Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

/staff list

  • yes!!

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • no

    Votes: 11 64.7%

  • Total voters


Dedicated Member
Jun 3, 2016
Hello cubecrafters

@KitKatkels17 have my brought on a good suggestion. You see on the forums if there are staff members online, but It would be nice, if you can do in game /staff list, so that you see which staffmembers are online. I think that the most cubecrafters are not active on the forums. It would be handy, if you can ask in game some questions.

/staff list
- you can see in which mini-game lobby he is. if the staffmember is playing, there stay buuuddy is playing a game, you can't contact him. if he is in a lobby and buuuddy does /able to help. you can ask something to buuuddy. there stay buuuddy is able to help you. if buuuddy is in a lobby and he doesnt /able to help. You can see buuuddy is in a skywars lobby.

I hope you like this idea!!
give your opnion and vote!
I hope that this also will become added: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/fly-in-the-wait-lobbies.189746/

I wouldn't mind it just saying which staff members are online BUT not stating where they currently are!
Because hackers would simply do /staff list to see where the current staff are online then avoid them completely.
Also make it so it is impossible to contact staff members, cause many people will just spam them (or let them have the ability to white list who may contact them through staff chat).
Finally if the staff member is in vanish they will instantly not appear in the staff list.

If all these conditions are met I will be okay with this


Dedicated Member
Sep 12, 2016
I find this a neat feature. It won't really help much, as it can not show where the staff is nor contact him in anyway.
But it's nice to see if a staff is actually online.


I honestly do not think this is necessary. We already have forums for that. And also if people know where the Staffs are, I would implement the harassment of the members of the Staff


Forum Expert
Oct 21, 2015
than maybe that you can see as staff online is. Staff is also your friend ;). but yeah if there isnt a staff member online you can swear,trol
I do have Staff Members in my friend list, but some players do not.

As I said, not everybody has discord/ a forum account.
That is a point. But we can make that more clearly in the server by doing automatic broadcasts, for example.

It would just be better if they add /staffvanish (/staffv) if you don't want to appear in the /stafflist.
IF they add /staff list
Look, CubeCraft is one of the biggest Minecraft networks of the world with about 10,000-20,000 players each day. It is not helpful to add a command like this one. There are definitely players who will use this command to spam it and abuse it. You can better add a /staff list command on smaller servers with a maximum of like 200-300 players.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2016
I think this is a good idea but only if you could see if any staff are online, just not where they are since like others has said - people would abuse it or hackers would use it. If they want to be able to play without people knowing they are online they should just be able to put up some settings making it seem like they aren't online, I believe it would be easy to fix. ^^


Dedicated Member
Oct 17, 2016
The Netherlands.
I like the idea. But I don't know. You never know If players are make abuse of it, so for example. You see a Staff member is online in a lobby, and you want to troll him, with saying false things where they spend their time on, so it gives me a sort of a feeling. Also of you see a Staff member in which lobby they are they might catching rule breakers and If you're swearing or something you can check easy If there's a mod by you in the lobby.

Well explained Davey, it's easy to create a forums account! Because then you start a conversation with the mod that you would like to speak always available!


Dedicated Member
Jan 6, 2015
As I said, not everybody has discord/ a forum account.
It would just be better if they add /staffvanish (/staffv) if you don't want to appear in the /stafflist.
IF they add /staff list
it kills my ocd if you have bad punctuation and use colors.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2016
Candy - https://discord.gg/rcQfj8v
Ok so first off I'd like to point out that this is not what I had said, what I did was ask a question about the bar that says staff is online but I won't dig to deep into it
As for the actual post, I think it has it's ups and downs for a up a think it could be a good idea. Staff is a little board and wants to help out some people they can go online and say hay I'm free to talk ask away :) and if they just wanna play a game they can just go offline.
A con I see about it is that it will get abused, people will come to the lobby and hate on staff just because they feel like it which sucks for staff or people will make threads complaining about staff staying offline and who would want staff to get abused? They already get enough hate as it is.

In the end this can ethier way but to prevent conflict I'd say leave it how it is and let staff have privacy.

Hypixel Network

Novice Member
Jan 28, 2017
I think it's just a better idea to show who is online, and where they are right now.
If for some reason the staff doesn't want to appear online, they could use a command like /staffv or something, so people can't see them in /staff.
Like if they are watching a hacker, and they don't want the hacker to notice them, it would be useful too. (If the hacker always does /staff to check if there is a staff member there)
My eyes automatically drew ny attention weay from colours
Its not hatd to look at but it makes my brain not want ti read


Dedicated Member
Mar 31, 2017
i nu tell u
There would be a load of annoying people going /staff list and then when the staff member does /able, instead of asking for help, saying something like: "OMG BUUUUDDY HI OMG IVE NEVER TALKED TO A MOD BEFORE OMG HAI!!!!1!!1!!!1!!1!!1!"

That basically explains my opinion on this matter
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