Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Search results

  1. IamYourNemesis

    Java Trackers

    Dear cubecrafters, I think each of us had to once look for a player that was hiding, shifting, somewhere in the ground.I have come up with an idea that should easily solve this issue. First of all, as the tittle suggests, adding a tracker in case of long games would be really usefull for...
  2. IamYourNemesis

    Longest Game

    Is this a good enough candidate for the longest game ever played on Cubecraft? I have never heard of such long games so I thought about sharing this moment with the forums. The screenshot is legit; the opponent used the elytra to get at such height there was no other way to get there. The...
  3. IamYourNemesis

    Java Ranks advanced

    Hello minecrafters, As everyone know, donators get a title with the rank they've bought in the chat.I thought about titlesthat can be available for every player, based on their skills and results in different mini-games. The main purpose of these titles is to give the player an image of other...
  4. IamYourNemesis

    Shield Bug

    Hello minecrafters, I don't know if you have experienced this glitch yet, but I have and I can tell you that it is annoying (besides the fact the game itself is sometimes annoying). I usually use shields to defend from arrows and axe hits, but it can often happen that, if you use a shield...
  5. IamYourNemesis


    Hello minecrafters, I've been playing Lucky Islands for a long time and so I seized many uncomfortable items that are hard to deal with. Most of them like the wooden sword or the automatic bow are relatively allright, but the potions, especially the instant harm potion is overpowered in my...
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