Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

The CubeCraft Times

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020


đŸš¶â€â™‚ïž Gotta Keep Going

A recent TCCT revamp, the first semester coming to an end, almost the end of the year at your work. You gotta keep going. How hard it may seem, keep going to get your dreams to come true. And if it were for you to be easy to keep going, help others keep going. Because as one big family, we can let our dreams come true. Gotta keep going!

❌ Elimination Game

Recently, a new channel has arrived on CubeCraft’s Discord server, known as the “Elimination Game”. Every week, the game will present you with a new list of options, for example CubeCraft game modes or Minecraft mobs, which you vote for your favourite one. After 24 hours, the options with the least votes will be eliminated from the game, and the voting continues. When there is only one option remaining, it will be deemed as the Discord’s favourite. At the time of writing, it has been decided that EggWars is our favourite CubeCraft game mode, and Town is our favourite EggWars map. Next week, we will find out what the favourite Minecraft mob is! We can expect many more Elimination Games to come, so if you’re interested in taking part, you better go join the CubeCraft Games Discord server now!

Article by: Lyri

👔 Inverview with CubeCraft Admin Hazard

I had the chance to interview Hazard this week, and I want to thank him for his detailed and interesting responses.
Hazard's role at Cubecraft games is Customer Support Lead & Partner Management. The departements he's mainly engaged with are marketing, bugs, development, sales/business, and customer support. This could be for something as simple as scheduling a new Twitter post featuring one of Cubecraft's Partners, or it could be for assistance with a support ticket.

His main responsibilities are:
- Responding to support tickets.
- Managing the support team, making sure they have everything they need to work efficiently.
- Managing Partner applications.
- Keeping track of Partner activity and potential future Partners.
- Interacting with Partners when they join the network.
- Keeping track of the latest and top CubeCraft content across YouTube and Twitch.
- Coming up with new ways for our Partners to get involved, such as commands and features.

Hazard's typical day at CubeCraft starts at around 10 am when he goes through all support tickets that are open. These could be about anything, appeals, bug reports, or just general enquiries about the network. Once he's gone through and completed all the leftover tickets, he enables live chat. This way, players can contact CubeCraft and get instant support. While live chat is running and he is waiting for a new ticket, he usually checks Partner applications to see if an applicant fits the programme. He also has quite a few meetings during the week, ranging from anything Ziax or CubeCraft related. As well as this, Hazard makes a large amount of decisions for CubeCraft on a daily basis: "It's usually choosing what Partner to promote on our social media pages, what video to choose from them etc. There are times when deciding who gets into the programme can be rather challenging, with Partners meeting the requirements but their channel not being a good fit within the programme. Also, I decide on in-game stuff and website-related stuff that might help benefit the CubeCraft community, including our Partners."

I asked Hazard what he likes most about his job to which he replied: "If I had to pick just one thing, it would have to be engaging with the fantastic CubeCraft community. Without our community by our side, CubeCraft would cease to exist, which is why I like to spend as much time as possible interacting with them instead of lurking in the shadows. I also like going to the office. This one might sound weird but when you're in the office it's like you're just working together with a group of friends. Everybody knows each other and it's a great place to work (and there is air conditioning!)."

At the end I asked Hazard what his advice would be to someone aspiring to be in a role like his or at Cubecraft in general and he replied: "If I had to give one word of advice to someone trying to apply, it would be 'just be yourself'. Being you is the best thing you can do when applying for a role within a community-based company, and it shows. We have a somewhat mixed bag of staff, all with unusual hobbies and favourite things to do. It's best not to act like someone who you're not, especially if you're trying to impress. It's easy to tell and very noticeable."

Don't forget to watch out for the next newspaper as we've plenty more interviews with CubeCraft Admins, Designers and Developers!

Article by: Matriox

đŸŒ» Interview with CubeCraft Admin StorySays!

I had the chance to interview Story this week and want to thank him for his detailed and interesting responses.

Story’s role at CubeCraft Games is Server Design & Content Producer, this means he leads design over both Java and Bedrock (excluding maps); this means he guides Designers when creating art for the servers and also designs himself. Additionally, he supervises content, which includes ranks, loot and other monetised content.
The teams he works with is a 50/50 split between the Design Team and Server Team. All Design Admins generally share the same team of artists so they communicate often about who is doing what and where their skills are best put to use.

