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The CubeCraft Times

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
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šŸ‘€ Searching for Clues

In this week's edition we all went out to look for some clues. Not only did we find clues for an upcoming CubeCraft RPG, we also found some clues to finish our newest segment! Puzzles/Games will start this week. You want a hint? Maybe you can get some during the week. But first, read this amazing edition!

āš”ļø RPG Spoilers?

In case you didnā€™t already know, CubeCraft has a new game mode coming to the network very soon! We have received a few spoilers already, but there were two more this week, along with the release date for the first trailer of the game! You can find these spoilers on CubeCraftā€™s official Twitter account.
The first spoiler was released on August 3rd, and if you look closely you can see a lot of exciting details! These include the creatures that were known as ā€œAxolandlsā€ in a previous spoiler, and you can also look at the scoreboard on the right and the action bar on the bottom of the screen for more hints.
The second spoiler has a shot of a dragon, which could potentially be a boss or a difficult enemy in the game. We still donā€™t know a lot about the game, but if you wish to know more you only have to wait until August 12th, which is when the first trailer for the game will be released! We hope you are just as excited for this gamemode as we are!

Article by: Olivine

šŸ„‹ CubeCraft Clubs

Rawrbin made a suggestion to add clubs to CubeCraft. Over a year ago, Smoothlyy made a thread about this and it got over 70 votes! Rawrbin's thread got over 40 :agree:Agrees already. But what would a club look like? Rawrbin explained it in over 1800 words so letā€™s make it a bit shorter in this article, basically it is a clan. In such clan you can play with friends or random people that could join your clan if it is an open clan. There are a few perks you get from clans: First of all, you can see who is online from your clan, so if you donā€™t have a rank and can only have a few friends, then you canā€™t see when they are online. In a clan you can execute /c list to see whoā€™s online. Also, /c chat is a way to communicate with your clan members. Clan boosts are available too. There will be a new leaderboard and for every win a club member makes your club gets 1 point. So if you play with a club on the map Aztec and you win, you can get 6 points! 1 point for every club member. Making a clan has a few requirements. You will need to have Iron rank and you need to spend some points. Those clubs can get the CubeCraft community even more active! And last but not least, the club shop: from winning a lot of games there is a chance you get Club Points. The club owner can use /c store to access the Club Store, in this store there would be some club vanity items. To read everything in more detail please go take a look at this amazing thread! (Note: this is still a suggestion it does not have the planned tag and besides it coming from a group of mods it doesnā€™t mean that it will get into the actual game)

Article by: colinverp

šŸŒŸ Top 3 Threads

šŸ„‡ 500 Messages Celebration - by Jadeite

Jadeite recently reached 500 messages on the forums and thought that was a good time to make this "Road to Forum Conquest". I certainly find it an interesting thread!

šŸ„ˆ Care More About Already Existing Games - by quartz

Quartz thinks CubeCraft should focus more on the games that are already on the network instead of only creating new games. Do you agree?

šŸ„‰ Solo EggWars - Cherry Blossom - by Nyawh

Nyawh made a beautiful Solo EggWars map called Cherry Blossom. Go check it out!

