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Elegant Swirl

Jul 10, 2017
Hi! I along with many other of my fellow Freebuild players know that whitelist is broken. As much as it would be a help to get that fixed, this is not a forum about that. This is a forum about what I think your friends should be able to do on your plot.

My suggestion is that anyone on your friends' list should be able to open doors, use levers, etc. This would be helpful because currently if you have any of your friends and you playing at your plot, you have to open doors for them etc. Even though it is nice for strangers not to be able to open doors (and the like), I think anyone on your friends' list should be able to do a lot more than just sit around.

The only bad part about this suggestion I think is that sometimes you don't want your friends to be able to do certain things. If this suggestion is used though, then Cubecraft can most likely find a solution to this problem (maybe have options to what you want certain people to be able to do etc.).

I hope you all enjoyed this suggestion and I really hope it is added to Freebuild in Cubecraft! :D Thanks!

Elegant Swirl


Jul 18, 2017
I think this would be very helpful! The way Hypixel does their freebuild is have three permission-customizable groups besides the plot owner where for example, the co-owner can have certain things such as doors and levers and build if the plot owner chooses and give the different ranks to whomever they like for their plot.
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Forum Expert
The only bad part about this suggestion I think is that sometimes you don't want your friends to be able to do certain things. If this suggestion is used though, then Cubecraft can most likely find a solution to this problem (maybe have options to what you want certain people to be able to do etc.).
Maybe you ou can toggle it for certain friends, or just toggle it in all.

Great suggestion, nothing negative to say.
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Dedicated Member
Mar 13, 2016
Fix whitelist?

I don't see why this should be a feature what if I don't want people doing anything with doors or levers, what if I want everyone doing things with doors or levers
SO no
Well, if you don't want anyone looking or messing with it, you can put them on "Cannot Interact" if you want a friend to build with you, you can change the setting.
This could possibly to a version of whitelisting. You can have anyone, friends, invites, ect.
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