Story’s main responsibilities are improving the Server Design, this could be the loot by constantly innovating CubeCraft’s loot types or bundles, or pushing more design elements into CubeCraft’s games.
His other responsibility is supplying growth to the network through monetization. Due to the games being entirely free to play, they need to sell things. This is quite an important element of online games, otherwise they can’t keep the server running the network.
For this position he analyzes a lot of data in sales to decide what players are most interested in when it comes to ranks/cosmetics and provide those to the community.

A typical day for Story would be checking on all the content or design projects and making sure they are still moving forward. CubeCraft tracks the progress of all projects using Notion. Sometimes if there isn't much management required and projects are moving, he will contribute some art/design to those projects or write up new specifications for future updates/ideas.

I asked Story what his favourite part of the job was and he replied: "One of the best parts is coming up with some outlandish and wacky ideas that everyone thinks is dumb, then executing it as best as I can to change everyone's mind. Generally I get a lot of lee-way from other team members when it comes to being a perfectionist. People just let me go crazy and do overly detailed things because I come up with such wacky ideas. Seeing people compliment a loot item I spent like 14 hours of my life on is very satisfying. Or saying they loved a bundle/rank that I spent 70+ hours of my life stressing over; messing up is one of my life joys at the moment. The stressful heat of projects is almost always worth it when it goes out and people love it. Also, looking at loads and loads of sales data & creating cool prediction tables is super fun, it- it doesn't sound like it but trust me, it is."

I asked Story his least favourite part of the job too and he replied: "It can be pretty stressful, as I said above about monetization being super important to online games (especially free ones), this also goes both ways, in that if it goes poorly then it badly impacts the entire network, it can negate important growth that we really need for the server to continue thriving. I've had a lot of stressful nights making sure things are always going well, but bad moments make the good moments so much better in my opinion."

I then asked Story what his advice would be to anyone aspiring to a role like his or a role within CubeCraft Games in general and this was his advice to us: "I have a LOT of advice for aspiring team members, mainly because I've been in this community for nearly all of its existence and been part of the team for a long time. Not only that, but I've changed quite a lot, at some points I was toxic and was moved down from Admin, at other points, I was inactive and uncommunicative. But I've recovered quite a lot from these things. I think it's possible for everyone to become a team member no matter how badly you view yourself or your behavior. The main thing is changing who you are now, people may not let you change and that's fine, that's up to them but you do it anyways, because their opinion of you will adapt over time, people are more open to change than you think they are.

My second piece of advice is to be more open minded, people are incredibly complicated, nothing is black and white and it'll take you probably a hundred years to understand 10% of people and what's really going through their mind. That's why listening and thinking before speaking to people is important, most things can be talked out. Just ask questions, respond appropriately and assume good in people, most people are not deliberately mean, it's likely a communication error and they don't mean it."

Don't forget to watch out for the next newspaper as we've plenty more interviews with CubeCraft Admins, Designers and Developers!

Article by: Matriox

đŸŒ» Entretien avec l'administrateur de CubeCraft StorySays!

J'ai eu la chance d'interviewer Story cette semaine et je tiens à le remercier pour ses réponses détaillées et intéressantes.

Le rĂŽle de Story chez CubeCraft Games est Server Design & Content Producer, cela signifie qu'il dirige la conception Ă  la fois sur Java et Bedrock (Ă  l'exception des cartes) ; cela signifie qu'il guide les concepteurs lors de la crĂ©ation d'art pour les serveurs et qu'il conçoit Ă©galement lui-mĂȘme. De plus, il supervise le contenu, qui comprend les rangs, le butin et d'autres contenus monĂ©tisĂ©s.
Les Ă©quipes avec lesquelles il travaille sont rĂ©parties Ă  50/50 entre l'Ă©quipe de conception et l'Ă©quipe serveur. Tous les administrateurs de conception partagent gĂ©nĂ©ralement la mĂȘme Ă©quipe d'artistes afin qu'ils communiquent souvent sur qui fait quoi et oĂč leurs compĂ©tences sont le mieux utilisĂ©es.

