Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
The North Obsidian Pillar in The End
I see a lot of people on the forums complaining about Eggwars, more specifically overpowered, half health. It is annoying to constantly play the same game mode over and over again, but i'm sad to say that I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. As long as you have players with ranks that constantly join the game 9 times out of 10 it's going to be Overpowered, Half or Normal health and, even with a rank, there's nothing you can do about it as multiple players override your 1 vote. So instead of quitting on Eggwars completely I'm going to attempt to create a guide to help you guys out, provide some tactics you can use to make OP mode a little less frustrating. Tactics will vary between maps and since there are quite a bit of Eggwars maps and i can't cover them all, i'm just going to make some general remarks about them later in the thread, But first lets go over some general facts i believe you should know

Price Tracking

Before you do anything take note of how much resources you'll need to acquire before leaving the generator. Fist of all TAKE WHAT YOU NEED! Nobody likes a player that hogs the generator trust me. Now most of y'all struggle with trying to figure out exactly how many resources you need and in a fast paced game you really don't have time to run back and forth from the gen due to lack of resources or wasting time by camping the gen, acquiring resources you don't need so i personally experimented with different kinds of "kits" you can use to get you started. I'll be showcasing 2 basic kits that I use all the time. Obviously you can add on to these kits if you want to spend a little extra time gathering the resources. You can do the math for whatever extra you want to add onto it.

Leather Warrior: 43 Iron

Full Leather Armor - 4 Iron
Stone Pick - 1 Iron
Stack of Clay Blocks - 21 Iron
12 Steak - 12 Iron
Wooden Sword - 5 Iron


Stone Sword: - 32 Iron
Gapples: 1 for 3 gold
Extra Building Blocks: Stack for 21 Iron
Diamond Pick (eff 2): for 5 gold
Extra Steak - 1 for 1 Iron

This is a rusher based kit. It's not designed to take out entire 5 man teams. It's designed to get you to the egg without being too vulnerable. Personally I use this kit to get me through the battles at Mid while collecting diamonds and other resources and it has done wonders for me. You might need more than a stack on some maps depending on have far away the islands are from mid so in that case get another "half stack" This kit is not that strong so engage when you absolutely have to. Collect resources at Mid or taking out another team's egg. Whatever you have to do with this kit do it quickly.

Iron Warrior: 32 Diamonds, 29 Gold, 58 Iron

This one will be influenced by the Eggwars Kit: Egg Armour. Discounting the Armor by 20% If you're not using Egg Armor the numbers will be correct. If you are just subtract 4 Diamonds

Full Iron Armor - 20 Diamonds
Diamond Sword (Sharp 2) - 12 Diamonds
Diamond Pick (eff 2) - 5 gold
16 Steak - 16 iron
8 Gapples - 24 gold
2 stacks of Clay Blocks - 42 iron


One Punch Bow (See what i did there ;)) -
25 Diamonds
Power 5 Bow - 25 Diamonds
Extra Steak
Extra Gapples
Backup Iron Armor - 20 Diamonds for each set
A Player Tracker - 10 Diamonds
Ender Pearl - 64 Diamonds Each
God Apples - 10 Diamonds Each
Glass Blocks - Stack for 32 Iron
Obsidian - 1 block for 3 gold
God Pick (eff 8) - 40 Diamonds

My play on a familiar kit that everyone shoots for in a game of Eggwars. This is the kit you should spend the remainder of the game in. If you take a look at the add-ons it has a lot of room for improvement. This kit is a lot more flexible as more resources are available to you at this point. You could get diamond armor but i wouldn't even bother. It takes too long to get a full set and multiple sets of iron armor should make up for it.

Beginning of The Game

First off I tried to engineer this guide in accordance to the Solo Player who Solo ques in Team Eggwars, but you might get a team who's willing to work together or communicate with each other. If that's the case communicate with them.

So now that you know the prices of the important things, lets go over what to do at the start of the game. You have a few options. Rush to Mid, Rush to an Enemy Team's Island, or Defend and Try to get Obby for the Egg. These strategies will vary between maps so i'll elaborate further down below.

If you choose to work with your team, your egg is the source of life so make sure to prioritize it if you can. This of course depends on the maps. Obviously you won't be able to get Obby if your gold gen is broken. In this case send one person to mid to get gold so you can put obby on the egg.

If you choose not to work with your team, then the egg is no longer important to you. Make sure you get to the Iron gens first if possible, get your basic gear as fast as possible, and rush mid. I'll elaborate further down below.

Rushing Another Team

Rushing another team's island is a bit risky. You're either on a map where the distance between team islands are too great for rushing to be an effective strategy (Ex: Aztec), or there are too many players on the enemy team to rush alone. Personally. I'd just rush to mid. It's less of a hassle overall.

