Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Should there be a Cubecraft youtube

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For the past week, I have been thinking of Cubecraft making a YouTube Channel. It would mostly have games on Cubecraft, and guides on how to play games or something in that sort, Who would be the youtuber(s) who would do it, the youtubers would be a select few that are selected by the staff. Please let me know what you think down below.Also the youtubers should have at least 1'000 subscriber, and at least 50 videos on Cubecraft( this can be changed)
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Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
I believe hey have one which they were going of put the "top 5 kills/fails" videos on I'll edit this post once I find out :P

Edit: The post does not contain a link but does mention that cubecraft has a YouTube channel.


I believe hey have one which they were going of put the "top 5 kills/fails" videos on I'll edit this post once I find out :p

Edit: The post does not contain a link but does mention that cubecraft has a YouTube channel.

Yes, I know they already have a YouTube channel like that, but I would like them to make one that doesn't only show fails, but there will be videos of Eggwars,Skywars,Survival games, etc, and ask also they could maybe contain some game guides for the games I just mentioned, and other games. I think a lot of new players would watch those, because they could just put the channel and link the guides,in the media section, and tab it as a sticky thread.

Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
Yes, I know they already have a YouTube channel like that, but I would like them to make one that doesn't only show fails, but there will be videos of Eggwars,Skywars,Survival games, etc, and ask also they could maybe contain some game guides for the games I just mentioned, and other games. I think a lot of new players would watch those, because they could just put the channel and link the guides,in the media section, and tab it as a sticky thread.
Oh ok I must've misunderstood :P I think that would be kind of cool. :D Im not sure how many people would go for it though


In my opinion i think a lot players who are new and maybe some old players who don't know, how to play this game and maybe want to start playing it, it may just be like pro tips on how to play the game, and maybe some live scenes of like do not/ do this and they will show you how to do it and how not to do it


Well,ok thank you maybe they should more videos to that, cause the last time they uploaded a video was 3 months ago


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2016
Hong Kong
@iSaltySardine Hey I could do! Though I don't have 1000 subs, I do record regularly on cubecraft.
P.S: Can you suggest me a new recording software? My last video which was recorded with OBS lagged so bad!


@GekiClaws here are some recording softwares: bandicam,fraps, and shawdowplay. But I do here your recording software OBS is pretty good, I have Window's 10 on my computer, and I use the manually built in recording software, and that didn't lag at all, to get do: hold the windows symbol and G at the same time, and then start recording
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