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Feb 26, 2020
The automatic bow (shorted to AB) is a well-known item in lucky islands. People use it quite often.

But I feel like it is too OP. It can shoot up to 20 arrows with 1 charge, and these are fired at a rate of 4-5 per second.
These deal a lot of damage, a person without armor can get killed within seconds. Even when you would have full diamond armor, the AB would still deal half of the 9 hearts, if shot correctly. the AB also deals a lot of knockback, which makes it impossible to reach someone who is spamming it.
That's why I would want the AB to be nerfed. Make it deal less knockback, or less damage. Maybe even give it a lower fire rate. Because now it is way too OP, and they can make a lot of fights very unfair and annoying.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope something will be done against the unfairness of the automatic bow.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2017
Not sure
I agree with you, I hate that bow.
I feel like the only good bows on the game are the explosion one and shotgun.


Forum Veteran
Jul 14, 2018
The Netherlands
Yeah true, the island are also small and it will be easy to knock you off with the automatic bow and it gives much damage like what you said. Maybe after 5 shots the bow have to reload like by 10% each second, so it will be fairer. I usually use the bow because it's so strong and I know the experience like you and I totally agree with it. Please make a poll for it like Yes and No. +1


Forum Expert
Mar 1, 2019
Im not fully sure how to vote/react.Its powerful item but at the same time it’s not an overkill (If you know how to counter it).
I don’t really to get it nerfed or at least not too much


Jan 25, 2020
The automatic bow (shorted to AB) is a well-known item in lucky islands. People use it quite often.

But I feel like it is too OP. It can shoot up to 20 arrows with 1 charge, and these are fired at a rate of 4-5 per second.
These deal a lot of damage, a person without armor can get killed within seconds. Even when you would have full diamond armor, the AB would still deal half of the 9 hearts, if shot correctly. the AB also deals a lot of knockback, which makes it impossible to reach someone who is spamming it.
That's why I would want the AB to be nerfed. Make it deal less knockback, or less damage. Maybe even give it a lower fire rate. Because now it is way too OP, and they can make a lot of fights very unfair and annoying.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope something will be done against the unfairness of the automatic bow.

Personally, the automatic bow is the best arc that can be in Lucky Islands, and although it is too broken (for all the damage it can do in a matter of seconds) I think it would be best to leave it as it is since You don't need to know how to use the bow to use it well.
The same is a weapon that can get you out of more than 1 trouble.


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Oct 17, 2016
I believe this to be a hard decision. At first, yes the weapon in question is really strong and most of all annoying. But is it that overpowered? Place 2-3 blocks [vertically] in front of you or use a shield and you’re safe, with enough reflexes the weapon is not that much of a problem. On the contrary, for the player using the bow, their arrow or gone within second making them vulnerable for ranged fight. Nerving it [in the way you proposed] might make is pretty useful pretty fast. If it shoots slower the knock back is reduced and you can just walk toward the player.
What I would propose is nerving it in an other way, changed the reload time. Still as effective in the moment but if you fail to lose it, you can’t reuse it in the same fight.
If they have multiple automatic bows, just run and don’t look back as death is upon you...


Novice Member
Dec 11, 2017
Im not fully sure how to vote/react.Its powerful item but at the same time it’s not an overkill (If you know how to counter it).
I don’t really to get it nerfed or at least not too much
Dude It Shouldnt Even Exist No Pro Players Want That Bow To Exist I Have Been Killed By AB Thousands Of Times


Novice Member
Dec 11, 2017
I Hope They Remove That Bow And Sotgun Bows To It Is Worth Less You Would Only Use It If You Trying To Make A Trickshot. I Got Killed By The Auto Bow Thousands Of Times Pro Players Like Me (Lucky Islands Solo Leader Board Number 161 In The Leader Board) That Bow Is Enoying Why Should Lucky Islands Even Need That Bow?


Forum Expert
Jun 17, 2018
Beverly Hills
That bow is pretty much why I don't play Lucky Islands.

Just nerf it to 2-3 shots per second and I feel like it's fine then.


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow
Please note that this has been suggested before. Perhaps try researching wether somebody has suggested something or not before, before actually making the thread: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/223098/

I wrote my opinion there, if you would like to read it then please go see that thread as I have no intention of repeating what I said. What I will repeat though, is that you can easily protect yourself from it by, for example, placing blocks in front of you or try strafing/zig-zagging. The bow is part of the game, and I would prefer if it stayed like that. Lucky Islands is about being lucky, not necessarily having skills. Getting the bow is just pure luck, which Lucky Islands is all about. It gives players who aren't that good at PvP an equal chance of winning. If you're smart and quick, like most skilled players are, then you can easily place blocks within a second to protect yourself.

Though I wouldn't mind it getting nerfed to 12-15 arrows that are being shot at once, 5 arrows are just too few, then the whole point of the Automatic Bow would get taken away and many players wouldn't want or need it anymore due to it not being effective anymore.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
The Netherlands
The automatic bow (shorted to AB) is a well-known item in lucky islands. People use it quite often.

But I feel like it is too OP. It can shoot up to 20 arrows with 1 charge, and these are fired at a rate of 4-5 per second.
These deal a lot of damage, a person without armor can get killed within seconds. Even when you would have full diamond armor, the AB would still deal half of the 9 hearts, if shot correctly. the AB also deals a lot of knockback, which makes it impossible to reach someone who is spamming it.
That's why I would want the AB to be nerfed. Make it deal less knockback, or less damage. Maybe even give it a lower fire rate. Because now it is way too OP, and they can make a lot of fights very unfair and annoying.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope something will be done against the unfairness of the automatic bow.
I totally agree with you. If your neighbour gets that bow out of their first block and you don't have armor yet, you're screwed
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