Rushing to Mid

While rushing to mid is a little less risky than rushing to an enemy team's island it's still pretty dangerous. This is where the leather warrior will be most useful. Now i definitely wouldn't stay at mid with just leather armor for too long as Mid will get more and more dangerous as the game progresses. When at mid you're priority is to get some diamonds and go. It takes 40 diamonds to upgrade your diamond generator fully, but a solo player wouldn't care for this. If you can get enough for Iron Armor and a Diamond Sword and just camp mid for resources. If things get too hectic cut it and run. You'll lose EVERYTHING when you die so survival is most important.

Before i continue please note that these are very general strategies for attacking and defending. Certain strategies will change with certain maps but overall the information presented in this section shouldn't change much. There are a lot of maps in Eggwars so maybe this is a story for another thread.


So your base is under attack. If you're a solo player you won't really care. If your a team player: by now you should have obby protecting the egg because if you don't the only thing you can really do is keep them away from the egg. Something that is difficult to do. Guarding an Obsidianized egg however is way easier. While we're on that topic, there's a right and a wrong way to protecting the egg. If the egg is obbied but there's a big cube of clay blocks surrounding it you're not doing it right. The enemy can actually use this against you by hiding in the cube you created to "protect" your egg leaving you looking for the player like a needle in a haystack. Once you have obby remove all other blocks. Glass works better as you can actually see through it so you don't have to search as much. Also it would be wise to have a pick on you, as the enemy will start placing blocks to buy themselves some time to break throught the obsidian protecting your egg. It doesn't feel very good to get your egg broken because you couldn't spare the 1 iron to buy a stone pick. If the enemy has obsidian, it's sad to say your egg is doomed. Don't even bother mining it with a diamond pick as even the fastest one won't help you here. If your egg gets broken, don't panic or rage quit. It's not the end of the world. Ultimately this depends on your survival skills, and If you're good at surviving, then an egg means nothing to you.


Before you set foot on another team's island, you need to do a bit of homework which can be done as the game progresses. If you come across an enemy player at middle and they're frantically running to their base as soon as they see you it wouldn't take Einstein to realized they are harboring diamonds and are afraid of loosing them. Make sure you take them out if you can catch them, it's bad enough that they alone will have diamond gear but it's even worse when they upgrade the diamond generator at their island and now the entire team will have access to diamonds. If they do get away with the diamonds put that team on your hit list and eliminate them before they become too powerful to defeat. Scout out the other teams as well and see what they got gear wise. If everyone has the basic leather armor just chill at mid for a bit, stock up on diamonds and other resources, and come at them stronger with your improved gear. Once you set foot on the island you should have a pretty good idea of where the egg is. If you don't, Go back to your island, look at your egg, remember where your egg is and i guarantee you that every other team's egg is in the exact some spot on their island. Once you find the egg do your best to evade the enemy team and break the egg. If the egg is obbied and you have a diamond pick, try to block yourself in with the obsidian you should have on you. Once the egg has been broken make sure you do your best to finish the job by killing off the team. Leaving at least one of them alive will be a potential problem later in the game if not taken care of.


And that's about it. I hope this helps you guys out. Let me know if i left anything out because i was kinda running out of things to say. Good luck in OP Eggwars. Credits to @MrKarmason for telling me what to improve

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Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
Alright so random fun fact, When I play egg wars with friends, We vote OP health, but not Normal or Half health, Instead, We do OP Items, and Triple Health.

The reason we do this is that we hate Half Health, because we see OP Half as who can rush the other side the fastest, and OP items, Triple health requires some strategizing that is not seen anywhere else in the game.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2017
Dog's Land
Alright so random fun fact, When I play egg wars with friends, We vote OP health, but not Normal or Half health, Instead, We do OP Items, and Triple Health.

The reason we do this is that we hate Half Health, because we see OP Half as who can rush the other side the fastest, and OP items, Triple health requires some strategizing that is not seen anywhere else in the game.

I think that Everyone has fun playing what they like no matter how hard it is to believe it. You may not like it, but imagine that I do. why would they remove it?



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2018
I see a lot of people on the forums complaining about Eggwars, more specifically overpowered, half health. It is annoying to constantly play the same game mode over and over again, but i'm sad to say that I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. As long as you have players with ranks that constantly join the game 9 times out of 10 it's going to be Overpowered, Half or Normal health and, even with a rank, there's nothing you can do about it as multiple players override your 1 vote. So instead of quitting on Eggwars completely I'm going to attempt to create a guide to help you guys out, provide some tactics you can use to make OP mode a little less frustrating. Tactics will vary between maps and since there are quite a bit of Eggwars maps i'm just going to make some general remarks about them later in the thread, But first lets go over some general facts i believe you should know

Price Tracking

Before you do anything take note of how much resources you'll need to acquire before leaving the generator. Fist of all TAKE WHAT YOU NEED! Nobody likes a player that hogs the generator trust me. Now most of y'all struggle with trying to figure out exactly how many resources you need and in a fast paced game you really don't have time to run back and forth from the gen due to lack of resources or wasting time by camping the gen, acquiring resources you don't need so i personally experimented with different kinds of "kits" you can use to get you started. I'll be showcasing 2 basic kits that I use all the time. Obviously you can add on to these kits if you want to spend a little extra time gathering the resources. You can do the math for whatever extra you want to add onto it.

