.


This item I do not feel helps gameplay in any way, it is a funny item to use but is not viable for competitive situations in any way, the spawn rate of the endermite is way too slow and it should be set to go to the closest enemy player to it instead of waiting for an enemy to go near it in the first place. The 60 second duration however I feel is quite good and somewhat helps it become more viable but overall this item would never be useful in combat unless changes are made, either that or maybe consider removing entirely.
As for pricing I feel it is completely overpriced and it should be cut down to 3 emeralds on Normal, 2 Emeralds on OP and 5 Emeralds on Hardcore as it is way too expensive for what it does unless it was to receive a buff in the future.

Leap Feather

This Item is quite an interesting one but it was not very clear on how to use it effectively as it launches you alot more horizontally than vertically which i feel should be changed, It also wasn't clear as to whether the direction you look in changed the direction it takes you, if that is the case please have that explanation labelled on the item to make it clearer.
Pricing, it is only slightly too overpriced for what it does and i feel it should be changed to 1 Emerald on Normal, 1 Emerald to buy 2 leap feathers in OP and 3 emeralds in Hardcore mode.


This item is serverely broken and needs fixing, after testing it does not destroy any blocks at all and it doesn't do any knockback to the player you fire at, the item only slightly boosts you into the air when you fire it underneath yourself meaning fireball jumps are impossible with it. This needs an immediate fix, I feel this item should be able to break the following blocks. Clay/Glass/Hay bales/Andesite but not wood or obsidian meaning a level of strategy can be used to decide on what egg defence you make to protect it.
If this item was to work as intended the 10 emeralds it costs is WAY too overpriced and should be cut down to 5 on Normal, 2 or 3 on OP and 10 on Hardcore as the item is really not worth the money you spend on it.

Slowness and Weakness Potions

Both of these items I feel belong in the same category, but just like with the speed potion I feel it would be very ineffective as it is only Weakness I and Slowness I. I feel both potions should be buffed to level 2 or 3 of its corresponding item, this would mean it would actually be effective ingame. Slowness potions especially are not effective as sprint jumping with slowness is only barely slower than sprint jumping normally. Overall these items are a good idea but need buffing to be able to have use in-game.
As for pricing, this item is ridiculously overpriced even if it was to recieve these buffs, These potions should be cut down drastically. Slowness should be 7 emeralds on normal mode, 4 on OP mode and 10 on Hardcore mode. As for weakness, this potion should be cut down to 8 emeralds on normal 5 on OP and 11 on Hardcore.

Overall I feel the items in the item shop are not very good to use in anyway, if anything I feel items like the blastball (when fixed) should cost either diamonds or gold to use as I can really see it being used in alot of competitive scenarios ingame. I feel the Pop-up tower itself should be an addition to the emerald shop aswell costing a very low amount of emeralds to use as it would be a fun item to use overall.

The changes I have seen made for food is actually very positive and something wantedby the community for a very long time, this change may possibly open up a bigger range with META to experiment with and excites me as to what can be done with them, I will go through each item below.

Golden Carrots

This item i feel is one of my favourite changes and has the potential to make slight competitive changes that can be used very effectively in a game, however I do feel the items potential is alot more than what you guys have actually done with the item and I think the fixes needed would just be balancing changes aswell as slight buffs to the item itself. I personally think the item should give an instant health regeneration by either 2 or 3 hearts when you eat it instead of it gradually increasing letting it be a means of an emergency food source to use in competitive scenarios, health regen from filling your hunger bar up with steak is already very fast meaning the golden carrots effects are overshadowed by a cheaper food source, adding this would really make the food META alot more exciting. This I see being VERY well used in Hardcore mode due to the low health regen meaning you could really boost your health back up again after a fight alot quicker instead of having to scrape together 10 gold for a golden apple.
A slight change you can make is placing the golden carrots below carrots in the food menu as It would look tidier.
As for pricing, I feel it Pricing I feel should be decreased to 5 iron on Normal, 3 iron on OP and 10 iron on Hardcore mode. The pricing I feel would be ok had you not decreased the price of steak, the reason for my price changes would mean players would get to choose what they prefer to have as a food source (especially if you add the health boost) and would really divide peoples strategies when it comes to the game making it more competitive and more fun overall.

Steak and Carrots


Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you SO SO MUCH for decreasing the price from 5 to 3 in normal mode, that makes such a huge difference and makes hunger alot less of a worry overall, this means games can go alot faster and be foccused more on PVP instead of camping iron for ages to try and get 60 iron to last for the rest of the game. (which isn't guarenteed due to the possibility of dying) or spending a long time buying 1 steak at a time as most of the time you don't have enough to buy 12 for 60 iron. Other than that, I have nothing more to say about steak :) .

As for carrots the change you made meaning you can buy more in bulk is a good change as they only fill up to 2 hunger bars, but still will only be useful in hardcore mode and nowhere else, overall good changes made here.


The milk bucket is quite an interesting item but not very necesarry as potion effects are only really seen in late game due to potions only being available in the emerald shop. I think it is an extremely good mechanic that the milk is infinite meaning it will be an item worth buying when potions affect you.
Overall due to it being a late game item I think it is a well priced item considering it is a late game item and would love to see more potions or effects added to the game to really make use of this item.

Golden Apples

This goes down as the most controversial change in the eggwars META (exclusively OP mode) which even though I dislike the old way golden apples were used, I still feel this is a bad change, the reason is simply for convenience sake, since golden apples are so cheap it is useful to buy in bulk instead of standing there constantly clicking the apple item to get 1 at a time which I feel is highly fustrating and wastes time, I feel you need to bring back the option to buy 5 golden apples at once.
As for pricing I feel it is now alot more balanced and better for overpowered mode shifting the focus more away from golden apple spamming which I think is what you were trying to do with this change, I feel the price should stay as it is or maybe be descreased to 2 and have the option to buy 5 golden apples for either 10 or 15 gold.

