Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Jan 2, 2024
I saw that someone in the Cubecraft Discord server posted some questions about the Cubecraft java platforms future, but only one of the questions were answerd. So I have simply copied and pasted the whole message + questions below. To any Cubecraft staff that might be reading this: please answer! Okay thanks bye!
(The discord post was made @www.metallica.com btw)
Some questions about the future of Java CubeCraft

On September 5th, 2022, a bunch of gamemodes got removed from the Cubecraft Java platform. This was due to a lack of players. Not long time after the gamemodes were removed, the playercount dropped. It was said that the Java platform "cannot support itself with 1,000 players". To solve this problem the huge 1.19 update was put into work, and about 6 months later the update was realesed.

Today, about 8 months since the realese of the update, the Java platform is far away from having more than 1000 players online, and we have gotten no updates on when the removed gamemodes will be back. With this said, I ask the following questions to the CC staff:

1. Is Java CC at risk of being shut down?

2. What's the plans (if any) for the removed gamemodes? Is it possible that they will make a return in 2024? What needs to happen in order for the gamemodes to come back? (I know about the "enough players to start the games at all time", but I would appreciate a more detailed answer. Also, how are you going to know when they can start when they can't start at all since they are removed?)

3. If the removed gamemodes can't come back like before, could it still be possible for a compromise, where we could get 1 weekly rotating gamemode back?

4. What is being done to grow the Java CC playerbase?


Note: Q. No. 1 Was answerd. Apparently the Cubecraft java platform isn't at risk of being shut down.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2017
regarding points 2 and 3. I do remember that a mod or a staff mentioned the return of the team gamemodes, as I understood it, they will return but no one knows when that will happen, maybe in a coming update or when the player count strats growing up again.


Forum Extraordinaire
May 5, 2020
Liverpool, Merseyside
1. Is Java CC at risk of being shut down?
No, Java is not at risk of being shut down. At this time we have no active plans on shutting down our Java network. It was previously mentioned that if Java did not surpass 1,000 players at any given time that we would have no choice but to shut it down, however this has since changed, and we no longer plan to do this. Instead, we will continue to expand and improve our Java network where possible.

2. What's the plans (if any) for the removed gamemodes? Is it possible that they will make a return in 2024? What needs to happen in order for the gamemodes to come back? (I know about the "enough players to start the games at all time", but I would appreciate a more detailed answer. Also, how are you going to know when they can start when they can't start at all since they are removed?)
Gamemodes were removed due to low player counts only providing around 1% of our overall player-base. This includes team gamemodes such as Lucky Islands Duos, Tower Defence, etc. We do hope that we can eventually bring a return to these gamemodes in the future, but as of right now there are no active plans being discussed for them.

More information on the reasoning for the removal of most of the games can be found here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/🎮-the-future-of-cubecraft-java-☕.321102/


The above is an example of Duels on Java back when the decision was made in September of 2022. As you can see, the game was slightly popular, but within a full 24 hour period only peaked at 45 players.


Here is one for Minerware. Again, as you can see, barely hitting 90 players. I don't have all the graphs, these are some from the thread linked above, but you can see neither of those games were getting 100 players at any given time.


Novice Member
Aug 13, 2020
Esque mi pregunta es porque los eliminaron los mapas? Dicen que cubecraft necesita crecer más de 1000 jugadores y justo cuando tenía los mapas más de 1000 jugadores, desde que los quitaron cubecraft no ha hecho otra cosa que perder jugadores ya que un día de hoy hay entre 500 y 800 jugadores en línea, así no van a llegar a los 1000 para que lleguen a los 1000 tienen que volver los mapas o los modos si no esto es imposible de salvar
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Jan 2, 2024
No, Java is not at risk of being shut down. At this time we have no active plans on shutting down our Java network. It was previously mentioned that if Java did not surpass 1,000 players at any given time that we would have no choice but to shut it down, however this has since changed, and we no longer plan to do this. Instead, we will continue to expand and improve our Java network where possible.

Gamemodes were removed due to low player counts only providing around 1% of our overall player-base. This includes team gamemodes such as Lucky Islands Duos, Tower Defence, etc. We do hope that we can eventually bring a return to these gamemodes in the future, but as of right now there are no active plans being discussed for them.

More information on the reasoning for the removal of most of the games can be found here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/🎮-the-future-of-cubecraft-java-☕.321102/

View attachment 226565
The above is an example of Duels on Java back when the decision was made in September of 2022. As you can see, the game was slightly popular, but within a full 24 hour period only peaked at 45 players.

View attachment 226566
Here is one for Minerware. Again, as you can see, barely hitting 90 players. I don't have all the graphs, these are some from the thread linked above, but you can see neither of those games were getting 100 players at any given time.

Thank you so much for the answer!

Is there any type of goal set for when bringing back the gamemodes could be possible again? Like if let's say the playercount avrages 1k players daily?

If not, could you give us a good guess?
And thanks again!

(Sorry if this is bad grammar or just dosen't make sense at all, I'm really tierd hahaha)
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lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
BicolourSine41 wrote on luminance69's profile.
Welcome 🤗 🤗
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