Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Deleted member 469419

Currently, when you apply for a staff member, the application for you is not registered, that is, you cannot see what you applied, only when you apply does it send you a message saying "Thank you for applying, if your response has been successful we will let you know". Well, my proposal is to save all your applications in the applications section for staff, so that you can see the details you put (with the date) etc.


Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Personally, I also think the applications should be submitted in a sub-forum rather than a google form. Here's why:
1. The applicants can organize the text in their answers better.
- There is a question on the application asking about your skills. Some applicants might decide to go into details and answer multiple questions - ''What skills do I have?'', ''What about my work on the server proves I have these skills?'', ''How will these skills help me become a good staff member?''. If they do, they might find it difficult to organize their text on a google form, since they cannot use any kind of text formatting (use spoilers, bold, italic, change font size, etc). They can only use different paragraphs.

2. The Helper recruitment team would be able to easily give feedback to good applicants, instead of having to create conversations in order to do it.
- Don't get me wrong, thinking about where you have gone wrong and re-evaluating yourself is an important thing, and that part of the application process should definitely remain being a thing. BUT, I strongly support giving feedback to those applicants who meet the minimum requirements (some of them meet these requirements multiple times), have been applying for a long time and have obviously been trying to improve their work. Just like the staff team needs suggestions from members to improve their games, that's how your applicants may also run out of ideas at some point. and would like to hear some advice from other people. Now, what exactly is good about giving feedback to applicants?
  • It shows respect and appreciation to the work of the applicant.
  • It motivates the applicant to continue working and improving. It motivates them to not give up. Because, let's be real for a second - If your application gets denied over 10 times, you've spent tons of hours writing your application, thinking about where you might have gone wrong, tons of hours interacting with the community, creating quality messages/threads, creating reports, and then you don't even receive the shortest message as an answer to your application, how would you feel? What would you think? It's true that Helper is just a rank, and you do not need it to be a true Helper of the community, but it is a rank that gives you many opportunities. Opportunities to do even more for the server and the community. More than you can do as a normal member. That being said, if you are an applicant that truly loves the community and are passionate about the server, you would definitely think for yourself: ''Is there any point to continue trying? They obviously do not want me, I tried over 10 times. They showed me that after everything I have done and do, I do not deserve an opportunity.'' It is true that you probably won't give up on applying and doing good for the community even though you feel this way, but do you deserve to feel this way? Don't think so.
  • It will show the Helper recruitment team how the applicant is able to handle feedback. Will the applicant accept the criticism and work on improving using the feedback that has been given to them? That is also important because as a staff member, one of your duties is to look through suggestions, receive and give feedback.
3. You will know who has submitted the application and when they have submitted it. That means no more fake, troll applications or if someone decides to submit loads of useless responses to the form, they would not be able to do that, because you will be able to see who is spamming applications and punish the forum user. Currently, literally everyone can access the application form, even if they do not have a forums account. What's the point in wasting time to review these applications?

4. You should be able to make it so only forum members that meet a certain Helper requirement would be able to access the sub-forum for submitting applications. That means no more applications from people who do not meet most, if not all of the minimum requirements. That's saving up a lot of time. Time that you can use to give feedback to good applicants instead.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
Personally, I also think the applications should be submitted in a sub-forum rather than a google form. Here's why:
1. The applicants can organize the text in their answers better.
- There is a question on the application asking about your skills. Some applicants might decide to go into details and answer multiple questions - ''What skills do I have?'', ''What about my work on the server proves I have these skills?'', ''How will these skills help me become a good staff member?''. If they do, they might find it difficult to organize their text on a google form, since they cannot use any kind of text formatting (use spoilers, bold, italic, change font size, etc). They can only use different paragraphs.

