Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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Forum Veteran
Oct 18, 2015
My suggestion is to add examples of when you can actually report someone, currently I feel like there's quite some confusion about when exactly you're able to report someone and when this player should get a mute. Most of these rules state that you have to warn the player at least 2 times, does this mean that you can report him directly after you've warned him twice? Or does this mean that he has to do it once more after your second warning? I really feel like this should be cleared up, as I've seen some staff members accept reports that have two warnings and the player stops after the second warning, but I've also seen some staff members reject these reports.

I've most of the guidelines and I'll edit them to how I think it should be, also I feel like if someone reports a team-killer, with evidence that clearly shows that the player is purposely trying to kill his team, he should be banned without any warnings. If someone accidently places lava on their team I feel like one warning should be enough, and then if the person does it a second time he should get punished. After you've been warned not to kill your team with for example lava you should probably just put your lava away, so I feel like one warning is more than enough, unless the evidence shows that the person is purposely doing it of course. It would also be really neat to see the actual punishments of breaking these rules in the guidelines.

Advertising an IP, YouTube and Twitch links - All but server advertising requires at least 2 warnings and screenshots.
We do not allow players to advertise on our server. While advertising a server does not require any warnings, advertising Youtube/Twitch links requires at least 2 warnings if repeated more than once in a hour.

Example of when you are able to report advertisers (Requires unedited/uncropped screenshots):
|Stone| Player1: Hey everyone, please come and join my stream/watch my new video *inserts link*.
[Mod] Mod1: Hey Player1, please stop advertising your Twitch/YouTube. (1/2)
|Stone| Player1: Hey everyone, please come and join my stream/watch my new video *inserts link*.
[Mod] Mod1: Hey Player1, please stop advertising your Twitch/YouTube. (2/2)
Stone| Player1: Hey everyone, please come and join my stream/watch my new video *inserts link*.
Now you're able to report Player1 for advertising.

Cussing, spamming or using any kind of offensive language - All of those require at least 2 warnings and screenshots.
If you see someone doing one of the above, you must warn them by mentioning their name and telling them to stop at least 2 times.

Example of when you are able to report spammers (Requires unedited/uncropped screenshots):
|Stone| Player1: Spam spam spam
Player1: Spam spam spam
Player1: Spam spam spam
[Mod] Mod1: Hey Player1, please stop spamming. (1/2)
Player1: Spam spam spam
Player1: Spam spam spam
Player1: Spam spam spam
[Mod] Mod1: Hey Player1, please stop spamming. (2/2)
Player1: Spam spam spam
Player1: Spam spam spam
Player1: Spam spam spam
Now you're able to report Player1 for spamming, the same format counts for warning/reporting players who use inappropriate language, they don't have to spam their inappropriate language though.

Team-killing/trolling and cross-teaming - All of those require at least 2 warnings and video evidence.
While playing with a player that did one of the above, you should warn them twice before reporting.

Example of when you are able to report team-killers/trollers and cross-teamers (Requires video evidence):
Player1 is teaming with Player2 whilst they're not on the same team*
|Obsidian| Player3: Hey player1 and player2, please stop cross teaming.
*After a couple of minutes
Player1 and Player2 are still teaming*
|Obsidian| Player3: Hey player1 and player2, please stop cross teaming.
*After another couple of minutes
Player1 and Player2 haven't stopped teaming*
Now you're able to report Player1 and Player2 for cross-teaming, if the video is long be sure to include times where you warn them. The same format counts for warning/reporting team-killers/trollers.

Camping (Skybases in: Lucky islands & solo/team SkyWars) - Requires at least 2 warnings and video evidence.
If someone is camping in a sky base, you must warn them by mentioning their name and telling them to stop at least 2-3 times.

Example of when you are able to report campers (Requires video evidence):
*Player1 and Player2 are camping inside a sky base, making it really difficult for other players to kill them*
|Diamond| Player3: Player1 and Player2, please stop camping in a sky base, it's against the rules and if you continue to do so you might get punished.
Player3 waits a couple of minutes to see if they stop camping*
Player1 and Player2 continue to camp inside their sky base*
|Diamond| Player3: Player1 and Player2, please stop camping in a sky base, it's against the rules and if you continue to do so you will get punished.
Player3 waits a couple of minutes to see if they stop camping*
Player1 and Player2 ignore Player3 once again and they continue to camp*
Now you're able to report Player1 and Player2 for camping, if the video is long be sure to include times where you warn them.

Impersonating staff, other ranks and players -Requires at least 2 warnings and screenshots.
If someone impersonates, you must warn them by mentioning their name and telling them to stop at least 2-3 times.

Example of when you are able to report impersonators (Requires unedited/uncropped screenshots):
|Iron| Player1: [YouTube] Hey guys, I have a lot of subs!
[Mod] Mod1: Player1, please stop impersonating.
|Iron| Player1: [Admin] I will ban you all.
[Mod] Mod1: Player1, please stop impersonating.
|Iron| Player1: [Obsidian] Player3: Hey guys, I have the Obsidian rank and my name is Player3!
Now you're able to report Player1 for impersonating.

