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Kyle Brown

Feb 18, 2017
I am having an argument with one of my friends about the win condition for egg wars and I am curious what other players or even creators/administrators think.

My claim is that if you are eliminated and your team wins you do not win.
I support this claim with the fact that if you are eliminated you do not receive points, your wins counter does not increment, it does not tell you "Congratulations, you win" like it does if you haven't been eliminated and you do not earn cubelets.

His claim is that if you are eliminated and your team wins you do win
He supports this claim with the fact that it says, for example, "Green won the game" and you are a member of green team

This has lead him to place no focus on preventing teammates from being eliminated as long as he can still kill everyone else. Since I think that those eliminated allies have lost I disagree and am inclined to allocate resources and focus on preserving our egg and keeping everyone on the team in the game.

What do you think? Can eliminated players win?


Forum Expert
Oct 20, 2015
Honestly I'm on the side of your friend, I feel that if your team wins you should win no matter what because you have still contributed to your team getting the win at the end.

Also it would mean that people who carry their team all the way to the final fight, killing all of the other teams members and destroys most of the other teams eggs, all their hard work would be thrown away because 1 guy in the final fight at the end uses a punch bow and bow spams them into the void. I would not be happy at all if I miss out on a win after putting all the work in like that.

Personally I think the rule where if you die you don't get the win even if your team does win is a bit petty and is based on the slight chance of people waiting in games and trying to farm wins. All you need to do is have fun. Be a community and play with friends and win together rather than being singled out if you are the only one to die and you don't get the win.

Farming wins isn't really a thing you can guarantee in games like eggwars, you either contribute and help eachother get to the end or try to play solo and die very very quickly. Lose a person in your team and your teams chances of winning pretty much get halved. You can try farming but I guarantee that who ever does try to farm them win just be wasting their time completely.

You play as a team so you should win as a team. That's my opinion anyways :P And either way, I used to play a lot of team games by myself and my team mates if they died just immediately left every single time, it was really rare that people did stay in the game to take the joint win. That was team sg though.


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
This is quite a different thread and I like it

I personally don't think that you win primarily because firstly for the points and secondly I am very sure that your win stat doesn't go up if this happens

Kyle Brown

Feb 18, 2017
JaiStrixZ I completely agree that an eliminated player should win with there team for reasons almost exactly matching what you've stated.

My big question though is: Under the current system with the game defined as is does an eliminated player on a winning team win?
As I stated above, I think the answer is no and I think acknowledging that that is how the game currently works and that it is not optimal would be the first step towards making it work how we both think it should.


Forum Expert
Oct 20, 2015
JaiStrixZ I completely agree that an eliminated player should win with there team for reasons almost exactly matching what you've stated.

My big question though is: Under the current system with the game defined as is does an eliminated player on a winning team win?
As I stated above, I think the answer is no and I think acknowledging that that is how the game currently works and that it is not optimal would be the first step towards making it work how we both think it should.
At the moment eliminated players don't get the win as far as I know.


Dedicated Member
May 9, 2016
Maple Syrup Land
At the moment eliminated players don't get the win as far as I know.
This is correct, An eliminated player does not get the win if his team wins.

I do agree that if a teammate days and gets eliminated and stays in the game to watch, i agree that they should also get the win if their team wins but only if they stay to watch their team win.


Jan 28, 2017
This is correct, An eliminated player does not get the win if his team wins.

I do agree that if a teammate days and gets eliminated and stays in the game to watch, i agree that they should also get the win if their team wins but only if they stay to watch their team win.
I dont agree if u get eliminated and stay in the game and your team wins, you shouldnt get the win because u were eliminated for the game, so technically you arent apart of the game anymore, you are just spectating to see who wins


Dedicated Member
Jun 7, 2016
I too agree, but the eliminated player shouldn't be getting full points. For win, you get 250 experience and 50 points. An eliminated player, who stays to spectate the match, should get only 100 experience and 10 points. This is because,
if u get eliminated and stay in the game and your team wins, you shouldnt get the win because u were eliminated for the game, so technically you arent apart of the game anymore, you are just spectating to see who wins
So I agree, but not quite.
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