Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Jan 4, 2019
I would like to see lapis and bottles o' enchanting (aka XP bottles) added to spawn and "bonus" chests (chests that are placed around the map, not at the middle of the map) like how it used to be in the past.
The reason for the suggestion is to help players who are at a disadvantage especially near the end of the game, it can increase their chances to beat players who had good gear if they know how to use the said equipment to their advantage.
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Reesle wrote on TnAdan_'s profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂
lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
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