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Should this be added?

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Novice Member
Jan 11, 2017
EggWars Lobby 1 or 5
My Idea:
Hello! I am K_T_W here to make a thread about adding a new amazing game! How I first came up with this suggestion is when I saw @HackersDontWin suggestion about "upgrading" BlockBand. I was thinking that because Blockband is already dead I would make up a new game idea.

My idea is to make a new epic game called "ZOMBIE STRIKE."

In this game you will shoot at the on coming zombies. There will be barriers you can buy with the points you get when killing zombies. The barriers will be fences. There will be a big platform where 5-10 people stand with a Power 1 bow. You can slowly upgrade your Bow through out the 15 minute game. The Bow levels will be Power 1(Default), Power 3, Power 5, Power 5 with Punch 1, and last but not least Power 5 with Punch 1 and Flame 1. You can buy Power 3 with 4 points/kills, Power 5 with 6 points/kills, Power 5 with 10 points/kills, Power 5 and Punch 1 with 15 points/kills, and Power 5, Punch 1, and Flame 1 with 20 points/kills. It will be a 15 minute game and whoever gets the most kills at the end of the game wins. When you want to upgrade your bow or buy a "power up" to help your team or your self you go to the villager behind the bowing stations. Once every minute passes the zombies get better armor and it makes it harder to kill them. If more than 10-20 zombies pass you then you loose. This game is designed to increase you ability to shoot a Bow.


There will be 5 POWER UPS.

1)The first one will be the "fishing rod." It will kill every zombie in the map. It will cost a big amount... 25 points/kills.

2)The second one will be the "Giant." It will spawn a Giant that will attack the enemy and will die after 15 seconds. This will also cost 25 points/kills.

3)For the third power up it will be called "No Barriers." This power up will make it so there are no barriers for 15 seconds and you will be given a diamond sword for that time period and you can use it to kill them without dealing any damage to your self. It will cost 15 points/kills.

4)The fourth one will be called the "Terminator." It will give everyone in the map a instant kill bow for 20 seconds. This will cost 25 points/kills.

5)Lastly, there will be the "Rapid." This will allow you only to have a rapid fire bow for 10 seconds. It will cost 10 points/kills.

You can buy barriers with 5 points.


I hope this help everyones imagination.
If you have an questions about this thread or anything else please reply to this thread or start a Conversation with me @_KTW_ .




Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2016
i like it but i think hypixel or mineplex made it before im not sure.. " which was like call of duty "


Dedicated Member
May 9, 2016
Maple Syrup Land
this is a good suggestion but it wouldnt be the first time a server had something like this and we already have something similar to this called Tower Defence

i do like the idea of it i would probably wanna try it atleast once just to see how it turns out


Novice Member
Jan 11, 2017
EggWars Lobby 1 or 5
Well it's a nice suggestion but there's already a game where you have to build up defenses and keep zombies away it's called Tower Defense. You should try it out but read a tutorial guide first
I have players this before.
This sounds like mineplex's halloween event with added features and no boss, but disregarding that, it sounds to generic for my taste
I dont play mineplex so... dont know.


Nov 15, 2016
My Idea:
Hello! I am K_T_W here to make a thread about adding a new amazing game! How I first came up with this suggestion is when I saw @HackersDontWin suggestion about "upgrading" BlockBand. I was thinking that because Blockband is already dead I would make up a new game idea.

My idea is to make a new epic game called "ZOMBIE STRIKE."

In this game you will shoot at the on coming zombies. There will be barriers you can buy with the points you get when killing zombies. The barriers will be fences. There will be a big platform where 5-10 people stand with a Power 1 bow. You can slowly upgrade your Bow through out the 15 minute game. The Bow levels will be Power 1(Default), Power 3, Power 5, Power 5 with Punch 1, and last but not least Power 5 with Punch 1 and Flame 1. You can buy Power 3 with 4 points/kills, Power 5 with 6 points/kills, Power 5 with 10 points/kills, Power 5 and Punch 1 with 15 points/kills, and Power 5, Punch 1, and Flame 1 with 20 points/kills. It will be a 15 minute game and whoever gets the most kills at the end of the game wins. When you want to upgrade your bow or buy a "power up" to help your team or your self you go to the villager behind the bowing stations. Once every minute passes the zombies get better armor and it makes it harder to kill them. If more than 10-20 zombies pass you then you loose. This game is designed to increase you ability to shoot a Bow.


There will be 5 POWER UPS.

1)The first one will be the "fishing rod." It will kill every zombie in the map. It will cost a big amount... 25 points/kills.

2)The second one will be the "Giant." It will spawn a Giant that will attack the enemy and will die after 15 seconds. This will also cost 25 points/kills.

3)For the third power up it will be called "No Barriers." This power up will make it so there are no barriers for 15 seconds and you will be given a diamond sword for that time period and you can use it to kill them without dealing any damage to your self. It will cost 15 points/kills.

4)The fourth one will be called the "Terminator." It will give everyone in the map a instant kill bow for 20 seconds. This will cost 25 points/kills.

5)Lastly, there will be the "Rapid." This will allow you only to have a rapid fire bow for 10 seconds. It will cost 10 points/kills.

You can buy barriers with 5 points.


I hope this help everyones imagination.
If you have an questions about this thread or anything else please reply to this thread or start a Conversation with me @_KTW_ .

Isn't this like the game bowheads?
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