Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Expert
Feb 4, 2020
The Netherlands
First of all, I don't want to offend anyone.

Most people who are reading this might disagree, but I still want to make this thread.

I've noticed that a LOT of staff-members are really inactive (mostly moderators). There are a lot of players who want to apply for Helper. At the moment, the Spanish and Dutch applications are closed and players aren't able to apply.

Suggestion/feedback: clean the staff-team. This way, new people are able to apply and the staff-team will be active again.


Forum Veteran
Mar 12, 2017
het land van kroketten, frikandellen
First of all being a moderator is a voluntary job. This means you are allowed to do as much as you can/want to do. Some people might be more active on the server, while others have more irl things to do. As long as they announce that they will be a bit less active the upcoming time it is all fine.

You claim that if some inactive staff members will be demoted there will be place for new Dutch and Spanish applicants. This is not true tho. The Dutch and Spanish applies are not closed because there is a too big number of staff members, but because the job the current staff team can do is enough. There is no need for more people helping with it. By that means kicking the moderators doing 'nothing' would not change this, as the amount of work being done stays the same.

I want to add to this that I certainly don't agree that there are enough Spanish moderators. I think it's time to open the Spanish applies again, but I already suggested this. The Dutch applies should not open yet in my opinion. Even though some Dutch moderators left, I don't see the need to hire more Dutch moderators. All reports during european day time get handled within 30 minutes at last most of the time, which is incredibly fast. Also there are a lot of moderators who speak Dutch, so helping people in Dutch where that's needed can be done easily as well.

I understand that it's frustrating if you wan't to apply, but unfortunately Cubecraft does not need more Dutch moderators. You'll have to be patient for them opening the applies again!


Forum Expert
Feb 4, 2020
The Netherlands
First of all being a moderator is a voluntary job. This means you are allowed to do as much as you can/want to do. Some people might be more active on the server, while others have more irl things to do. As long as they announce that they will be a bit less active the upcoming time it is all fine.
I understand. But I was talking about COMPLETELY inactive staff-members. Of course, if you have a good reason to be inactive, fine. But there are so many people who are inactive. It indeed is a voluntary job, but it still is an important job and therefore moderators have to be as active as possible.

The Dutch and Spanish applies are not closed because there is a too big number of staff members, but because the job the current staff team can do is enough.
The staff-team is mainly Dutch. If they remove those inactive people, it would be much better.
I understand that it's frustrating if you wan't to apply, but unfortunately Cubecraft does not need more Dutch moderators. You'll have to be patient for them opening the applies again!
I don't care about this. It's about the team and not me.


Forum Veteran
Mar 12, 2017
het land van kroketten, frikandellen
I understand. But I was talking about COMPLETELY inactive staff-members. Of course, if you have a good reason to be inactive, fine. But there are so many people who are inactive. It indeed is a voluntary job, but it still is an important job and therefore moderators have to be as active as possible.
I agree that they could maybe be a bit more strict with inactivity, but I don't know what happens behind the scenes. If someone has a good reason to be inactive they should certainly not be demoted.
The staff-team is mainly Dutch. If they remove those inactive people, it would be much better.
Even though some people don't do as much as others, that is no reason to demote them. What they do is still helpful for Cubecraft and as it's voluntary work so you can't force people to do a lot.
I don't care about this. It's about the team and not me.
It was more meant in general, if other people read it as well.


Forum Expert
Feb 11, 2016
The Netherlands
I agree with both of you. If moderators have a good reason to be inactive, then, of course, that should NOT be a problem. Though, something I would suggest (for mods). Post something on your profile to let everyone know that you are inactive for a reason. You don't need to tell what's going on, just let the community know that you will be inactive for some time.

Marijn, you are saying that being a moderator is a voluntary job so you are allowed to do as much as you can/want to do. That's not true. You need to be active to become a Helper, and then as a Helper, you need to be active and show that you can be a good moderator. Becoming a moderator doesn't mean that you can go inactive for weeks without a reason. You still need to be active and do your moderation duties. To end with, some staff members have other internal responsibilities. So they may appear inactive, while they actually aren't.

About the applications. Yes, Spanish applications should re-open (IMO). Though, Dutch is not necessary yet. We have enough Dutch moderators.
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Forum Veteran
Mar 12, 2017
het land van kroketten, frikandellen
Marijn, you are saying that being a moderator is a voluntary job so you are allowed to do as much as you can/want to do. That's not true, or at least, I don't agree. You need to be active to become a Helper, and then as a Helper, you need to be active and show that you can be a good moderator. Becoming a moderator doesn't mean that you can go inactive for weeks without a reason.
That's not exactly what I meant. You should not have to focus on Cubecraft as if it's a full time job, but doing nothing at all for no reason should not be allowed of course.


