Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Jan 4, 2019
This suggestion is inspired by this suggestion

Title says all, I would like to see more maps get added to Solo EggWars.

We haven't got new maps since Season 1, until Shipwreck was added at the end of December. There is a chance of a brand new Solo EggWars map coming with the EggWars Tweaks update.

The reason I'm making this suggestion is because Solo EggWars has about half of the maps Solo SkyWars has (11 maps compared to 25) and that we would like to see more maps get added to the game.

I remembered that SkyWars got an update which revamped certain Java maps and brought those maps to Bedrock, so I would like the same treatment to be done to EggWars in the future.

Speaking of revamping maps, I remembered on October 13 and 14 in 2018 that CubeCraft accidentally added 11 maps into the rotation on Solo EggWars. Even though those maps weren't tested for Bedrock, they were so much fun to play on. One of those 11 maps in my opinion was revamped, which is why it is not shown in the spoiler. I alongside some others weren't happy after they got removed from the rotation as those maps added more replay ability into the game, the Bedrock community wasn't as big as it used to be at the time.

The spoiler below will have images of the maps from Java.









Some of these maps might look too big or complex for Bedrock. The maps in my opinion could use the revamp are Farm, Candy, Steampunk, Nightmare, and Village maps. That's why I suggest revamping some of the maps and release the others. Now that I think about it, the maps might look amazing with 1.20 blocks. It would be awesome for us Solo EggWars players.

What do you think of the suggestion? Do you also want more maps for Solo EggWars? Let me know your thoughts in the comments

Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022
This suggestion is inspired by this suggestion

Title says all, I would like to see more maps get added to Solo EggWars.

We haven't got new maps since Season 1, until Shipwreck was added at the end of December. There is a chance of a brand new Solo EggWars map coming with the EggWars Tweaks update.

The reason I'm making this suggestion is because Solo EggWars has about half of the maps Solo SkyWars has (11 maps compared to 25) and that we would like to see more maps get added to the game.

I remembered that SkyWars got an update which revamped certain Java maps and brought those maps to Bedrock, so I would like the same treatment to be done to EggWars in the future.

Speaking of revamping maps, I remembered on October 13 and 14 in 2018 that CubeCraft accidentally added 11 maps into the rotation on Solo EggWars. Even though those maps weren't tested for Bedrock, they were so much fun to play on. One of those 11 maps in my opinion was revamped, which is why it is not shown in the spoiler. I alongside some others weren't happy after they got removed from the rotation as those maps added more replay ability into the game, the Bedrock community wasn't as big as it used to be at the time.

The spoiler below will have images of the maps from Java.

Some of these maps might look too big or complex for Bedrock. The maps in my opinion could use the revamp are Farm, Candy, Steampunk, Nightmare, and Village maps. That's why I suggest revamping some of the maps and release the others. Now that I think about it, the maps might look amazing with 1.20 blocks. It would be awesome for us Solo EggWars players.

What do you think of the suggestion? Do you also want more maps for Solo EggWars? Let me know your thoughts in the comments
Yes i Agree with you
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May 20, 2023
This suggestion is inspired by this suggestion

Title says all, I would like to see more maps get added to Solo EggWars.

We haven't got new maps since Season 1, until Shipwreck was added at the end of December. There is a chance of a brand new Solo EggWars map coming with the EggWars Tweaks update.

The reason I'm making this suggestion is because Solo EggWars has about half of the maps Solo SkyWars has (11 maps compared to 25) and that we would like to see more maps get added to the game.

I remembered that SkyWars got an update which revamped certain Java maps and brought those maps to Bedrock, so I would like the same treatment to be done to EggWars in the future.

Speaking of revamping maps, I remembered on October 13 and 14 in 2018 that CubeCraft accidentally added 11 maps into the rotation on Solo EggWars. Even though those maps weren't tested for Bedrock, they were so much fun to play on. One of those 11 maps in my opinion was revamped, which is why it is not shown in the spoiler. I alongside some others weren't happy after they got removed from the rotation as those maps added more replay ability into the game, the Bedrock community wasn't as big as it used to be at the time.

The spoiler below will have images of the maps from Java.

Some of these maps might look too big or complex for Bedrock. The maps in my opinion could use the revamp are Farm, Candy, Steampunk, Nightmare, and Village maps. That's why I suggest revamping some of the maps and release the others. Now that I think about it, the maps might look amazing with 1.20 blocks. It would be awesome for us Solo EggWars players.

What do you think of the suggestion? Do you also want more maps for Solo EggWars? Let me know your thoughts in the comments
I think there's a map coming in the new update which seems interesting.😀


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2024
Up there!
Yeah, i agree, actually it could be very fun to have new 8 player maps and maybe some 10 player games could be interesting to play too!! (For Bedrock)
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