Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2015

a while ago I had an idea and today I have decided to submit it. In short, it is a themed PvP brawl over a massive map with a number of different classes and with teamwork and use of chat at the heart of it.


It would have a lot of people, preferably it would be best with at least 50 per team but I reckon it could work with 25 or less per team. I think it would need big teams because then it is likely that both teams will have some communication going on like in some bigger TSW maps like Pacman.


Each map would be themed around a certain era of time and place. That could mean medieval England with castles and small villages or a World War theme with lots of mud. Themes like Aztec, Native American could also be fun. Maps based on the future could also be interesting to play.

I think big maps are important because it adds an element of scouting and teamwork rather than a mega-melee.


Depending on what time period and weaponry both sides would have had at the time and place then the kits would vary. An example choice of medieval kits I thought of was:


Archer (bow, chainmail armour, arrows and a weak sword)
Crossbowman (bow with lower range but stronger power, chainmail armour, arrows and a weak sword)
Cannon (powerful bow with arrows that cause mini-TNT explosion on impact but huge slowness effect, chainmail armour, arrows and a weak sword.


Swordsman (strong sword, chainmail/iron armour)
Pikeman (preferably this would be some sort of medium-strength sword with a Kill Aura style effect, mild slowness effect, chainmail/iron armour)
Knight (on horseback, either "pike" or strong sword, full iron armour for player and horse)

Different ages could have different kits, for example some more modern maps could have gun kits. This mod has some good weapon ideas in it too.

Other Ideas:

Perhaps there could be a special naval battle one, though that could be hard to make with moving ships and stuff. It would be possible to make the maps even more themed with use of a forced texture map download.
Er, no more yet!




Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2014
So basically a themed kit PvP with teams?
Would this be something that anyone can join at any point and can change teams (with a limit between amount difference in teams) and every so often it changes map once a point limit is set it resets
Or would it be something like SG where you wait until it starts and can't join once it starts?
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2015
So basically a themed kit PvP with teams?
Would this be something that anyone can join at any point and can change teams (with a limit between amount difference in teams) and every so often it changes map once a point limit is set it resets
Or would it be something like SG where you wait until it starts and can't join once it starts?
No, it would be similar to Survival Games. Otherwise when you joined your team might be all over the map and there would be no co-ordination. I've also had an idea about how you could win. Either by wiping the other team out or if the opposing team "surrenders". At any point you could click a button or type a command or something saying the team should "surrender" and when 50% of the team say they should "surrender" the game would end and the surrendering team would lose but those who hadn't died yet would still be alive. Losing but finishing the game alive would have some sort of points bonus. This is an example idea I had: as the game goes on you'll slowly get points for different things such as a kill etc. but if you stay around until the end of the game you could get extra bonuses as follows:

Lose dead: x0 (no extra points)
Lose alive: x1 (double points)
Win dead: x1 (double points)
Win alive: x2 (triple points)


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2014
Otherwise when you joined your team might be all over the map and there would be no co-ordination.
In most games anyway such as Team Skywars, unless you know the team then there's no coordination
Do you only get one life and if you die then game over? If so, games will be over very quickly


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2015
In most games anyway such as Team Skywars, unless you know the team then there's no coordination
Do you only get one life and if you die then game over? If so, games will be over very quickly
I think if the amount of players are big enough you will get some co-ordinated groups which is what I'm aiming for. I have found it possible on some play-throughs of the Pacman map (8 people) to be co-ordinated. In regards to the death question, yes, you only get one life. However the map would be big enough to have a significant amount of gameplay before that happens. I want there to be a large pre-battle build up a little like in a UHC. Also, you are currently able to get a fair amount of gameplay in games like Survival Games or Team SkyWars and I think this would be no different.
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Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
I say no, sorry. My only reasoning for this is do you really think that 100+ people would join the game after the hype dies down?
It's not a bad idea but you could just team up with people on kitpvp or play UHC.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2015
I say no, sorry. My only reasoning for this is do you really think that 100+ people would join the game after the hype dies down?
It's not a bad idea but you could just team up with people on kitpvp or play UHC.
I think 100 would be the optimal number, but I think it could work with 10 or 20 per side.


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Sounds really cool in theory, but in practice it would probably get ruined by the lack of communication within the massive team. I think it might be cool if a random player was assigned the role of General or Chief or whatever and they're the one who gives orders, but otherwise I feel it would just be a jumble of people yelling at each other and the occasional troll.