Les principales responsabilitĂ©s de Story sont d'amĂ©liorer la conception du serveur, cela pourrait ĂȘtre le butin en innovant constamment les types ou les lots de butin de CubeCraft, ou en insĂ©rant plus d'Ă©lĂ©ments de conception dans les jeux de CubeCraft.
Son autre responsabilitĂ© est d'alimenter la croissance du rĂ©seau par le biais de la monĂ©tisation. Étant donnĂ© que les jeux sont entiĂšrement gratuits, ils doivent vendre des choses. C'est un Ă©lĂ©ment assez important des jeux en ligne, sinon ils ne peuvent pas laisser le serveur faire fonctionner le rĂ©seau.
Pour ce poste, il analyse de nombreuses données sur les ventes pour décider ce qui intéresse le plus les joueurs en matiÚre de classements/cosmétiques et les fournir à la communauté.

Une journée typique pour Story serait de vérifier tout le contenu ou les projets de conception et de s'assurer qu'ils avancent toujours. CubeCraft suit la progression de tous les projets à l'aide de Notion. Parfois, s'il n'y a pas beaucoup de gestion requise et que les projets évoluent, il contribuera à l'art/conception de ces projets ou rédigera de nouvelles spécifications pour de futures mises à jour/idées.

J'ai demandĂ© Ă  Story quelle Ă©tait sa partie prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e du travail et il a rĂ©pondu: "L'une des meilleures parties est de proposer des idĂ©es farfelues et farfelues que tout le monde pense ĂȘtre stupides, puis de les exĂ©cuter du mieux que je peux pour changer l'avis de tout le monde. GĂ©nĂ©ralement Je reçois beaucoup de latitude de la part des autres membres de l'Ă©quipe quand il s'agit d'ĂȘtre perfectionniste. Les gens me laissent juste devenir fou et faire des choses trop dĂ©taillĂ©es parce que je propose des idĂ©es tellement farfelues. Voir des gens complimenter un objet de butin que j'ai dĂ©pensĂ© comme 14 heures de ma vie est trĂšs satisfaisant. Ou dire qu'ils ont aimĂ© un lot/un rang sur lequel j'ai passĂ© plus de 70 heures de ma vie Ă  stresser ; gĂącher est l'une de mes joies de la vie en ce moment. La chaleur stressante des projets en vaut presque toujours la peine. quand il sort et que les gens l'adorent. De plus, regarder des tas et des tas de donnĂ©es sur les ventes et crĂ©er des tableaux de prĂ©diction sympas est super amusant, ça n'en a pas l'air mais croyez-moi, ça l'est."

J'ai Ă©galement demandĂ© Ă  Story sa partie prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e du travail et il m'a rĂ©pondu : "Cela peut ĂȘtre assez stressant, comme je l'ai dit plus haut Ă  propos de la monĂ©tisation Ă©tant trĂšs importante pour les jeux en ligne (en particulier les jeux gratuits), cela va aussi dans les deux sens, en ce sens que si cela se passe mal, puis cela a un impact nĂ©gatif sur l'ensemble du rĂ©seau, cela peut annuler une croissance importante dont nous avons vraiment besoin pour que le serveur continue de prospĂ©rer. J'ai eu beaucoup de nuits stressantes en m'assurant que les choses se passent toujours bien, mais les mauvais moments font les bons moments tellement mieux Ă  mon avis."

J'ai ensuite demandĂ© Ă  Story quel serait son conseil Ă  quiconque aspirant Ă  un poste comme le sien ou Ă  un poste au sein de CubeCraft Games en gĂ©nĂ©ral et voici son conseil pour nous : « J'ai BEAUCOUP de conseils pour les futurs membres de l'Ă©quipe, principalement parce que j'ai Ă©tĂ© dans cette communautĂ© pendant presque toute son existence et fait partie de l'Ă©quipe depuis longtemps. Non seulement cela, mais j'ai beaucoup changĂ©, Ă  certains moments j'Ă©tais toxique et j'ai Ă©tĂ© transfĂ©rĂ© de l'administrateur, Ă  d'autres moments , j'Ă©tais inactif et peu communicatif. Mais je me suis beaucoup remis de ces choses. Je pense qu'il est possible pour tout le monde de devenir membre d'une Ă©quipe, peu importe Ă  quel point vous vous voyez mal ou votre comportement. L'essentiel est de changer qui vous ĂȘtes maintenant , les gens peuvent ne pas vous laisser changer et c'est bien, c'est Ă  eux de dĂ©cider mais vous le faites quand mĂȘme, parce que leur opinion sur vous s'adaptera avec le temps, les gens sont plus ouverts au changement que vous ne le pensez.
Mon deuxiĂšme conseil est d'ĂȘtre plus ouvert d'esprit, les gens sont incroyablement compliquĂ©s, rien n'est noir et blanc et il vous faudra probablement cent ans pour comprendre 10% des gens et ce qui leur passe vraiment par la tĂȘte. C'est pourquoi il est important d'Ă©couter et de rĂ©flĂ©chir avant de parler aux gens, la plupart des choses peuvent ĂȘtre dites. Il suffit de poser des questions, de rĂ©pondre de maniĂšre appropriĂ©e et de supposer que les gens sont bons, la plupart des gens ne sont pas dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©ment mĂ©chants, c'est probablement une erreur de communication et ils ne le pensent pas."
N'oubliez pas de surveiller le prochain journal car nous avons beaucoup plus d'interviews avec les administrateurs, les concepteurs et les développeurs de CubeCraft !