There have been some both positive and negative changes I feel for the blocks menu aswell as some improvements I feel are needed for the menu entirely.


While nothing has changed for the item, I feel you should be able to buy glass in bulk of maybe 10, 32 or 64 depending on what strategy is intended for the use of glass, if it intended on it being used as a bridging block then increase it to 32 or 64, and if intended for egg defence use only, allow a stack of 10 to be bough as buying 1 glass at a time is not worth it, glass has potential to be used more in the competitive META however these changes are necessary for that to happen otherwise it will just be a block that is never used.


This block is not only very well priced but also has plenty of options to buy in bulk which I feel makes this one of my favourite changes to the whole game, however something I would like to see is an Axe item to be available in the tool area for 15 iron in Normal, 3 Iron in OP and 25 iron in Hardcore mode, this means it would be too expensive to use as a weapon over a sword and could be used to tackle large wood defences quickly. I also think that wood should be invincible to TNT meaning people cannot blow your egg defence up as easily making it more viable and useful. (this may already be the case as i have not tested it yet).


This item overall I feel was nearly completely unnecessary and needs alot of changes to make it viable. First thing is the speed of creation needs to be increased as it is just faster to nerd pole in all situations, it makes the item so useless and if the speed was to be increased it may be viable in game situations.
The pricing is extremely strange and completely wrong in many ways, the pricing for a start needs to be changed to iron as opposed to gold otherwise no one is ever going to buy it, I suggest the price to be between 20-30 iron on normal, 10-15 on OP mode and 25-40 iron on Hardcore.

Wall Builder

This is probably the new addition to the blocks menu that I feel can actually see some use in game, it is useful in situations like block trapping where you can just place the wall infront of someone to cause them to jump into a hole and fall in the void, the speed of construction needs a slight increase to make it useful for the scenario I stated. It is a bit to low of a wall to be used as a proper defence and is probably not worth using as it would be more cost effective and faster to just build the wall yourself.
As for pricing I feel for the little use it has it is slightly too expensive and should be decreased down to 10 Iron in normal mode, 5 Iron in OP mode and 20 Iron in hardcore mode.

Tower Builder

The Tower builder is probably the strangest item to add in-game and I do not see any use for this tower apart from in late game for protection or to reinforce egg defence more, this is why I feel this item is more suitable for the emerald shop to which I recommend pricing it at 1 emerald on Normal, 1 Emerald for 2 on OP and 3 Emeralds on Hardcore. However if the intention is to keep it how it is, I noticed that in all modes the price remains at 7 diamonds which I think is a bug and i recommend fixing it.
For pricing changes if the intention is to keep it out of the emerald shop, I feel this item should cost 25 Gold in normal, 15 gold in OP and 40 gold in Hardcore, as I feel diamonds can be spent alot better on more useful items like swords and armour meaning this tower will most likely never be used.


This item has so much potential to be used in more comical situations aswell as maybe in more competitive ones, to start off it would be cool to be used as a ladder trap to block trap unsuspecting players, this could be a legitimate strategy done correctly to win games, the item can also be used for ladder clutched to avoid taking fall damage which is extremely useful when on low health, it can also be used on your egg defence to kind of annoy the other team although it would not be that effective there.
Pricing I think is very well balanced and I would not recommend changing any of these prices, however I think it should be moved entirely to the building menu to make it more readily available and noticeable for players to use ingame.

There are some items I don't feel belong to any of these categories so I will talk about them here instead aswell as talk about some new features added to the game aswell as some bugs that were overlooked.

Tinted Arrows

Tinted arrows I think are a great Idea and I feel a wider range of these arrows could be explored massively if tim is invested into it, the slowness and weakness effects however should be buffed to level 2 or 3 like its corresponding potions in the emerald shop as talked about before to make it more effective.
As for pricing I still feel they are not worth buying over normal arrows even with a buff and i think it can be changed so you can buy either a stack of 2 or 3 arrows with each purchase, the prices should stay the same but the amount you get needs to be changed to make it viable in competitive play.

Stats screen

This new edition has made things so much nicer, it is great being able to see what stats you get at the end of each game, it really shows what you have done and validates your runs and progress alot more. What i would like to see aswell is some extra rewards involved like XP for getting an egg or an elimination to encourage more play instead of to encourage camping. Other than that this change is one of my favourites.

These are only some minor bugs, but please fix the villagers and generators, set it so you are unable to activate the villagers and generators with your attack button as it causes so many losses in fights due to accidentally activating it, even though these is a text box that comes up when you attack a villager with a sword this is only the case for swords and not pickaxes which are used as weapons just as much. It also does not apply to custom villagers meaning you can still activate the villager shop with your sword on various custom villagers you can buy in the shop.

Ghostbridging fix, while I do commend the fix It has actually made things worse aswell as better, if you are about to enter a ghostbridge state when you change stack when you run out of blocks, instead it just cancels your bridge and makes you fall in the void which is highly infuriating, now players have to change stacks while speedbridging 1 block before they run out to avoid falling in the void, please fix this.

Overall this is my take on the whole update, I see this as a positive update that still needs some tweaking to make it perfect, i will be making a video soon addressing it all the points written very soon, thank you for reading and i hope this gets noticed!!!


Novice Member
May 15, 2020
This is really well made! Since I don't play eggwars often enough to add changes, i think that being able to buy items in bulk like gapples and glass would be a great addition, as buying 64 glass wouldn't take half the game.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2020
Yea I agree with all your points, and the golden carrots are an AMAZING addition
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