Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Deleted member 100818

I came up with a small solution:
Skip to 4:01
Well to be honest. I know there are mods like 5 zig etc. But the average age of Minecraft keeps getting lower, they don't know this exists in the first place. So I think making it automatically public when you die/the game ends is still a good thing to implement.
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Deleted member 100818

I'll just.. Bump this once as I'm allowed to do it once now. Soo.. Other people wanna react? =3
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TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on MajorMythG's profile.
Cool update!:D
TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on Kazwa's profile.
Kazwa wrote on Catss's profile.
TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on wheatyl's profile.
Hello Cool Partner:D
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