Article by: Matriox
Traduit par: Firaso

đŸŒ» Interview mit CubeCraft Admin StorySays!

Ich hatte diese Woche die Gelegenheit, Story zu interviewen und möchte ihm fĂŒr seine ausfĂŒhrlichen und interessanten Antworten danken.

Storys Rolle bei CubeCraft Games ist Server Design & Content Producer, d.h. er leitet das Design sowohl fĂŒr Java als auch fĂŒr Bedrock (mit Ausnahme der Karten); das bedeutet, dass er die Designer bei der Erstellung von Kunstwerken fĂŒr die Server anleitet und auch selbst designt. Außerdem betreut er die Inhalte, zu denen RĂ€nge, Beute und andere monetĂ€re Inhalte gehören.
Die Teams, mit denen er zusammenarbeitet, sind zu 50/50 zwischen dem Design-Team und dem Server-Team aufgeteilt. Alle Design-Admins arbeiten im Allgemeinen mit demselben Team von KĂŒnstlern zusammen, so dass sie sich hĂ€ufig darĂŒber austauschen, wer was macht und wo ihre FĂ€higkeiten am besten eingesetzt werden können.

Storys Hauptaufgaben sind die Verbesserung des Serverdesigns, z.B. die Beute durch stĂ€ndige Innovation der Beutetypen oder -pakete oder die EinfĂŒhrung neuer Designelemente in die Spiele von CubeCraft.
Seine andere Aufgabe ist es, dem Netzwerk durch Monetarisierung Wachstum zu verschaffen. Da die Spiele völlig kostenlos sind, mĂŒssen sie etwas verkaufen. Das ist ein sehr wichtiges Element von Online-Spielen, da sie sonst den Server nicht am Laufen halten können.
In dieser Position analysiert er viele Verkaufsdaten, um zu entscheiden, woran die Spieler am meisten interessiert sind, wenn es um RĂ€nge/Kosmetika geht, und um diese der Community zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellen.

Ein typischer Tag fĂŒr Story wĂ€re die ÜberprĂŒfung aller Inhalte oder Design-Projekte und die Sicherstellung, dass sie immer noch vorankommen. CubeCraft verfolgt den Fortschritt aller Projekte mit Notion. Manchmal, wenn nicht viel Management erforderlich ist und die Projekte vorankommen, steuert er etwas Kunst/Design zu diesen Projekten bei oder schreibt neue Spezifikationen fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Updates/Ideen.

Ich habe Story gefragt, was ihm an seiner Arbeit am besten gefĂ€llt, und er hat mir geantwortet: "Eine der besten Aufgaben ist es, mit ausgefallenen und verrĂŒckten Ideen aufzuwarten, die alle fĂŒr dumm halten, und sie dann so gut wie möglich umzusetzen, um die Meinung aller zu Ă€ndern. Im Allgemeinen lassen mir die anderen Teammitglieder viel durchgehen, wenn es darum geht, ein Perfektionist zu sein. Die Leute lassen mich einfach verrĂŒckt werden und ĂŒbermĂ€ĂŸig detaillierte Dinge machen, weil ich so verrĂŒckte Ideen habe. Es ist sehr befriedigend zu sehen, wie die Leute einen Beutegegenstand loben, in den ich etwa 14 Stunden meines Lebens investiert habe. Oder wenn sie sagen, dass ihnen ein BĂŒndel/Rang gefĂ€llt, in das ich mehr als 70 Stunden meines Lebens investiert habe; es zu vermasseln ist im Moment eine meiner Freuden. Die stressige Arbeit an einem Projekt ist es fast immer wert, wenn es veröffentlicht wird und die Leute es lieben. Außerdem macht es super viel Spaß, sich Unmengen von Verkaufsdaten anzusehen und coole Vorhersagetabellen zu erstellen - es klingt nicht danach, aber glauben Sie mir, es ist so."