Leather Warrior: 43 Iron

Full Leather Armor - 4 Iron
Stone Pick - 1 Iron
63 Building Blocks - 21 Iron
12 Steak - 12 Iron
Wooden Sword - 5 Iron


Stone Sword: - 32 Iron
Gapples: 1 for 3 gold
Extra Building Blocks: 3 for 1 Iron
Diamond Pick (eff 2): for 5 gold
Extra Steak - 1 for 1 Iron

This is a rusher based kit. It's not designed to take out entire 5 man teams. It's designed to get you to the egg without being too vulnerable. Personally I use this kit to get me through the battles at Mid while collecting diamonds and other resources and it has done wonders for me. You might need more than a stack on some maps depending on have far away the islands are from mid so in that case get another "half stack" This kit is not that strong so engage when you absolutely have to. Collect resources at Mid or taking out another team's egg. Whatever you have to do with this kit do it quickly.

Iron Warrior: 32 Diamonds, 29 Gold, 58 Iron

This one will be influenced by the Eggwars Kit: Egg Armour. Discounting the Armor by 20% If you're not using Egg Armor the numbers will be correct. If you are just subtract 4 Diamonds

Full Iron Armor - 20 Diamonds
Diamond Sword (Sharp 2) - 12 Diamonds
Diamond Pick (eff 2) - 5 gold
16 Steak - 16 iron
8 Gapples - 24 gold
2 stacks of Building Blocks - 42 iron


One Punch Bow (See what i did there ;)) -
25 Diamonds
Power 5 Bow - 25 Diamonds
Extra Steak
Extra Gapples
Backup Iron Armor - 20 Diamonds for each set
A Player Tracker - 10 Diamonds
Ender Pearl - 64 Diamonds Each
God Apples - 10 Diamonds Each

My play on a familiar kit that everyone shoots for in a game of Eggwars. This is the kit i usually spend most of the game in. It gets you pretty far in the beginning but it has a lot of room for improvement and Add-ons. This kit is a lot more flexible as more resources are available to you at this point. Camp Mid. Go rush a base. Defend yours. Endless possibilities with the Iron Warrior.

Diamond Warrior: 4 STACKS OF DIAMONDS + 36, 2 STACKS OF GOLD + 16, Iron?... Don't even bother

Full Diamond Armor - 2 stacks of diamonds
Sharp 5 Diamond Sword - 1 stack of diamonds
God Pick (Eff 6) - 40 Diamonds
Punch and Power 5 Bow - 50 Diamonds
Player Tracker - 10 Diamonds
32 Gapples - Stack of Gold + 32
120 Arrows (About 2 stacks) - 48 gold
Building Blocks


Extra Gapples
Extra Blocks
Extra Steak
God Apples
Extra Sets of Armor. You'd have to be a mad man to get an extra set of Diamond Armor
Extra Arrows

Egg Armour discounts Diamond Armor by 24 Diamonds. Iron Armor by 4 Diamonds

We're in the endgame now with this kit. This is the kind of kit you can pull off if you came mid. Specifically on TeaParty. I used this kit only once and it took me so long to get the resources for this. I recommend sticking with Iron Armor and just taking a few back up sets but if you can get enough resources fast for this kit then go for it

Beginning of The Game

First off I tried to engineer this guide in accordance to the Solo Player who Solo ques in Team Eggwars, but you might not get a team who's willing to work together or communicate with each other. Communication is key in Eggwars so try to make an attempt to talk with your team. Remember the Leather Warrior kit i proposed, That should be all you need as a rusher.

So now that you know the prices of the important things, lets go over what to do at the start of the game. You have a few options. Rush to Mid, Rush to an Enemy Team's Island, or Defend and Try to get Obby for the Egg. You egg is the source of life so make sure to prioritize it if you can. This of course depends on the maps. Obviously you won't be able to get Obby if your gold gen is broken. In this case send one person to mid to get gold so you can put obby on the egg.

Rushing/Counter Rushing

So you decide to rush. There isn't really a right or wrong way to rush in my opinion. The enemy is going to see you coming and will try to counter rush you by taking the high ground. Don't let them do this. It didn't work so well for Anakin so it probably won't work so well for you either. I'd start building high to begin with. Try parkouring or build up to the highest point of your island and build from there. I'm not an expert with this part so any experienced Rusher who can provide additional feedback here will be appreciated and credited :p

Rushing to Mid

Rushing to mid is a little less risky than rushing to an enemy team's island. This is where the leather warrior will be most useful. Now i definitely wouldn't stay at mid for too long as Mid will get more and more dangerous as the game progresses. When at mid you're priority is to get some diamonds and go. It takes 40 diamonds to upgrade your diamond generator fully so if you can aim for that amount. If things get too hectic cut it and run. Some diamonds are better than no diamonds at all.