Article by: xHappyMood

šŸ¹ Lucky Islands Part 3

This person was a lot more prepared than my last enemy had been, wearing chainmail armour and wielding a sharp iron sword. There was no way I would be able to win in a fair sword fight, so I had to get creative. He stepped towards me, but his swing was slow because his sword was heavier than mine. I used my agility and quickly ducked underneath him, appearing behind him and stabbing him in the back before he had time to react. I wasnā€™t the best at fighting, but I had fortunately managed to pierce my sword right through his armour, and he fell to the floor. I quickly traded my sword for his, and put on his armour just in case.
I anxiously turned back towards my balloon, hoping it hadnā€™t been damaged, but then two more people emerged from behind it. That was when it sank in that these three had been teaming up, guarding the balloons, ready to kill any innocent people that tried to escape. That made this situation even worse than I thought - the fact that they would happily kill people who werenā€™t even interested in the treasure anymore was horrifying. They both glared at me with twin expressions of distrust, and I knew I wouldnā€™t be able to win in a two-against-one. So I ran.
I ran away from the balloons, away from my only way to get off this island. If they wouldnā€™t let me leave, then I had no choice but to be the last one standing. As I crouched behind a boulder, trying to catch my breath while having no idea if another enemy was staring me down, anger coursed through me. Those people had no reason to kill me, but it seemed everyone on this island was crazy! Why should we have to fight over treasure when we could just share it between us? I managed to surprise myself at my own change of attitude. Before, I had been just as greedy as the rest of them.
Now that the adrenaline of my two fights had faded, I was ready to start moving again. I got up and started walking, thankful that besides a few scratches and bruises, I was fine. I passed several more bodies, and it was both relieving and terrifying to realise that I was probably one of the only people left. I started to walk towards the centre of the island where there was a large hill, thinking I could better scout the area from up there and spot the remaining people. It would also make me an easy target, which is why I had been wise to stay away from there when there were more people alive.
I successfully climbed the hill, which was steep but manageable. As I swept my gaze across the island, searching for any signs of movement, I suddenly heard a noise that sounded like thunder coming from above. I dove to the ground immediately in terror, turning my head as far as I could to look up and squinting against the bright sunlight. Then I saw it - a silhouette of a large, winged creature was emerging from the sky. The legend was true. The dragon guardian was real!

Article by: Olivine

šŸ“œ Staff Changes

HackersDontWin and ItzEnd3r left the staff team as Moderators. Biconsumer has become a Content Developer last week. NoodleGoddess left the Admin Team as Associate Producer for Skins. This job was taken over by Zombiepower who used to be a Sr. Designer (Marketplace QA Manager). Joƫlle took over this job, so they got promoted from Marketplace QA to Sr. Designer (Marketplace QA Manager).


New this week: word puzzles! In this week's edition we want to introduce our newest segment: Puzzles/Games. In this edition we have a word search: you need to look for all the words on the left of the grid with letters. You can copy and edit it so you can cross out the words. When youā€™ve found all the words, you can make a sentence from the leftover letters. Share this sentence in the comments below! Also, let us know what you thought of the puzzle and what you would like to see in next week's edition. The solution of each puzzle can be found in the next edition.

There are a few special things:
1) The words ā€œmodā€ and ā€œvoteā€ are in there twice and you need to find these at both locations.
2) There is one blue letter. This letter is part of the final sentence so you canā€™t use it in any words.


Puzzle made by: colinverp

šŸ’¼ TCCT Applications

TCCT is searching for staff! Do you think CubeCraft having their own newspaper is incredible and do you want to contribute? Below are the options, click on the headings to apply!

šŸ–‹ļø Publisher

As an editor you combine all the articles into the newspaper. You also add the translations with spoilers. Make sure you know how BB codes work before you apply. This job does take quite a lot time each week!

šŸ§Š Reporter

A reporter writes articles for the newspaper. They also actively search for content to write about across the Network. Itā€™s super fun to work as a reporter!

šŸŒ Translator

Your job will be translating the newspaper into your own language. We already have many different languages so maybe we wonā€™t accept you if it is a new language.

šŸ› ļø Helper

As a helper you can help us moderate our discord server. You need to be at least level 3 in our server!

Don't forget to join our Discord server!

Click here for the link - Information can be found there.​

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Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
šŸ› ļø Sr. Moderator
Mar 31, 2018
I love puzzles!


Novice Member
Sep 17, 2020
The United Nations of Planet Canada
New this week: word puzzles! In this week's edition we want to introduce our newest segment: Puzzles/Games. In this edition we have a word search: you need to look for all the words on the left of the grid with letters. You can copy and edit it so you can cross out the words. When youā€™ve found all the words, you can make a sentence from the leftover letters. Share this sentence in the comments below! Also, let us know what you thought of the puzzle and what you would like to see in next week's edition. The solution of each puzzle can be found in the next edition.

There are a few special things:
1) The words ā€œmodā€ and ā€œvoteā€ are in there twice and you need to find these at both locations.
2) There is one blue letter. This letter is part of the final sentence so you canā€™t use it in any words.

"ccg" can be found twice in the word search.
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Happy birthday!
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Happy Birthday! šŸŽ‚
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Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
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