Ich habe Story auch gefragt, was er an seinem Job am wenigsten mag, und er hat geantwortet: "Es kann ziemlich stressig sein, wie ich oben schon sagte, dass die Monetarisierung fĂŒr Online-Spiele (vor allem fĂŒr kostenlose) sehr wichtig ist, aber das gilt auch fĂŒr beide Seiten, denn wenn es schlecht lĂ€uft, hat das schlechte Auswirkungen auf das gesamte Netzwerk und kann wichtiges Wachstum verhindern, das wir fĂŒr das weitere Gedeihen des Servers wirklich brauchen. Ich hatte viele stressige NĂ€chte, um sicherzustellen, dass die Dinge immer gut laufen, aber schlechte Momente machen meiner Meinung nach die guten Momente so viel besser."

Ich habe Story dann gefragt, was er jedem raten wĂŒrde, der eine Rolle wie seine oder eine Rolle bei CubeCraft Games im Allgemeinen anstrebt, und das war sein Rat an uns: "Ich habe eine Menge RatschlĂ€ge fĂŒr angehende Teammitglieder, vor allem, weil ich schon fast die ganze Zeit in dieser Community bin und lange Zeit Teil des Teams war. Nicht nur das, sondern ich habe mich auch ziemlich verĂ€ndert. An manchen Stellen war ich giftig und wurde vom Admin zum Administrator degradiert, an anderen Stellen war ich inaktiv und unkommunikativ. Aber ich habe mich von diesen Dingen ziemlich gut erholt. Ich denke, dass es fĂŒr jeden möglich ist, ein Teammitglied zu werden, egal wie schlecht man sich selbst oder sein Verhalten einschĂ€tzt. Das Wichtigste ist, dass man Ă€ndert, wer man jetzt ist. Vielleicht lassen die Leute nicht zu, dass man sich Ă€ndert, und das ist in Ordnung, das ist ihre Sache, aber man tut es trotzdem, denn ihre Meinung ĂŒber einen wird sich im Laufe der Zeit Ă€ndern, die Leute sind offener fĂŒr VerĂ€nderungen als man denkt.
Mein zweiter Ratschlag ist, aufgeschlossener zu sein. Menschen sind unglaublich kompliziert, nichts ist schwarz oder weiß, und du wirst wahrscheinlich hundert Jahre brauchen, um 10% der Menschen zu verstehen und zu begreifen, was ihnen wirklich durch den Kopf geht. Deshalb ist es wichtig, zuzuhören und nachzudenken, bevor man mit Menschen spricht, denn ĂŒber die meisten Dinge kann man reden. Stellen Sie einfach Fragen, reagieren Sie angemessen und gehen Sie davon aus, dass Menschen gut sind. Die meisten Menschen sind nicht absichtlich gemein, es ist wahrscheinlich ein Kommunikationsfehler und sie meinen es nicht so."
Vergessen Sie nicht, die nÀchste Zeitung zu lesen, denn wir haben noch viele weitere Interviews mit CubeCraft-Administratoren, Designern und Entwicklern!

Artikel von: Matriox
Übersetzt von: Herausgefunden

đŸŒ» ÂĄEntrevista con Administrador de CubeCraft - StorySays!

Tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar a Story esta semana y quiero agradecerle sus detalladas e interesantes respuestas.

El rol de Story en CubeCraft Games es Diseñador del Servidor y Productor de Contenido, esto significa que lidera el diseño tanto en Java como en Bedrock (excluyendo mapas); esto significa que guía a los diseñadores cuando crea arte para los servidores y también diseña él mismo. Ademås, supervisa el contenido, que incluye rangos, loot y otros contenidos monetizados.
Los equipos con los que trabaja es una división 50/50 entre el equipo de diseño y el equipo de servidores. Todos los administradores de diseño generalmente comparten el mismo equipo de artistas, por lo que se comunican a menudo sobre quién estå haciendo qué y dónde se utilizan mejor sus habilidades.