So your base is under attack. By now i hope you have obby protecting the egg because if you don't the only thing you can really do is keep them away from the egg. Something that is difficult to do. Guarding an Obsidianized egg however is way easier. While we're on that topic, there's a right and a wrong way to protecting the egg. If the egg is obbied but there's a big cube of clay blocks surrounding it you're not doing it right. The enemy can actually use this against you by hiding in the cube you created to "protect" your egg leaving you looking for the player like a needle in a haystack. Once you have obby remove all other blocks. Glass works better as you can actually see through it so you don't have to search as much. Also it would be wise to have a pick on you, as the enemy will start placing blocks to buy themselves some time to break your egg. It doesn't feel very good to get your egg broken because you couldn't spare the 1 iron to buy a stone pick.If your egg gets broken don't panic or rage quit. It's not the end of the world, just play it like you would a game of Skywars, Cautiously. Make sure what's left of your team sticks together. It's much safer to travel and fight in groups.


Before you set foot on the island you need to do a bit of homework which can be done as the game progresses. If you come across an enemy player at middle and they're frantically running to their base as soon as they see you it wouldn't take Einstein to realized they are harboring diamonds and are afraid of loosing them. Make sure you take them out if you can catch them, it's bad enough that they alone will have diamond gear but it's even worse when they upgrade the diamond generator at their island and now the entire team will have access to diamonds. If they do get away with the diamonds put that team on your hit list and eliminate them before they become too powerful to defeat. Scout out the other teams as well and see what they got gear wise. If everyone has the basic leather armor just chill at mid for a bit, get some diamonds and come at them stronger with you diamond gear. Once you set foot on the island you should have a pretty good idea of where the egg is. If you don't, Go back to your island, look at your egg, remember where your egg is and i guarantee you that every other team's egg is in the exact some spot on their island. Once you find the egg do your best to evade the enemy team and break the egg. If the egg is obbied and you have a diamond pick try to block yourself in with the clay blocks and if you're really adamant about breaking the egg use obsidian. Once the egg has been broken make sure you do your best to finish the job by killing off the team. Leaving at least one of them alive will be a potential problem later in the game if not taken care of.


And that's about it. I hope this helps you guys out. Let me know if i left anything out because i was kinda running out of things to say. Good luck in OP Eggwars.

It's a nice thread but there is so much i can criticise about it especially the attacking and defending sections. In addition the attacking and defending sections will vary on the map that you are playing, so you should have included that. The 'kits' that you have made are not very good, personally i would not use or even write about the diamond kit instead spending the diamonds on extra sets of iron armour and gapples. It's much cheaper but if you can play the game correctly much easier to manage and control a situation. People often think 'oh i have diamond armour i don't need more and i can't be killed' but one arrow can easily kill them where as getting iron only its cheaper and still has the same effect with less grinding involved. 5 sets of iron which is 100 diamonds has the same duration as 2.5 diamond sets and costs 28 diamonds less than one set of diamond. You should have also included for the late game kits that you should no longer be using terracotta but rather glass, while keeping a stack of obsidian on yourself.

There is more but i quite frankly don't have the time to write about this at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2017
Dog's Land
I see a lot of people on the forums complaining about Eggwars, more specifically overpowered, half health. It is annoying to constantly play the same game mode over and over again, but i'm sad to say that I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. As long as you have players with ranks that constantly join the game 9 times out of 10 it's going to be Overpowered, Half or Normal health and, even with a rank, there's nothing you can do about it as multiple players override your 1 vote. So instead of quitting on Eggwars completely I'm going to attempt to create a guide to help you guys out, provide some tactics you can use to make OP mode a little less frustrating. Tactics will vary between maps and since there are quite a bit of Eggwars maps i'm just going to make some general remarks about them later in the thread, But first lets go over some general facts i believe you should know

Price Tracking

Before you do anything take note of how much resources you'll need to acquire before leaving the generator. Fist of all TAKE WHAT YOU NEED! Nobody likes a player that hogs the generator trust me. Now most of y'all struggle with trying to figure out exactly how many resources you need and in a fast paced game you really don't have time to run back and forth from the gen due to lack of resources or wasting time by camping the gen, acquiring resources you don't need so i personally experimented with different kinds of "kits" you can use to get you started. I'll be showcasing 2 basic kits that I use all the time. Obviously you can add on to these kits if you want to spend a little extra time gathering the resources. You can do the math for whatever extra you want to add onto it.

