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  • Where do post a ban appeal? I am the person that spoke to you on teamspeak. And I played hunger games, I was that kid. Remember?
    i need to talk whit you in private.. contact me please
    i need to talk you because i has been muted for a long time and claudia (administrator) and jinjo90 (administrator) they told me that I am banned for 3 months, I only insult once. So please I know that I told you not to insult is done repeatedly until a letter asking for forgiveness ... but I do not want to make the mute please do something because I'm tired of being silenced. I hope you unmute me, Thanks
    I use google translator because I am Spanish and my English is not very good if you see an error in the letter is not me ..
    I see you banned yourself, now that takes guts. we need guts. you're unbanned. ( Ted reference xD )
    rubiks cube man what is the difference between iron and lapis rand i might buy one pls tell mere
    Hi Rubik. I have been meaning to ask you if you would like to help me on my server with a few plugins? if not thats fine! My skype is freddyfox202 just incase :) thanks
    Fred Fox
    Fred Fox
    I play on cubecraft A LOT, so i was just wondering :) if you cant its fine
    dear owner of cubecraft,
    you have banned me on cubecraft beacause you think i have hackt but is isn't true i didn't hack. so can you unbanned me please because i play very much skywars. my minecraft name is danilovanwijk. so can you please unbanned me.
    Hey Can you check Your Inbox?
    I made a Conversation with you, and I would like if you read what I asked. Thanks!
    hello owner i have been banned by using hacks but i didnt have hacks
    This isn't the ban appeal section of the forums. Make an appeal rather than telling the owner that you're innocent.
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