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  • hey, you silenced me permanently, I know I said something "bad" in quotes because at no time have I insulted anyone, I had lag and for the moment I got to say that, which means how "fuck", but I never addressed to someone, people knows that I am not like that, and it really seems unfair to me, I have appealed and he was rejected and I do not know what I can do, because I never insulted any member of server
    Deleted member 469419
    Deleted member 469419
    Take it as a "second appeal", but you have to be totally honest. I suggest you explain to him the moment when you got muted, why, what was the context... And if he's right you should apology with him and perhaps he'll consider something that would be good for you <"appeal approved"/unmuted>...
    Hello capitán i have an insue because i get banned 1 year ago by sentinel and i want ti play again un cubecraft following all your rules and having fun with friends
    Deleted member 469419
    Well, have you already appealed? For you've said you were banned 1 year ago... As I know the appeals was managed by other staff

    If you haven't appealed yet, go to appeals.cubecraft.net (As @StralendePijl said above)

    Otherwise (If you've already appealed and it got denied) contact Capitan through a conversation (As @GladiusYugen said)
    Deleted member 469419
    Anyways, don't worry, a lot of innocent players are being banned (myself for example lmao xD), just explain all details in your appeal/to Capitan).

    ~ Good luck with all!
    /report iAMaMCplayer chest-stealing in Lucky Islands
    This isn't reportable since that's just part of the game and any reports you post here will very likely just be ignored. If you see someone breaking the rules, the best thing you can do is gather evidence (record him or take screenshots of chat) and report him on reports.cubecraft.net.
    Dear Capitan,

    i am almost banned for about 2 years ago i think. and yes, i admit it i hacked i was using killaura and esp. but i feel sorry for doing that and i dont hack anymore. but i still am banned from cubercraft and i really want to play for the fun again. is there any way i can still get
    unbanned, cuz im really sad because of the ban ☹. and i also really liked cubecraft.

    greetings dinantjeee
    Hola bro Quiero saber si se puede apelar no me contestan mi pelacion Ya llevo casi 2 años sin jugar en el server es mi favorito Hasta gaste mis mesadasen el rango Iron Soy de mexico, quiero volver a jugar su server Quisiera saver si me darian una oportunidad mas porfa ;( No are nada malo
    Deleted member 469419
    Hola, ¿Cuál es tu nombre de usuario?
    Deleted member 469419
    Deleted member 469419
    Vale si, acabo de revisar tu historial, si eres "Elcanelo" debes contactar a Capitán por el enlace que te pasé (sin hacer spam).
    Hi there, chatted with somebody on twitter support and they advised me to reach out to you about a Sentinel ban from a couple years ago. I appreciate it! My ign is PositiveAsh.
    capitan gato me llamo NoMConocesxrd y me dieron mute permanente hace como un ano en cubecraft por algo que creo que no merece la pena mutear por siempre, me podrias desbanear porfavor? gracias

    hello my name is NoMConocesxrd and i wanted to know if you can unmute me from cubecraft because i got muted permanently for something i that i think it's not worth muting so please can you help me. thanks.
    Deleted member 469419
    Como bien dijo JoSeziTo puedes iniciar una conversación privada con él, pero, para ser honestos, has tenido muchas oportunidades para parar de hacer Swearing, por lo que, probablemente como no pidas perdón no obtendrás el unmute.
    hello my ign is mohjang123 and i was just banned from cube craft skyward by sentinal for cheating. i have never cheated on any server in minecraft before and i dont even have cheats installed on my computer. i am not sure what i can do to prove my point but i assure you this ban must be a mistake
    also the appeal is not working so I told on multiple different forms to come to you as you where dealing with problems with sentinel
    Deleted member 469419
    The person who you're talking (@Capitan) is the person who revise the appeals, so, instead of spamming his profile, just try to appeal :)
    Please wait until your appeal gets reviewed. thanks
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