Forum Expert
Feb 4, 2020
The Netherlands
I agree that they could maybe be a bit more strict with inactivity, but I don't know what happens behind the scenes. If someone has a good reason to be inactive they should certainly not be demoted.
If it's not for a long period, acceptable. But when someone is planning on being inactive for months, they should be (temporarily) demoted.
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Dedicated Member
Aug 20, 2019
I agree with what Marijn said, it is a voluntary position so the amount of activity may vary. Along with that, if they are going to be completely inactive the staff team will know about this.

Another crucial detail that seems to be ignored here is the fact that quite a bit of the moderation work is something that may not be visible to the public. So we may have a case where a mod is actually quite active behind the scenes, but they may appear to be "inactive" to the public.

I don't think this "cleaning of the staff team" is necessary. Everyone on the team plays a part with how Cubecraft runs/grows each day, whether you guys see it or not :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
The backyard.
Like Calichin said already, moderators/staffs work is 80% of time invisible for the regular player. Also, people aren't moderators because they wanted the role, they really wanted to help the people and they knew how much time it would cost but you can't always assume they're gonna be active all day for weeks. Everyone has there own free time and moderators and the staff team give up that time just to help the server next to there private lives. I wouldn't blame anyone for being inactive for a little time.

However, if they really are inactive for weeks on end the staff team will handle it and it wouldn't be any concern to you. I get your point tho, and I agree in some ways but you shouldn't think about that really, just go play the game and if you have the requirments to apply, apply if you'd like.

Thanks for your suggestion, have a nice day! :)


Forum Expert
Feb 4, 2020
The Netherlands
moderators/staffs work is 80% of time invisible for the regular player.
I know for sure that this isn't true.
Also, people aren't moderators because they wanted the role, they really wanted to help the people and they knew how much time it would cost but you can't always assume they're gonna be active all day for weeks. Everyone has there own free time and moderators and the staff team give up that time just to help the server next to there private lives. I wouldn't blame anyone for being inactive for a little time.
Of course. People need their free time. But I'm talking about mods that are inactive for a longer period.


Forum Expert
Apr 10, 2020
The Land Of Pigs
clean the staff-team. This way, new people are able to apply and the staff-team will be active again.
Yes I agree (very original sentence I must say)
First of all being a moderator is a voluntary job. This means you are allowed to do as much as you can/want to do.
That makes no sense. Of course it’s not necessary to dedicate all your time to it, but if something is a voluntary job that doesn’t mean you can dedicate as much time to it as you want to? If I’m a volunteer fireman that doesn’t mean I can just say like “Oh no I don’t want to stop this fire rn”. If you take a voluntary job you still have responsibilities, maybe less, but you still have them.
As long as they announce that they will be a bit less active the upcoming time it is all fine.
It would be better to announce it to “normal players” too, as they may think someone is a bad mod like this.
You claim that if some inactive staff members will be demoted there will be place for new Dutch and Spanish applicants. This is not true tho. The Dutch and Spanish applies are not closed because there is a too big number of staff members, but because the job the current staff team can do is enough. There is no need for more people helping with it. By that means kicking the moderators doing 'nothing' would not change this, as the amount of work being done stays the same.
Maybe it wouldn’t change anything, but it doesn’t change anything to kick them either then does it? If someone’s not useful, get rid of them.
If someone has a good reason to be inactive they should certainly not be demoted.
If they have a good reason indeed, but you don’t know if they do, so why say they shouldn’t be demoted?
Even though some people don't do as much as others, that is no reason to demote them. What they do is still helpful for Cubecraft
Of course some people don’t do as much as others, and that’s fine. But people doing nothing at all certainly isn’t.
as it's voluntary work so you can't force people to do a lot.
See the answer to the second quote in this reply :)
Though, something I would suggest (for mods). Post something on your profile to let everyone know that you are inactive for a reason. You don't need to tell what's going on, just let the community know that you will be inactive for some time.
Good idea.
Marijn, you are saying that being a moderator is a voluntary job so you are allowed to do as much as you can/want to do. That's not true. You need to be active to become a Helper, and then as a Helper, you need to be active and show that you can be a good moderator. Becoming a moderator doesn't mean that you can go inactive for weeks without a reason. You still need to be active and do your moderation duties.
Exactly this.
If it's not for a long period, acceptable. But when someone is planning on being inactive for months, they should be (temporarily) demoted.
I agree again (wow I have a lot of these sentences today smh)
Like Calichin said already, moderators/staffs work is 80% of time invisible for the regular player.
80% seems kinda much and a complete guess, as you are not staff. If you don’t know it, don’t give numbers, you’ll most likely be wrong.
Also, people aren't moderators because they wanted the role, they really wanted to help the people and they knew how much time it would cost but you can't always assume they're gonna be active all day for weeks. Everyone has there own free time and moderators and the staff team give up that time just to help the server next to there private lives. I wouldn't blame anyone for being inactive for a little time.
Sure if you have good reasons to be inactive, you can. And of course you can do a little less sometimes, but if you’re gonna be inactive (and I mean not do anything at all) for weeks/months just because you want more “free time” then maybe you should have considered that it’s a lot of work before applying.
you shouldn't think about that really, just go play the game and if you have the requirments to apply, apply if you'd like.
Why shouldn’t we think about it? Isn’t thinking about things/suggesting things what this subforum is for?
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Forum Veteran
Mar 12, 2017
het land van kroketten, frikandellen
That makes no sense. Of course it’s not necessary to dedicate all your time to it, but if something is a voluntary job that doesn’t mean you can dedicate as much time to it as you want to? If I’m a volunteer fireman that doesn’t mean I can just say like “Oh no I don’t want to stop this fire rn”. If you take a voluntary job you still have responsibilities, maybe less, but you still have them.
Of course they still have responsibilities. If they don't do these at all they should be demoted. What I tried to say is that some do less than others, which is completely fine as it is a voluntary job. Besides, like Calichin mentioned, you can't always know if a mod is truely inactive. Some might be doing stuff behind the scenes and appear to be inactive for the public. This of course doesn't take away that there should be sanctions for the ones that are truely inactive without a valid reason.
It would be better to announce it to “normal players” too, as they may think someone is a bad mod like this.
Good idea! I saw Dutchy say this as well, it would be great if moderators communicate more to the community if they are going to be inactive for a while. Some already do this btw.
Maybe it wouldn’t change anything, but it doesn’t change anything to kick them either then does it? If someone’s not useful, get rid of them.
I agree that some inactive moderators should maybe be kicked, but the goal of this thread was that it makes space for new helpers. This is absolutely not true in my eyes.
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Forum Expert
Feb 4, 2020
The Netherlands
Being active isnt always visible, maybe staff keeps working on new updates? Or moderating the Discord server?
I’m already talking about the whole network. It’s not the job of a moderator to work on updates. That’s a job for the admins, devs, translators and designers.