Las principales responsabilidades de Story son mejorar el diseño del servidor, este podría ser el innovando el loot constantemente o los bundles de CubeCraft, o empujando mås elementos de diseño en los juegos de CubeCraft.
Su otra responsabilidad es suministrar crecimiento a la network a través de la monetización. Debido a que los juegos son completamente gratuitos, necesitan vender cosas. Este es un elemento bastante importante de los juegos en línea, de lo contrario no pueden mantener el servidor ejecutando la network.
For this position he analyzes a lot of data in sales to decide what players are most interested in when it comes to ranks/cosmetics and provide those to the community.

Un día típico para Story sería verificar todo el contenido o los proyectos de diseño y asegurarse de que todavía estén avanzando. CubeCraft realiza un seguimiento del progreso de todos los proyectos utilizando Notion. A veces, si no se requiere mucha gestión y los proyectos se estån moviendo, contribuirå con algo de arte/diseño a esos proyectos o escribirå nuevas especificaciones para futuras actualizaciones/ideas.

Le pregunté a Story cuål era su parte favorita del trabajo y él respondió: "Una de las mejores partes es proponer algunas ideas extravagantes y ridículas que todos piensan que son tontas, y luego ejecutarlas lo mejor que puedo para hacer que todos cambien de opinión. Generalmente Los demås miembros del equipo me dejan mucho margen para maniobrar cuando se trata de ser un perfeccionista. La gente simplemente me deja volverme loco y hacer cosas demasiado detalladas porque se me ocurren ideas tan extravagantes. Ver a la gente felicitar un artículo de loot que gasté como 14 horas de mi vida es muy satisfactorio. O decir que les encantó un bundle/rango en el que pasé mås de 70 horas de mi vida estresado; equivocarme es una de las alegrías de mi vida en este momento. El calor estresante de los proyectos casi siempre vale la pena cuando sale y a la gente le encanta. Ademås, mirar montones y montones de datos de ventas y crear tablas de predicción interesantes es muy divertido, no parece que así sea, pero créame, lo es".

Le preguntĂ© a Story su parte menos favorita del trabajo tambiĂ©n y Ă©l respondiĂł: "Puede ser bastante estresante, como dije anteriormente, la monetizaciĂłn que es sĂșper importante para los juegos en lĂ­nea (especialmente los gratuitos), esto tambiĂ©n va en ambos sentidos, ya que si va mal, entonces afecta gravemente a toda la network, puede negar el crecimiento importante que realmente necesitamos para que el servidor continĂșe prosperando. He tenido muchas noches estresantes asegurĂĄndome de que las cosas siempre vayan bien, pero los malos momentos hacen que los buenos momentos sean mucho mejores en mi opiniĂłn".

Luego le pregunté a Story cuål sería su consejo para cualquiera que aspire a un rol como el suyo o un rol dentro de CubeCraft Games en general y este fue su consejo para nosotros: "Tengo MUCHOS consejos para los aspirantes a miembros del equipo, principalmente porque he estado en esta comunidad durante casi toda su existencia y he sido parte del equipo durante mucho tiempo. No solo eso, sino que he cambiado bastante, en algunos puntos era tóxico y me cambiaron de administrador, en otros puntos, estaba inactivo y poco comunicativo. Pero me he recuperado bastante de estas cosas. Creo que es posible que todos se conviertan en miembros del equipo sin importar lo mal que se vean a sí mismos o su comportamiento. Lo principal es cambiar lo que son ahora, es posible que la gente no te deje cambiar y eso estå bien, eso depende de ellos, pero hazlo de todos modos, porque su opinión sobre ti se adaptarå con el tiempo, la gente estå mås abierta al cambio de lo que crees.
Mi segundo consejo es tener una mente mås abierta, la gente es increíblemente complicada, nada es en blanco y negro y probablemente te llevarå cien años entender al 10% de las personas y lo que realmente les pasa por la cabeza. Por eso es importante escuchar y pensar antes de hablar con la gente, la mayoría de las cosas se pueden hablar. Simplemente haga preguntas, responda apropiadamente y asuma que las personas son buenas, la mayoría de las personas no son deliberadamente malas, es probable que sea un error de comunicación y no lo dicen en serio".
¥No olvide estar atento al próximo periódico, ya que tenemos muchas mås entrevistas con administradores, diseñadores y desarrolladores de CubeCraft!

