Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
This map is based around the theme of what's under a city. It has a subway, road tunnels and recently uncovered caves in it. There was going to bea sewer system too but the map is quite big already so it's been left out for now.

Cave_in.jpg Cave01.jpg Cave02.jpg Escalators.jpg hole01.jpg Platform.jpg Road01.jpg Road02.jpg Staff_room.jpg Ticket_hall.jpg

There were more images but I didn't realise there was a limit to how many could be added here :D

Due to the size of this, it was created in a single player world rather than the creative plots. The map can be downloaded from http://www.filedropper.com/undercitymap

I noticed in the post by @Efcluke94 that "You can make a survival games/hideNseek maps, however this will have to be done on a single player world and I will need proof you made it e.g Youtube video." Dince I don't make videos, I took several screenshots during the making of the map at several stages as proof. Those screenshots are included with the download.


Dedicated Member
Jun 28, 2014
From the first screenshot I can see the old gravel texture, did you make this a long time ago?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
This was made in the past few days. I forgot to switch off my texture pack before taking the screenshots. I prefer the older textures to the newer ones, so they are in the texture pack I use :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
I've noticed that when I build in the creative server, the 1.8 blocks can't be used. Does that mean that maps can't use blocks or items from 1.8? There are several of those in this map.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
I've read some recent posts somewhere on the forums that confirm that the server isn't fully ready for 1.8 yet, so I've adjusted this submission so it's 1.7 friendly.

I've also improved the look of some of the vehicles in the tunnels and added some motorbikes.

The 1.7 version can be found here.

2015-01-22_22.23.34.png 2015-01-22_22.24.15.png 2015-01-22_22.24.05.png 2015-01-22_22.25.11.png


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
I think the map had to have been made on the creative server. The second to last screenshot shows an armour stand with a gold helmet on it?
Otherwise, it doesn't look too bad :)
Maybe add some buildings that we can actually enter though, only that we can't get out of the buildings and into the actual city because that would ruin the theme of the map.


Forum Expert
Feb 24, 2014
on an adventure
I really really like the theme itself because an undercity theme is so unique and can be built in many ways to make it look gorgeous, especially with the lighting. But, I think you should provide more screenshots as we can't view the build as a whole right now, it looks like you just took a picture of the cave and a building... unless that's the whole thing but I suggest maybe making it an open concept so it isnt' so closed in, and have more variety in the structures you built because it looks nice, but quite basic. You could add things such as, buildings, alleys, more of the sub station, mines, etc. Also the little details really count, and can polish a build off [ cobwebs, redstone, etc ] Anything really, but the build looks like it needs more character and detail.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
I think the map had to have been made on the creative server.
The post that @Efcluke94 made at https://www.cubecraftgames.net/threads/player-maps.1064/ says that some maps can be made in single player worlds.

The second to last screenshot shows an armour stand with a gold helmet on it?
That's been removed in my previous post.

Maybe add some buildings that we can actually enter though, only that we can't get out of the buildings and into the actual city because that would ruin the theme of the map.
I could do some of those, although I'm not sure if it will make the playable area of the map too big for any seekers to have a chance of catching everyone.

I think you should provide more screenshots as we can't view the build as a whole right now
Will do. I can't show an good overview of the map though since it's all underground. The best I can do is show this.

07_wip.jpg 10_wip.jpg

I suggest maybe making it an open concept so it isnt' so closed in
I'm not sure how to achieve this when underground structures are generally closed in.

Also the little details really count, and can polish a build off [ cobwebs, redstone, etc ]

Cobewebs would be a nice touch. What kind of redstone would you suggest? I can't think of any being in the current maps. There is a small bit of redstone in this map - an alarm bell made from noteblocks.
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