2. The Helper recruitment team would be able to easily give feedback to good applicants, instead of having to create conversations in order to do it.
- Don't get me wrong, thinking about where you have gone wrong and re-evaluating yourself is an important thing, and that part of the application process should definitely remain being a thing. BUT, I strongly support giving feedback to those applicants who meet the minimum requirements (some of them meet these requirements multiple times), have been applying for a long time and have obviously been trying to improve their work. Just like the staff team needs suggestions from members to improve their games, that's how your applicants may also run out of ideas at some point. and would like to hear some advice from other people. Now, what exactly is good about giving feedback to applicants?
  • It shows respect and appreciation to the work of the applicant.
  • It motivates the applicant to continue working and improving. It motivates them to not give up. Because, let's be real for a second - If your application gets denied over 10 times, you've spent tons of hours writing your application, thinking about where you might have gone wrong, tons of hours interacting with the community, creating quality messages/threads, creating reports, and then you don't even receive the shortest message as an answer to your application, how would you feel? What would you think? It's true that Helper is just a rank, and you do not need it to be a true Helper of the community, but it is a rank that gives you many opportunities. Opportunities to do even more for the server and the community. More than you can do as a normal member. That being said, if you are an applicant that truly loves the community and are passionate about the server, you would definitely think for yourself: ''Is there any point to continue trying? They obviously do not want me, I tried over 10 times. They showed me that after everything I have done and do, I do not deserve an opportunity.'' It is true that you probably won't give up on applying and doing good for the community even though you feel this way, but do you deserve to feel this way? Don't think so.
  • It will show the Helper recruitment team how the applicant is able to handle feedback. Will the applicant accept the criticism and work on improving using the feedback that has been given to them? That is also important because as a staff member, one of your duties is to look through suggestions, receive and give feedback.
3. You will know who has submitted the application and when they have submitted it. That means no more fake, troll applications or if someone decides to submit loads of useless responses to the form, they would not be able to do that, because you will be able to see who is spamming applications and punish the forum user. Currently, literally everyone can access the application form, even if they do not have a forums account. What's the point in wasting time to review these applications?

4. You should be able to make it so only forum members that meet a certain Helper requirement would be able to access the sub-forum for submitting applications. That means no more applications from people who do not meet most, if not all of the minimum requirements. That's saving up a lot of time. Time that you can use to give feedback to good applicants instead.
This is something the recruitment team needs to see. I'll go ahead and tag some people that I'm sure are involved: @Capitan @AnimalTamer1 @Younisco @zRinne

It can't be that much work to make a new sub-forum for applications. Something that does seem like a challenge to me is filtering out those who do not meet the minimum requirements, though the same goes for the current google form and it must take way longer to click the profile link for each google form and check it that way. Regardless, I've heard of multiple cases were 'applicants' were contacted despite the fact they didn't apply, in other words: if the sub-forum would be in place, people can't just go around and apply in the name of others. Seems like another important issue to address

TL;DR: Make a new sub-forum as Elenah said, it'll be more organized and easier to filter out insufficient candidates


Forum Veteran
Jun 26, 2016
This is something the recruitment team needs to see. I'll go ahead and tag some people that I'm sure are involved:
Welp will reply haha
Side Note: If you have a question/comment/concern/suggestion, it would be best to tag me or come to me directly. Only specific people are on the recruitment team and since this list is not public, I would not want a fake list or rumored list causing problems or spreading fake information. Also, please do not assume based on specific ranks that they may be involved in specific teams as this may not be the case and I do not want false information being spread and causing more problems than necessary. Like I said earlier, if you have any comments concerning the recruitment team feel free to tag me or come to me and I will be happy to help! ^-^
Other staff can answer some of your questions as well, so you can contact them as well! I just mean in general :)

I think it would be nice to move the process onto the forums, but I feel like I have replied to this (if not something similar in the past). Despite that, I will reply here again, just stating some things off of what @Elenahh said and about this idea as a whole.
Well, my proposal is to save all your applications in the applications section for staff, so that you can see the details you put (with the date) etc.
We do have a way (as staff) to easily save the responses and as long as you save the link you are given after you apply, you can revisit it if you wish. :)

With that in mind. I know that adding it to the forums would make it easier and more fluent for some people (as well as add some ease to staff), but there are still some things that were added on to this thread that it would not really change.