Moderators are mostly involved with the community.


Forum Expert
Feb 11, 2016
The Netherlands
I’m already talking about the whole network. It’s not the job of a moderator to work on updates. That’s a job for the admins, devs, translators and designers.

Moderators are mostly involved with the community.
Not really. I can't say much about it, but moderators also work on updates.


Forum Expert
Apr 27, 2020
the Pizza Parlor
I truly can’t think of more than 3 staff members than you can consider inactive, and even then they aren’t that inactive, as Calichin said most work happens behind closed doors and even if inactive staff members were demoted, it wouldn’t be enough to reopen Dutch applications.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
The backyard.
Yes I agree (very original sentence I must say)

That makes no sense. Of course it’s not necessary to dedicate all your time to it, but if something is a voluntary job that doesn’t mean you can dedicate as much time to it as you want to? If I’m a volunteer fireman that doesn’t mean I can just say like “Oh no I don’t want to stop this fire rn”. If you take a voluntary job you still have responsibilities, maybe less, but you still have them.

It would be better to announce it to “normal players” too, as they may think someone is a bad mod like this.

Maybe it wouldn’t change anything, but it doesn’t change anything to kick them either then does it? If someone’s not useful, get rid of them.

If they have a good reason indeed, but you don’t know if they do, so why say they shouldn’t be demoted?

Of course some people don’t do as much as others, and that’s fine. But people doing nothing at all certainly isn’t.

See the answer to the second quote in this reply :)

Good idea.

Exactly this.

I agree again (wow I have a lot of these sentences today smh)

80% seems kinda much and a complete guess, as you are not staff. If you don’t know it, don’t give numbers, you’ll most likely be wrong.

Sure if you have good reasons to be inactive, you can. And of course you can do a little less sometimes, but if you’re gonna be inactive (and I mean not do anything at all) for weeks/months just because you want more “free time” then maybe you should have considered that it’s a lot of work before applying.

Why shouldn’t we think about it? Isn’t thinking about things/suggesting things what this subforum is for?
No no no I didn't mean it like you shouldn't think about it, it's just not something the player can change, only the staff-team can. That's why I said you shouldn't really think about it. Ofcourse you can talk about it but it's not like it's gonna change anything you know? :)
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