Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2016
United States
The game seems like fun I honestly would like this on cubecraft but maybe we should have more kits.

I made the idea in a matter of seconds and the kits as I was typing. The kits area little basic but im sure if this does somehow end up becoming a thing they would make more interesting kits


Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2016
Okay so i had this idea that will probably crash and burn but anyways here is is.

It would be called aftermath (for lack of a better name) and it would be simmilar to survival games.
players spawn randomly in the map (or at a center point i just think randomly would be cooler) and they have nothing besides what their kits could give them. Unlike survival games they would be in survival mode, and able to break blocks therefor crafting and other things.
The maps would be things like abandon cities (maybe abbandon due to chatistrophic disasters such as earthquake, bombing, hurricane, fire) there would be a few chests scattered around but mostly for food, not with a lot of gear because the whole point is survival by gathering not by luck of chests.
There would be no solo or team mode, however teaming wouldnt be banned. So you could team with someone, but at the end only one person can win, so you will either have to have a fight at the end or betral.

Some kits could be (and I'm to lazy to create names so you guys (either people commenting or if my idea somehow manages to make it to cubecraft consideration staff) so yeah have fun with that.)

~pickaxe class
-stone/iron pickaxe
-30 seconds of haste at start of game

-3 cooked beef
-3 raw beef

-stone/iron sword

-five arrows

~chain chestplate
-no brainer, chain chestplate.

soo yeah have fun with that. I hope at the very least it inspires some ideas, and at the most it actually becomes a game. Have fun tearing it to pieces guys :D
Ummm.... Isn't this similar to SG? But I'll still give it a thumbs up! :D +1


Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2016
The jungle
Just sounds exactly the same as uhc, other than the fact that there will be a few chests scattered around and themed maps.
I think it would be something I would enjoy playing on, but there would probably need to be a few things changed to make it more unlike uhc.


Feb 12, 2017
It sounds like a game called 'The Culling'.. It's a cross between that and wait for it..... UHC. But I love the idea and it could turn into a great game!
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Verbramdt wrote on Basketman's profile.
heya, if you're reading this, i just wanna let you know that if i ever win a giveaway that i participated, please reroll. i won't be logging onto cubecraft again therefore i won't even be able to use the prize that was gifted to me and you'd only flush your money down the drain.

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happy birthday! 🎉
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