Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2016
Es para presentar una inconformidad con el server y con los mod o admi por que me han baneado sin razón clara han mostrado un vídeo el cual no demuestra que tenga hacks por el contrario mustra que yo iba muy lag y me quedo quieto no se si me banean por como pegaba ya que no pegaba raro solo esperaba el tiempo preciso para golpear y cuando me golpea no me muevo por el lag no muestran suficientes pruebas como para un baneo gracias por su atencion.

Anexo video

no me parecen suficientes pruebas


Pls report hackers at the bottom of the forums page.


He posted in wrong section, I'll get staff to lock this thread.


Btw I notified helper about this thread

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
Por favor, informe a los piratas informáticos aquí: D https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/report-a-player.24/
He's not trying to report a player. Pulled exactly from Google Translate, with some minor corrections:

It is to present unconformity with the server and with mod or admin because I have banned without clear reason have shown a video which does not prove to have hacks on the contrary above shows that I was very lag and I'm still not sure if I they ban by as hit and not hit weird just waiting the right time to hit and when I hit not move the lag does not show enough evidence for banning thanks for your attention. I do not find sufficient evidence.

You can appeal here, but your chances of getting accepted are low since that video has sufficient evidence proving you have hacked: https://appeals.cubecraft.net/
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