Another problem with the size is, well... size. You'd need a ton of people to join before the game starts. If it's late at night or just a slow day for Cubecraft, the game would likely never start.
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2015
Sounds really cool in theory, but in practice it would probably get ruined by the lack of communication within the massive team. I think it might be cool if a random player was assigned the role of General or Chief or whatever and they're the one who gives orders, but otherwise I feel it would just be a jumble of people yelling at each other and the occasional troll.

Another problem with the size is, well... size. You'd need a ton of people to join before the game starts. If it's late at night or just a slow day for Cubecraft, the game would likely never start.
About the communication, I've had a few ideas which may or may not work:

1) Divide the group of players in "Regiments" or "Bands" of maybe 5 or so. And on top of the regular team chat there could be another "regiment" chat for better co-ordination.
2) Give the whole group and/or the regiments leaders as you suggested. Make them post in bold red or something so you can see them.
3) A bit gimmicky and a bit too easy to troll with but could you sort of pull the players around with the leaders?
4) Maybe try to do something with when you join get asked what language you speak and get the program to try and sort the teams into different languages. For example if the teams were 50% Spanish, 25% Dutch and 25% English you could make one team fully Spanish and the other one half English, half Dutch.

And about the size, unless it became majorly popular I expect there might be some problems with that sometimes depending on how big it was and you might expect games to take a while to start, or have to wait until a previous one had finished to be able to go again but I have some ideas/thoughts for that too:

1) With a fair amount of people in chat, it might be more interesting than most pre-games so people might hang around.
2) Maybe the lobby could have a lot of things to do on top of the parkour, for example a "shooting range" for bows or a "melee practice area" for swordsmen and stuff.
3) Maybe the lobby would actually be the map so you could do some sneaky scouting beforehand.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2014
In regards to the death question, yes, you only get one life. However the map would be big enough to have a significant amount of gameplay before that happens. I want there to be a large pre-battle build up a little like in a UHC.
If it's too big though, the team could spend the whole game finding each other which would get boring after a while.
Also, can you break blocks? If you could then you could get an iron, gold or diamond block mine somewhere which would encourage teamwork as people mine for each other and gather resources for others.
Another point is with a big map it would be hard to get used to it as by the time the person gets used to the map, it'd be over as they're attacked by others.
I do think that this is a really good idea but there are some slight problems which may not have been solved yet


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2015
If it's too big though, the team could spend the whole game finding each other which would get boring after a while.
Also, can you break blocks? If you could then you could get an iron, gold or diamond block mine somewhere which would encourage teamwork as people mine for each other and gather resources for others.
Another point is with a big map it would be hard to get used to it as by the time the person gets used to the map, it'd be over as they're attacked by others.
I do think that this is a really good idea but there are some slight problems which may not have been solved yet
I think it should be big enough that it only takes 5 minutes at most to find the other team but still be big enough that you can do tactics and flank people.
You wouldn't be able to break any more blocks than a real soldier would be able to neither would you be able to craft any more than a real soldier could, but it's a possibility that you could get flint & steel and set wooden buildings or forests alight. Gathering resources together is a good idea for teamwork, maybe there could be some "supply points" on the map that a little band could raid and bring back for the army. Also the maps wouldn't be random, but a lot of it would be terrain. So after a while and a couple of games you might get used to it.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2015
Would this be in the middle of the map so either team has to take over like a capture the middle for supplies or both teams get one somewhere nearer towards their starting point?
I suppose it could depend on how you wanted the gameplay to play out. I wouldn't want the supply points to become too OP though. In a real battle I can't imagine unless you managed to take over a castle there being many supplies other than food for you. It's possible than in the middle of some maps there would be an encampment, castle or fort with fairly nice supplies like arrows or something and potentially even a few nice pieces of armour people could change into to. Aswell as the thread of the other team there would have to be some other threats in these places (evil villagers defenders anyone?). Because of the advantages of being in the fort as well as the loot this would draw people in but I wouldn't want every game to be about the middle so it shouldn't be too OP. If there are any houses around the map they could maybe have some basic supplies like food too.

I do like the idea of this game being fairly historically accurate and realistic though so I think there should be a limit to how much can be in one's inventory to avoid the "chuck it in and go" style of gameplay in SG or SW and also unless it's a fantasy map there shouldn't be anything out of place, for example, would a fortress this small really have 1000 sets of iron swords etc.
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