Leather Warrior: 43 Iron

Full Leather Armor - 4 Iron
Stone Pick - 1 Iron
63 Building Blocks - 21 Iron
12 Steak - 12 Iron
Wooden Sword - 5 Iron


Stone Sword: - 32 Iron
Gapples: 1 for 3 gold
Extra Building Blocks: 3 for 1 Iron
Diamond Pick (eff 2): for 5 gold
Extra Steak - 1 for 1 Iron

This is a rusher based kit. It's not designed to take out entire 5 man teams. It's designed to get you to the egg without being too vulnerable. Personally I use this kit to get me through the battles at Mid while collecting diamonds and other resources and it has done wonders for me. You might need more than a stack on some maps depending on have far away the islands are from mid so in that case get another "half stack" This kit is not that strong so engage when you absolutely have to. Collect resources at Mid or taking out another team's egg. Whatever you have to do with this kit do it quickly.

Iron Warrior: 32 Diamonds, 29 Gold, 58 Iron

This one will be influenced by the Eggwars Kit: Egg Armour. Discounting the Armor by 20% If you're not using Egg Armor the numbers will be correct. If you are just subtract 4 Diamonds

Full Iron Armor - 20 Diamonds
Diamond Sword (Sharp 2) - 12 Diamonds
Diamond Pick (eff 2) - 5 gold
16 Steak - 16 iron
8 Gapples - 24 gold
2 stacks of Building Blocks - 42 iron


One Punch Bow (See what i did there ;)) -
25 Diamonds
Power 5 Bow - 25 Diamonds
Extra Steak
Extra Gapples
Backup Iron Armor - 20 Diamonds for each set
A Player Tracker - 10 Diamonds
Ender Pearl - 64 Diamonds Each
God Apples - 10 Diamonds Each

My play on a familiar kit that everyone shoots for in a game of Eggwars. This is the kit i usually spend most of the game in. It gets you pretty far in the beginning but it has a lot of room for improvement and Add-ons. This kit is a lot more flexible as more resources are available to you at this point. Camp Mid. Go rush a base. Defend yours. Endless possibilities with the Iron Warrior.

Diamond Warrior: 4 STACKS OF DIAMONDS + 36, 2 STACKS OF GOLD + 16, Iron?... Don't even bother

Full Diamond Armor - 2 stacks of diamonds
Sharp 5 Diamond Sword - 1 stack of diamonds
God Pick (Eff 6) - 40 Diamonds
Punch and Power 5 Bow - 50 Diamonds
Player Tracker - 10 Diamonds
32 Gapples - Stack of Gold + 32
120 Arrows (About 2 stacks) - 48 gold
Building Blocks


Extra Gapples
Extra Blocks
Extra Steak
God Apples
Extra Sets of Armor. You'd have to be a mad man to get an extra set of Diamond Armor
Extra Arrows

Egg Armour discounts Diamond Armor by 24 Diamonds. Iron Armor by 4 Diamonds

We're in the endgame now with this kit. This is the kind of kit you can pull off if you came mid. Specifically on TeaParty. I used this kit only once and it took me so long to get the resources for this. I recommend sticking with Iron Armor and just taking a few back up sets but if you can get enough resources fast for this kit then go for it

Beginning of The Game

First off I tried to engineer this guide in accordance to the Solo Player who Solo ques in Team Eggwars, but you might not get a team who's willing to work together or communicate with each other. Communication is key in Eggwars so try to make an attempt to talk with your team. Remember the Leather Warrior kit i proposed, That should be all you need as a rusher.

So now that you know the prices of the important things, lets go over what to do at the start of the game. You have a few options. Rush to Mid, Rush to an Enemy Team's Island, or Defend and Try to get Obby for the Egg. You egg is the source of life so make sure to prioritize it if you can. This of course depends on the maps. Obviously you won't be able to get Obby if your gold gen is broken. In this case send one person to mid to get gold so you can put obby on the egg.

Rushing/Counter Rushing

So you decide to rush. There isn't really a right or wrong way to rush in my opinion. The enemy is going to see you coming and will try to counter rush you by taking the high ground. Don't let them do this. It didn't work so well for Anakin so it probably won't work so well for you either. I'd start building high to begin with. Try parkouring or build up to the highest point of your island and build from there. I'm not an expert with this part so any experienced Rusher who can provide additional feedback here will be appreciated and credited :p

Rushing to Mid

Rushing to mid is a little less risky than rushing to an enemy team's island. This is where the leather warrior will be most useful. Now i definitely wouldn't stay at mid for too long as Mid will get more and more dangerous as the game progresses. When at mid you're priority is to get some diamonds and go. It takes 40 diamonds to upgrade your diamond generator fully so if you can aim for that amount. If things get too hectic cut it and run. Some diamonds are better than no diamonds at all.


