Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Aug 11, 2021

I have been playing Cubecraft for an year by now. I am definitely not a veteran neither am I a pro or a lifelong fan but I can call myself a Dedicated fan of Cubecraft.

But recently opinions have changed. I don't play Cubecraft for hours a day like I used to and there is a reason for it

Cubecraft Bedrock hasn't had a new gamemode or a seasonal update for a while. Yes, The UI update happened and the new UI was cool to explore and made some things easier but I lost my interest in exploring the new UI in just 2 days ever since then Slight Quality of Life Improvements have happened. If you mark the last time Cubecraft had added a new Gamemode(Temporary and Permanent both included) you can see that the last time a Gamemode was added was in December last year almost 4 months ago combine with the Fact that the last RPG was added In September last year making it 6 months ago and the last seasonal update was added almost 2 months ago. Makes sense why I am bored of Cubecraft now and even the gamemodes I used to find fun I no longer find them as fun as before and the harsh truth is that it is because I have been playing them for so so long that I just lost interest and it definitely does NOT mean that I am leaving Cubecraft permanently cuz I wl be honest I still love this Server and the Community but I just am leaving for now

For the 0.0001% of you who care about this I am now gonna shift to a different MC server and will also probably download another game(reply if you have a good game suggestion)

Anyways now I will post another forum when I come back and until then bye


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2021
Czech Republic
Its sad to see people go from cubecraft, but I understand your move, tbh even myself dont enjoy cubecraft as much as i did before eggwars update (alot of my cubecraft friends left etc...) I hope we will see you sometimes again =D BTW you can try these games i personally love them: Mafia 1 or 2, Terraria or Farming Simulator lol you will find the perfect game for you those are just my personal favourites when i dont play Minecraft :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2021
Bamboo forest

I have been playing Cubecraft for an year by now. I am definitely not a veteran neither am I a pro or a lifelong fan but I can call myself a Dedicated fan of Cubecraft.

But recently opinions have changed. I don't play Cubecraft for hours a day like I used to and there is a reason for it

Cubecraft Bedrock hasn't had a new gamemode or a seasonal update for a while. Yes, The UI update happened and the new UI was cool to explore and made some things easier but I lost my interest in exploring the new UI in just 2 days ever since then Slight Quality of Life Improvements have happened. If you mark the last time Cubecraft had added a new Gamemode(Temporary and Permanent both included) you can see that the last time a Gamemode was added was in December last year almost 4 months ago combine with the Fact that the last RPG was added In September last year making it 6 months ago and the last seasonal update was added almost 2 months ago. Makes sense why I am bored of Cubecraft now and even the gamemodes I used to find fun I no longer find them as fun as before and the harsh truth is that it is because I have been playing them for so so long that I just lost interest and it definitely does NOT mean that I am leaving Cubecraft permanently cuz I wl be honest I still love this Server and the Community but I just am leaving for now

For the 0.0001% of you who care about this I am now gonna shift to a different MC server and will also probably download another game(reply if you have a good game suggestion)

Anyways now I will post another forum when I come back and until then bye
Hope ill see you again! Goodluck with what the future brings! ^-^
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