ArtĂ­culo creado por: Matriox
Traducido por: Chango

❌ Elimination Game

Yakın zamanda, CubeCraft'ın Discord sunucusuna "Elimination Game" isminde yeni bir kanal eklendi. Her hafta oyun; sizlere bir grup seçenek sunacak, mesela CubeCraft oyun modları veya Minecraft mobları gibi, sen de favorine oy vereceksin. 24 saat sonra en az oya sahip olan seçenekler oyundan elenecek ve oylama devam edecek. Sona sadece bir tane kaldığında ise, Discord'un favorisi olarak seçilecek. Bu makale yazılana dek EggWars favori CubeCraft oyun modu ve Town ise favori EggWars haritası seçildi. ÖnĂŒmĂŒzdeki hafta, favori Minecraft mobumuzu Ă¶ÄŸreneceğiz! Ä°lerisi için daha fazla Elimination Game bekleyebiliriz, o yĂŒzden katılmak istiyorsan CubeCraft Games Discord sunucusuna girmeyi unutma!
Lyri tarafından yazıldı
Çevirmen: Roxlad

đŸŒ» CubeCraft Admini StorySays ile Röportaj!

Bu hafta Story ile röportaj yapma fırsatı buldum, detaylı ve ilginç cevapları için teƟekkĂŒr ederim.

Story'nin CubeCraft Games'teki rolĂŒ Server Design & Content Producer, yani kendisi hem Java hem de Bedrock tasarımlarının yöneticisi (haritalar hariç), bu da demek oluyor ki sunucu için tasarımlar yapan Designerlara rehberlik ediyor ve kendisi de tasarım yapıyor. Buna ek olarak rĂŒtbeler, ganimetler ve diğer parasal içerikleri denetliyor.
ÇalÄ±ĆŸtığı takım Tasarım Takımı ve Sunucu Takımı olarak yarı yarıya bölĂŒnmĂŒĆŸ durumda. TĂŒm Design Adminleri genellikle aynı artist takımını paylaĆŸÄ±yor ve bu sayede kimin ne iƟ yaptığını ve yeteneklerinin en iyi nerelerde kullanılabileceği konusunda iletiƟim kurabiliyorlar.

Story'nin ana sorumlulukları Sunucu Tasarımını iyileƟtirmek, buna; CubeCraft'ın ganimet eƟyaları veya paketlerini gĂŒncel tutmak veya CubeCraft oyunlarına daha fazla tasarım elementi sokmak örnek olarak sayılabilir.
Diğer sorumluluğu ise gelirler sayesinde ağın devamlı olarak bĂŒyĂŒmesini sağlamak. Oyunları oynamak tamamen ĂŒcretsiz olduğundan bir Ɵeyleri satmaları gerek. Bu element çoğu çevrimiçi oyun için oldukça önemli bir element, Ă§ĂŒnkĂŒ ağın devamlılığı bu Ɵekilde sağlanıyor.
Bu pozisyon için indirimlerde oyuncuların rĂŒtbeler ve kozmetikler konusunda en çok nelere ilgi gösterdiğini analiz ediyor ve bunları sağlıyor.

Story için sıradan bir gĂŒn, tĂŒm içerik ve tasarım projelerini denetlemek ve devam edildiğinden emin olmak. CubeCraft tĂŒm projelerin ilerlemesini Notion aracılığıyla takip ediyor. Bazen fazla dĂŒzenleme gerekmediğinde ve proje dĂŒzenli olarak ilerlediğinde bazı sanat veya tasarımları bu projelere katıyor ya da gelecek gĂŒncellemeler veya fikirler için yeni belirlemelerde bulunuyor.

Story'nin iƟinde en sevdiği bölĂŒmĂŒ sordum ve cevabı Ɵuydu: "Herkesin aptalca gördĂŒÄŸĂŒ yabancı ve çılgın fikirlerle gelmek ve daha sonra herkesin fikrini değiƟtirebilmek için elimden gelenin en iyisiyle uygulayabilmek, en iyi yanlardan biri. Konu mĂŒkemmeliyetçiliğe geldiğinde diğer takım arkadaƟları genelde rahat veriyorlar. Bu delice fikirleri istediğim gibi detaylandırmama izin veriyorlar. Ä°nsanların, hayatımdan 14 saatimi ayırıp yaptığım bir ganimete iltifat etmesini görmek oldukça rahatlatıcı. Veya stresli, çalkantılı bir 70 saat harcayıp yaptığım bir rĂŒtbe ya da paketi sevdiklerini söylemeleri hayatımı renklendiren Ɵeylerden biri. Projelerin bu stresli durumları, piyasaya sĂŒrĂŒlĂŒp sevildiğinde neredeyse her zaman karĆŸÄ±lığını vermiƟ hissettiriyor. Ayrıca, yığınlarca satÄ±ĆŸ, indirim bilgisi veya tahmin tablolarına bakmak çok eğlenceli, bakıldığında pek öyle gözĂŒkmĂŒyor ama gĂŒven bana, öyle."