2. The Helper recruitment team would be able to easily give feedback to good applicants, instead of having to create conversations in order to do it.
- Don't get me wrong, thinking about where you have gone wrong and re-evaluating yourself is an important thing, and that part of the application process should definitely remain being a thing. BUT, I strongly support giving feedback to those applicants who meet the minimum requirements (some of them meet these requirements multiple times), have been applying for a long time and have obviously been trying to improve their work. Just like the staff team needs suggestions from members to improve their games, that's how your applicants may also run out of ideas at some point. and would like to hear some advice from other people. Now, what exactly is good about giving feedback to applicants?
This is not always a feasible thing. Even if the application process was on the forums we would not always be able to say what the applicant has done wrong. As I have said previously I would love to give feedback to applicants, but I would also much rather have genuine candidates. The reason that I would rather keep the denial reasons minimal (to none existent) is because I want people to read the requirements, rules etc. and know based off that if they are or are not a good candidate. They would act better, then normal, to try and show us they are a good applicant. I do not want a mask, I want genuine people. A reason I could explain the denial reasoning would be not meeting a requirement like forums activity/messages, age, reports, and maybe even activity as a whole. There may be other reasons outside of that where someone could be denied and we would not want them to change because we noticed this and are watching, then revert back when they are staff.
Being staff is a lot of work, as any staff could attest. This means that placing a mask on to meet the requirements or get a rank, could result in the person being burnt out much faster as the amount of work actually hits them. They can not fake doing work on the team, as we are a team and we all bare the load of reports etc. I want to hire staff for the long term, not ones that are putting on a mask to look pretty, that either then resign or have to be fired.

  • It shows respect and appreciation to the work of the applicant.
  • It motivates the applicant to continue working and improving. It motivates them to not give up. Because, let's be real for a second - If your application gets denied over 10 times, you've spent tons of hours writing your application, thinking about where you might have gone wrong, tons of hours interacting with the community, creating quality messages/threads, creating reports, and then you don't even receive the shortest message as an answer to your application, how would you feel? What would you think? It's true that Helper is just a rank, and you do not need it to be a true Helper of the community, but it is a rank that gives you many opportunities. Opportunities to do even more for the server and the community. More than you can do as a normal member. That being said, if you are an applicant that truly loves the community and are passionate about the server, you would definitely think for yourself: ''Is there any point to continue trying? They obviously do not want me, I tried over 10 times. They showed me that after everything I have done and do, I do not deserve an opportunity.'' It is true that you probably won't give up on applying and doing good for the community even though you feel this way, but do you deserve to feel this way? Don't think so.
I can see why this is a concern, and it is why I would love to give feedback, but as stated above it would only be to an extent. I wouldn't mind someone coming to me to ask about what they can improve on and taking that initiative (if they meet the minimum requirements and aren't sure of another reason) but again there is only so much I would/could say.

3. You will know who has submitted the application and when they have submitted it. That means no more fake, troll applications or if someone decides to submit loads of useless responses to the form, they would not be able to do that, because you will be able to see who is spamming applications and punish the forum user. Currently, literally everyone can access the application form, even if they do not have a forums account. What's the point in wasting time to review these applications?
A reason I am not against this idea :)

4. You should be able to make it so only forum members that meet a certain Helper requirement would be able to access the sub-forum for submitting applications. That means no more applications from people who do not meet most, if not all of the minimum requirements. That's saving up a lot of time. Time that you can use to give feedback to good applicants instead.
I would find it hard to lock people out of this forum, because if someone links them and they can't access it, I would see constant repetition of staff having to answer the question as to why. That being said, if it had a message for those that don't meet the requirements instead of the application then that could work.

All in all, I am not opposed to the idea, it would be just figuring it out, sorting out the proper system for it and how to efficiently incorporate it and so forth.
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