I didn't perform it that well and I might've made a couple of mistakes, but I hope you get the idea and I think it would be really good if it got added to the guidelines.
Last edited:


Forum Veteran
Mar 2, 2016
Cat world
My opinion on this:

For advertising,
Anytime anyone advertises another server, warn them first unless they are blatantly spamming something like this:

Hey join xxxx.net
Hey join xxxx.net
Hey join xxxx.net.
Hey join xxxx.net.

The point is to ban players who just join to advertise. We don't want to strictly ban players who have been around for a while who advertise, such as if Player 1 were to talk and say "hey I'm going to <server>" or is talking to their friend in pm about another server etc. We would like to warn/talk to them about it first as they may not be familiar with the rules and had no intention of taking away members.

The same can be applied to spammers as they may have joined just to troll the players without caring if it's against the rules and may result in a ban/mute.

For the cross teaming suggestion, I think it's best to include that it is against the rules as they may think you're making excuses.
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Forum Veteran
Oct 18, 2015
My opinion on this:

For advertising,
Anytime anyone advertises another server, warn them first unless they are blatantly spamming something like this:

Hey join xxxx.net
Hey join xxxx.net
Hey join xxxx.net.
Hey join xxxx.net.

The point is to ban players who just join to advertise. We don't want to strictly ban players who have been around for a while who advertise, such as if Player 1 were to talk and say "hey I'm going to <server>" or is talking to their friend in pm about another server etc. We would like to warn/talk to them about it first as they may not be familiar with the rules and had no intention of taking away members.

The same can be applied to spammers as they may have joined just to troll the players without caring if it's against the rules and may result in a ban/mute.

For the cross teaming suggestion, I think it's best to include that it is against the rules as they may think you're making excuses.
With my thread I wanted to make aware that it's still quite unclear when you're able to report players and how to properly warn them. I agree with you that there are a lot of players who put a servername/ip in the chat with no intention on actually advertising, so these players should just be warned in my opinion, I also believe that if someone reports one of these players they don't recieve a punishment, or a really small one. I also didn't edit any of the guidelines, I just added my examples of how to warn people in it the rest is copied from the actual guidelines thread.

I'm not sure what you mean with the spammers part, maybe you could give some more explanation for that. I also agree with you that if you're warning someone for cross teaming that you should include that it's against the rules, as I said earlier I just made this thread giving an idea of how I think it would be better, the staff team can make as many changes as they want if they would add something like this to the guidelines.


Forum Veteran
Jun 26, 2016
Ya I agree, clarifying the rules a bit more and adding some examples would help a lot. This is a great idea!
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Forum Veteran
Jun 26, 2016


Forum Veteran
Mar 2, 2016
Cat world
With my thread I wanted to make aware that it's still quite unclear when you're able to report players and how to properly warn them. I agree with you that there are a lot of players who put a servername/ip in the chat with no intention on actually advertising, so these players should just be warned in my opinion, I also believe that if someone reports one of these players they don't recieve a punishment, or a really small one. I also didn't edit any of the guidelines, I just added my examples of how to warn people in it the rest is copied from the actual guidelines thread.

I'm not sure what you mean with the spammers part, maybe you could give some more explanation for that. I also agree with you that if you're warning someone for cross teaming that you should include that it's against the rules, as I said earlier I just made this thread giving an idea of how I think it would be better, the staff team can make as many changes as they want if they would add something like this to the guidelines.

Well I can't explain the spammer part well. Just thought I'd give my take on advertising since we're talking about the rules.
Other than that, it's a good explanation but if I had to suggest something, is it possible to color the word "Player 1" and "Player 2"
Because for me, it looks like a wall of text
I think adding colors to just the player 1 and player 2 could help lighten the chat and make it easier to read.

So it would look a little like this (you don't have to do it, just thought it may prevent your eyes from criss-crossing:
*Player1 and Player2 are camping inside a sky base, making it really difficult for other players to kill them*
|Diamond| Player3: Player1 and Player2, please stop camping in a sky base, it's against the rules and if you continue to do so you might get punished.
*Player3 waits a couple of minutes to see if they stop camping*
*Player1 and Player2 continue to camp inside their sky base*
|Diamond| Player3: Player1 and Player2, please stop camping in a sky base, it's against the rules and if you continue to do so you will get punished.
*Player3 waits a couple of minutes to see if they stop camping*
*Player1 and Player2 ignore Player3 once again and they continue to camp*
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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Central City
+1 This is how all reports/warns should be looked at. I hope this becomes a sticky thread of how all players should report. All of these situations, follow the times I reported players.

Great Examples!


Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2015
Beyond The Wall
Don't worry, as soon as the punishment overhaul comes (we're getting closer, it's coming, I promise), then we will most likely create or edit our reporting guidelines because a lot of things will be changing including our warning system.

I apologize for how it works currently. I know that it sucks to warn over and over again when it usually doesn't make much of a difference anyways. The player will most likely ignore you because you don't have any power to punish them right away, and continue breaking whatever rule that was being broken. From what I know, this is the case because our banning system isn't too lenient as of now, but this will change, and with it, so will our reporting guidelines and the future of dealing with CubeCraft rulebreakers.

Hope this clears things up.
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