Story'nin iƟinde en sevmediği bölĂŒmĂŒ sordum ve cevabı Ɵuydu: "AĆŸÄ±rı stres verici olabiliyor, ĂŒstte de parasal konuların çevrimiçi oyunlar (özellikle de ĂŒcretsiz olanlar) için çok önemli olmasından bahsettiğim ĂŒzere, bu konu iki taraflı. Eğer kötĂŒ giderse tĂŒm ağı kötĂŒ etkiler, sunucunun devamlılığını sağlamak için önemli olan bĂŒyĂŒmeyi dĂŒĆŸĂŒrebilir. İƟlerin hep iyi gittiğinden emin olmak için sayısız stresli gece geçirdim ama bence kötĂŒ anlar, iyi anların çok daha gĂŒzel olmasını sağlıyor."

Daha sonra Story'nin kendisine benzer bir pozisyondaki kiƟiye verebileceği tavsiye istedim ve tavsiyesi Ɵu: "Takım ĂŒyelerini motive etmek için ÇOK FAZLA tavsiyem var Ă§ĂŒnkĂŒ bu topluluğun ortaya çıkÄ±ĆŸÄ±ndan beri buradayım ve uzun zamandır takımın bir ĂŒyesiyim. Sadece bu kadar değil, ayrıca çok değiƟtim de, bazı durumlarda toksik idim ve Adminlikten indirilmiƟtim, bazı durumlarda ise aktif değildim ve iletiƟim kurmuyordum. Ama bu Ɵeylerden çok ders çıkardım. Bence herkes kendisini veya davranÄ±ĆŸlarını ne kadar aƟağılasa da takım ĂŒyesi olması imkansız değil. Önemli olan Ɵu anda kim olduğun, insanlar değiƟmene izin vermeyebilir ve bu normal, bu onlara kalmÄ±ĆŸ ama yine de yapmalısın Ă§ĂŒnkĂŒ seninle ilgili dĂŒĆŸĂŒnceleri zamanla değiƟecek, insanlar değiƟikliğe dĂŒĆŸĂŒndĂŒÄŸĂŒnden çok daha açıklar.
Ä°kinci tavsiyem ise açık görĂŒĆŸlĂŒ olmanız, insanlar inanılmaz derecede karÄ±ĆŸÄ±ktır, hiçbir Ɵey siyah beyaz değildir ve insanların %10'unun zihninden geçenleri anlamak için muhtemelen bir asır harcaman gerekecek. Bu yĂŒzden biriyle konuƟmadan önce dinlemek ve dĂŒĆŸĂŒnmek önemli, çoğu Ɵey konuƟularak halledilebilir. Sadece sorular sorun, uygun bir Ɵekilde cevap verin ve insanları iyimser bir Ɵekilde dĂŒĆŸĂŒnĂŒn, çoğu insan kasten kabalık yapmaz, genellikle bir iletiƟim hatasıdır ve böyle davranmak istememiƟlerdir."
Daha fazla Admin, Designer ve Developer röportajı için sonraki gazeteyi unutmayın!

Matriox tarafından yazıldı
Çevirmen: Roxlad

đŸ’Œ TCCT Applications

TCCT is searching for staff! Do you think CubeCraft having their own newspaper is incredible and do you want to contribute? Below are the options, join our Discord server to apply!

đŸ–‹ïž Publisher

As an editor you combine all the articles into the newspaper. You also add the translations with spoilers. Make sure you know how BB codes work before you apply. This job does take quite a lot time each week!

🧊 Reporter

A reporter writes articles for the newspaper. They also actively search for content to write about across the Network. It’s super fun to work as a reporter!

🌏 Translator

Your job will be translating the newspaper into your own language. We already have many different languages so maybe we won’t accept you if it is a new language.

Don't forget to join our Discord server!

Click here for the link - Information can be found there.

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Favourite how to tame a dragon movie, shoot.
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Happy Birthday! 🎈
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day x
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Thanks for the follow! 💖
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