Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Nov 30, 2016
This will be very short and straight forward. For gamemodes, such as Tower Defense (I believe its the only gamemode with this issue) theres an issue regarding people hacking and increasing their flight speed. I suggest an addition where theres a maximum speed you can go, that being when you FLY + CTRL. This will remove the small disadvantage of hackers flying faster then normal players.


Forum Expert
Jul 6, 2016
In a chicken coop
This will be very short and straight forward. For gamemodes, such as Tower Defense (I believe its the only gamemode with this issue) theres an issue regarding people hacking and increasing their flight speed. I suggest an addition where theres a maximum speed you can go, that being when you FLY + CTRL. This will remove the small disadvantage of hackers flying faster then normal players.
YA know you can change your fly speed right? It's not a hack. Also, the developers are creating an anti-cheat so please be patient for that. @CyanYellow
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Spyridon Agnew Dragon

Dedicated Member
May 27, 2016
How do you change your fly speed? Also, most of these people who have changed fly speeds have elytras, from their hacked client.
If you were to play a game with 99 other players 85 of them would have elytras thats how often i see them but they function as a cape not an actual elytra
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Heya, after a good while years having not appreciated sleep a lot, have I learned things. I have most of the times seen it as a hindrance to things such as relations and projects. But after years I realised that you need to sleep to be well. Both physically and mentally. When I also realized that I could work better and more efficiently, did I try to get more sleep. That reminds me, I need to sleep now hah XD
Eli wrote on marshduck11's profile.
I like your profile picture
Mr Jii Gamer wrote on Egg🥚's profile.
Thank you so mush for everything

I know i am late bc i didn't realize that you have left the team sadly we see the better one go ..
Will be announcing the giveaway winner within the next 2 hours or so.
Reesle wrote on Cloudiefly's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂 ☁️
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