Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. H

    Java skyblock quest idea

    add an function (a button) to see clearly wich quest u already have maked and see howmany quest you have completed and howmany u have to discover/compleet
  2. H

    Java skyblock Shop

    maybe its an good idea to add blocks in the shop for sell like: lapis Lazuli blocks Block of coal Block of iron Block of gold hay bale Cobblestone (Polished) Diorite (Polished) Granite (Polished) Andesite Add blocks to the shop: Diorite Granite Andesite Packed ice Quartz Block...
  3. H

    Java skyblock selling

    add arrow for selling because skelleton spawner gives arrow's but i cant sell them
  4. H

    Java Skyblock suggestions

    add more enchantments for armour and tools like Silktoutch, frost walker, (actually i want walk on ice and Spill faster food for eat food challanges) , mending add the items i can't buy so i can see wich quest i need finish fot that make dirt cheaper put gravel in shop Add redstone generator i...
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