Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Search results

  1. J

    Bedrock new command

    I suggest a command which would basically reload the chunk where I am. When I play FFA, sometimes chunks don't load for long even when I stand on them. I have to rejoin to load that chunk, and also randomly chunks stay unloaded every game. So uh pls add this command if possible, thanks. 👍
  2. J

    Bedrock Whole server PvP competition.

    Get rocking PvP fanatics! I, for all the PvP guys out there (even me), I suggest the Cubecraft staff to host a PvP competition. Yet the condition would be, only those who 1) knows PvP and 2) is in Cubecraft can PvP. Let's see who rules the arena! Tryhards or pros....
  3. J

    Bedrock Command displaying list of all Cubecraft Bedrock Commands

    Hi I am Jocky Jazz! I play minecraft bedrock MCPE. I am having issues knowing remembering all the commands in Cubecraft, like friends , hub, party etc commands. There might be more which I am unaware of. I am quite sure many are facing this problem along with me. So I would like to suggest a...
  4. J

    Bedrock Easy Staff Contact

    Hi I am Jocky Jazz I would like to suggest a new command for this server. The command would be like !report <player mention> <reason>. This command when used reports about the player immediately when someone sees someone breaking the rules. Hope everyone liked my suggestion! (This is my first...
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