So your base is under attack. By now i hope you have obby protecting the egg because if you don't the only thing you can really do is keep them away from the egg. Something that is difficult to do. Guarding an Obsidianized egg however is way easier. While we're on that topic, there's a right and a wrong way to protecting the egg. If the egg is obbied but there's a big cube of clay blocks surrounding it you're not doing it right. The enemy can actually use this against you by hiding in the cube you created to "protect" your egg leaving you looking for the player like a needle in a haystack. Once you have obby remove all other blocks. Glass works better as you can actually see through it so you don't have to search as much. Also it would be wise to have a pick on you, as the enemy will start placing blocks to buy themselves some time to break your egg. It doesn't feel very good to get your egg broken because you couldn't spare the 1 iron to buy a stone pick.If your egg gets broken don't panic or rage quit. It's not the end of the world, just play it like you would a game of Skywars, Cautiously. Make sure what's left of your team sticks together. It's much safer to travel and fight in groups.


Before you set foot on the island you need to do a bit of homework which can be done as the game progresses. If you come across an enemy player at middle and they're frantically running to their base as soon as they see you it wouldn't take Einstein to realized they are harboring diamonds and are afraid of loosing them. Make sure you take them out if you can catch them, it's bad enough that they alone will have diamond gear but it's even worse when they upgrade the diamond generator at their island and now the entire team will have access to diamonds. If they do get away with the diamonds put that team on your hit list and eliminate them before they become too powerful to defeat. Scout out the other teams as well and see what they got gear wise. If everyone has the basic leather armor just chill at mid for a bit, get some diamonds and come at them stronger with you diamond gear. Once you set foot on the island you should have a pretty good idea of where the egg is. If you don't, Go back to your island, look at your egg, remember where your egg is and i guarantee you that every other team's egg is in the exact some spot on their island. Once you find the egg do your best to evade the enemy team and break the egg. If the egg is obbied and you have a diamond pick try to block yourself in with the clay blocks and if you're really adamant about breaking the egg use obsidian. Once the egg has been broken make sure you do your best to finish the job by killing off the team. Leaving at least one of them alive will be a potential problem later in the game if not taken care of.


And that's about it. I hope this helps you guys out. Let me know if i left anything out because i was kinda running out of things to say. Good luck in OP Eggwars.

Put more rusher maps.



Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
The North Obsidian Pillar in The End
It's a nice thread but there is so much i can criticise about it especially the attacking and defending sections. In addition the attacking and defending sections will vary on the map that you are playing, so you should have included that. The 'kits' that you have made are not very good, personally i would not use or even write about the diamond kit instead spending the diamonds on extra sets of iron armour and gapples. It's much cheaper but if you can play the game correctly much easier to manage and control a situation. People often think 'oh i have diamond armour i don't need more and i can't be killed' but one arrow can easily kill them where as getting iron only its cheaper and still has the same effect with less grinding involved. 5 sets of iron which is 100 diamonds has the same duration as 2.5 diamond sets and costs 28 diamonds less than one set of diamond. You should have also included for the late game kits that you should no longer be using terracotta but rather glass, while keeping a stack of obsidian on yourself.

There is more but i quite frankly don't have the time to write about this at the moment.

Yeah. This was more or less a rushed thread. My attempt at making a guide for OP Eggwars. I don’t even know why I added the Diamond armor one as I don’t even use it. If I was to summarize the proper way to play a game of Eggwars I’d say, attempt to work with your team. Don’t hog the gens, get diamonds as fast as possible etc. Everyone has different strats when it comes to Eggwars so ultimately stick with what you know. As you play you pick up your own strategies and each map has its own challenges to overcome making it difficult to teach a beginner what to do. Basically a general guide wouldn’t work which is kinda what I made here. Can’t blame me for trying right? xD
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Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
I think that Everyone has fun playing what they like no matter how hard it is to believe it. You may not like it, but imagine that I do. why would they remove it?
Hi, I respect on what you like, and im not here to judge what you like or dislike, When I said we, I meant myself, and the friends I play with.
I still dont like OP half health


Dec 27, 2018
I totally respect your opinion, but players paid to vote OP items and half health. Nonetheless, it's greatly appreciated the guide and dedication of this post.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2018
Yeah. This was more or less a rushed thread. My attempt at making a guide for OP Eggwars. I don’t even know why I added the Diamond armor one as I don’t even use it. If I was to summarize the proper way to play a game of Eggwars I’d say, attempt to work with your team. Don’t hog the gens, get diamonds as fast as possible etc. Everyone has different strats when it comes to Eggwars so ultimately stick with what you know. As you play you pick up your own strategies and each map has its own challenges to overcome making it difficult to teach a beginner what to do. Basically a general guide wouldn’t work which is kinda what I made here. Can’t blame me for trying right? xD
As you play you pick up the correct strategy and not your own. In addition hogging the generators is good, so is scooping while fighting. If you are like me and play solo but in teams then hog and take as many resources as possible, be in the opponents face all the time, have continual pressure applied to all others. 57 diamonds is enough for early game, having a bow an iron set and a diamond sword can last. Once you have these set up a mid camp.
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Forum Expert
Oct 7, 2017
Western Finland
Eggwars rush:
moneybags kit = 15 iron; 45 blocks -> build to the island next to you
another teammate: moneybags = leather gear, wooden sword, pickaxe, 1 beef, 15 blocks
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2018
Eggwars rush:
moneybags kit = 15 iron; 45 blocks -> build to the island next to you
another teammate: moneybags = leather gear, wooden sword, pickaxe, 1 beef, 15 blocks
I disagree, rushing makes you vulnerable. Still use money bag kit but get 38 iron in total (if you get more good) but you buy armour a wood sword 7-9 steak and the rest on blocks and a stone pick. From this you can start the game with a mid camp, shop then you have all of the tools to control mid for the entire game.


Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
The North Obsidian Pillar in The End
I disagree, rushing makes you vulnerable. Still use money bag kit but get 38 iron in total (if you get more good) but you buy armour a wood sword 7-9 steak and the rest on blocks and a stone pick. From this you can start the game with a mid camp, shop then you have all of the tools to control mid for the entire game.

A most effective strategy that pretty much works for every map, especially the ones where the other team’s islands are too far to rush. The only problem with this is that you leave your egg unguarded and most of the time my team of randoms won’t know how to deal with this so I just end up not even caring about the egg. With or without the egg, when you die you loose everything anyway.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2018
A most effective strategy that pretty much works for every map, especially the ones where the other team’s islands are too far to rush. The only problem with this is that you leave your egg unguarded and most of the time my team of randoms won’t know how to deal with this so I just end up not even caring about the egg. With or without the egg, when you die you loose everything anyway.
I never protect the egg, a lot of the time in the cages i tell my team not to bother with one. Not to brag or anything but if you never die there is no need to an egg. Plus the strategy works 99% of the time.
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Dedicated Member
Nov 12, 2016
Excellent guide. I must say it will really help the game advance. Much better than some other guides I've read that only talk about upgrading gens and "communication". (Mentioning no names of course).
Excellent work Zigbot and Lord Karma.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2020
I see a lot of people on the forums complaining about Eggwars, more specifically overpowered, half health. It is annoying to constantly play the same game mode over and over again, but i'm sad to say that I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. As long as you have players with ranks that constantly join the game 9 times out of 10 it's going to be Overpowered, Half or Normal health and, even with a rank, there's nothing you can do about it as multiple players override your 1 vote. So instead of quitting on Eggwars completely I'm going to attempt to create a guide to help you guys out, provide some tactics you can use to make OP mode a little less frustrating. Tactics will vary between maps and since there are quite a bit of Eggwars maps and i can't cover them all, i'm just going to make some general remarks about them later in the thread, But first lets go over some general facts i believe you should know

Price Tracking

Before you do anything take note of how much resources you'll need to acquire before leaving the generator. Fist of all TAKE WHAT YOU NEED! Nobody likes a player that hogs the generator trust me. Now most of y'all struggle with trying to figure out exactly how many resources you need and in a fast paced game you really don't have time to run back and forth from the gen due to lack of resources or wasting time by camping the gen, acquiring resources you don't need so i personally experimented with different kinds of "kits" you can use to get you started. I'll be showcasing 2 basic kits that I use all the time. Obviously you can add on to these kits if you want to spend a little extra time gathering the resources. You can do the math for whatever extra you want to add onto it.

Leather Warrior: 43 Iron

Full Leather Armor - 4 Iron
Stone Pick - 1 Iron
Stack of Clay Blocks - 21 Iron
12 Steak - 12 Iron
Wooden Sword - 5 Iron


Stone Sword: - 32 Iron
Gapples: 1 for 3 gold
Extra Building Blocks: Stack for 21 Iron
Diamond Pick (eff 2): for 5 gold
Extra Steak - 1 for 1 Iron

This is a rusher based kit. It's not designed to take out entire 5 man teams. It's designed to get you to the egg without being too vulnerable. Personally I use this kit to get me through the battles at Mid while collecting diamonds and other resources and it has done wonders for me. You might need more than a stack on some maps depending on have far away the islands are from mid so in that case get another "half stack" This kit is not that strong so engage when you absolutely have to. Collect resources at Mid or taking out another team's egg. Whatever you have to do with this kit do it quickly.

Iron Warrior: 32 Diamonds, 29 Gold, 58 Iron

This one will be influenced by the Eggwars Kit: Egg Armour. Discounting the Armor by 20% If you're not using Egg Armor the numbers will be correct. If you are just subtract 4 Diamonds

Full Iron Armor - 20 Diamonds
Diamond Sword (Sharp 2) - 12 Diamonds
Diamond Pick (eff 2) - 5 gold
16 Steak - 16 iron
8 Gapples - 24 gold
2 stacks of Clay Blocks - 42 iron


One Punch Bow (See what i did there ;)) -
25 Diamonds
Power 5 Bow - 25 Diamonds
Extra Steak
Extra Gapples
Backup Iron Armor - 20 Diamonds for each set
A Player Tracker - 10 Diamonds
Ender Pearl - 64 Diamonds Each
God Apples - 10 Diamonds Each
Glass Blocks - Stack for 32 Iron
Obsidian - 1 block for 3 gold
God Pick (eff 8) - 40 Diamonds

My play on a familiar kit that everyone shoots for in a game of Eggwars. This is the kit you should spend the remainder of the game in. If you take a look at the add-ons it has a lot of room for improvement. This kit is a lot more flexible as more resources are available to you at this point. You could get diamond armor but i wouldn't even bother. It takes too long to get a full set and multiple sets of iron armor should make up for it.

Beginning of The Game

First off I tried to engineer this guide in accordance to the Solo Player who Solo ques in Team Eggwars, but you might get a team who's willing to work together or communicate with each other. If that's the case communicate with them.

So now that you know the prices of the important things, lets go over what to do at the start of the game. You have a few options. Rush to Mid, Rush to an Enemy Team's Island, or Defend and Try to get Obby for the Egg. These strategies will vary between maps so i'll elaborate further down below.

If you choose to work with your team, your egg is the source of life so make sure to prioritize it if you can. This of course depends on the maps. Obviously you won't be able to get Obby if your gold gen is broken. In this case send one person to mid to get gold so you can put obby on the egg.

If you choose not to work with your team, then the egg is no longer important to you. Make sure you get to the Iron gens first if possible, get your basic gear as fast as possible, and rush mid. I'll elaborate further down below.

Rushing Another Team

Rushing another team's island is a bit risky. You're either on a map where the distance between team islands are too great for rushing to be an effective strategy (Ex: Aztec), or there are too many players on the enemy team to rush alone. Personally. I'd just rush to mid. It's less of a hassle overall.

Rushing to Mid

While rushing to mid is a little less risky than rushing to an enemy team's island it's still pretty dangerous. This is where the leather warrior will be most useful. Now i definitely wouldn't stay at mid with just leather armor for too long as Mid will get more and more dangerous as the game progresses. When at mid you're priority is to get some diamonds and go. It takes 40 diamonds to upgrade your diamond generator fully, but a solo player wouldn't care for this. If you can get enough for Iron Armor and a Diamond Sword and just camp mid for resources. If things get too hectic cut it and run. You'll lose EVERYTHING when you die so survival is most important.

Before i continue please note that these are very general strategies for attacking and defending. Certain strategies will change with certain maps but overall the information presented in this section shouldn't change much. There are a lot of maps in Eggwars so maybe this is a story for another thread.


So your base is under attack. If you're a solo player you won't really care. If your a team player: by now you should have obby protecting the egg because if you don't the only thing you can really do is keep them away from the egg. Something that is difficult to do. Guarding an Obsidianized egg however is way easier. While we're on that topic, there's a right and a wrong way to protecting the egg. If the egg is obbied but there's a big cube of clay blocks surrounding it you're not doing it right. The enemy can actually use this against you by hiding in the cube you created to "protect" your egg leaving you looking for the player like a needle in a haystack. Once you have obby remove all other blocks. Glass works better as you can actually see through it so you don't have to search as much. Also it would be wise to have a pick on you, as the enemy will start placing blocks to buy themselves some time to break throught the obsidian protecting your egg. It doesn't feel very good to get your egg broken because you couldn't spare the 1 iron to buy a stone pick. If the enemy has obsidian, it's sad to say your egg is doomed. Don't even bother mining it with a diamond pick as even the fastest one won't help you here. If your egg gets broken, don't panic or rage quit. It's not the end of the world. Ultimately this depends on your survival skills, and If you're good at surviving, then an egg means nothing to you.


Before you set foot on another team's island, you need to do a bit of homework which can be done as the game progresses. If you come across an enemy player at middle and they're frantically running to their base as soon as they see you it wouldn't take Einstein to realized they are harboring diamonds and are afraid of loosing them. Make sure you take them out if you can catch them, it's bad enough that they alone will have diamond gear but it's even worse when they upgrade the diamond generator at their island and now the entire team will have access to diamonds. If they do get away with the diamonds put that team on your hit list and eliminate them before they become too powerful to defeat. Scout out the other teams as well and see what they got gear wise. If everyone has the basic leather armor just chill at mid for a bit, stock up on diamonds and other resources, and come at them stronger with your improved gear. Once you set foot on the island you should have a pretty good idea of where the egg is. If you don't, Go back to your island, look at your egg, remember where your egg is and i guarantee you that every other team's egg is in the exact some spot on their island. Once you find the egg do your best to evade the enemy team and break the egg. If the egg is obbied and you have a diamond pick, try to block yourself in with the obsidian you should have on you. Once the egg has been broken make sure you do your best to finish the job by killing off the team. Leaving at least one of them alive will be a potential problem later in the game if not taken care of.


And that's about it. I hope this helps you guys out. Let me know if i left anything out because i was kinda running out of things to say. Good luck in OP Eggwars. Credits to @MrKarmason for telling me what to improve

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