Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Dedicated Member
Apr 25, 2016
Capetown, South Africa
*This guide is for the 2017 August application update. If you are viewing this in the future and some questions are different or missing contact me and I will update this thread :)*

In this thread I will be giving opinions and will not represent Cubecraft or guarantee a successful application, This is just made to help everyone understand the staff application process better.:) I have organized each section of the application in Spoilers.

Helper Application (Breakdown and Explanation):

So before you create your application you need to know that this process can take upto 3 months since there are a lot of good applications out there that need to be filtered through, Going to staff members and asking them to check your application or asking if you are denied or not has a chance to Decrease your chances significantly of becoming a staff member. The best way to know whether or not you were accepted is just to wait, Cubecraft will let you know as soon as you get accepted, If you did not hear from them for 3 months you can be sure that your application has been denied.

This question is a very important question and you will not be accepted without answering it. They are looking for your Current IGN so they can do a check and confirm that you are not currently banned and what your stats is on the server, they also need this piece of information for when you do get accepted they will be making that name a helper so it is important that you correctly spell your name right. If you do end up changing your IGN within a month after your application then your application has a high chance of being denied as a change in username means that name no longer belongs to you.

This question ties with the first question, The need this to do a background check on whether or not you previously broke the rules etc. This is also a very important to make sure you spell all your IGN's correctly.

This is a big one when it comes to making a decision whether or not you will be accepted. If they look at your profile and see that you created your account the day you made the application then you will most probably not get accepted. Keeping that in mind if they see you have helped a lot of players out on the forums made a lot of suggestions that were of good quality and have a long time ACTIVE account on the forums, Then that will significantly make your chances of being accepted higher. Engage with the community and you will learn that the community becomes like a family. Being generally nice on the forums will also help out a lot but I will cover that more in detail in another spoiler.

This, like most of the questions, are super important, DO NOT go lightly on this question, answer truthfully and give them a good reason why you are applying. Giving them a 2 -3 paragraph reason will make your chances significantly higher to be accepted over just a 5-word answer so make sure your answer here is well thought out as this will reflect back to your capabilities.

This question is not as important as the others but it is still important enough to make sure you answer this correctly. They need this information to determine your time zone and if you will be active/online on popular times during the day.

Please make sure to answer this question truthfully and not just answer to impress the person who is reviewing your application, If you answer 24 hours the chances are the reviewer will not be impressed as they will most definitely think that you are lying, This will factor into your times as to when you will be able to help out the server if you were to become a moderator. If you play on the server for an average of 5 - 8 hours a day you will have a higher chance than if you were to only be able to play for 30 minutes to an hour a day. If you do not think you will be able to handle playing so long on average a day and be able to help out the server than rather not apply for staff. Being a helper and a Moderator requires a lot of time and effort and is not just something easy you can do for 5 minutes.

This is a big one too and like the previous question, they ask this for the reason to know whether or not you will be able to handle your position, Helpers and staff members spend a lot of time on the forums making sure that players do not break forum rules and also spend their time handling reports. Again factoring all this in, You will have to moderate the forums, help on the server and if you become moderator handle reports, and if you would still like to play cube also play, that is a lot to do and like I mentioned it is very hard work.

This one will decide whether you get a chance at all to be accepted, If you answer with no you will definitely be denied as they are looking for someone who has the knowledge as to what a rule breaker is and can see the difference between a legit player and a player using illegal modifications.

If you visit reports.cubecraft.net it will say at the top a green number, that is the number you would need to enter into this section, The reason for this is if they check hey, this guy reported 102 times and you place 1-20 successful reports this will decrease your chance a lot as they are looking for players who know what the difference is between a legit player and a rule breaker. This being said if you made 130 reports an have 100 accepted you will have a much higher chance of being accepted.

Answering No on this question will not mean automatic deny of your application, it will just mean you will have a lower chance of being accepted, Cubecraft are looking for players who have had their fair share of experience knowing how to deal with a tough situation and know what to do in the heat of the moment. Answering yes will give you a much higher chance, as long as you are truthful.

Keep in mind if you answer Yes to this one they will check what you answered as to why you were demoted from staff, If they see that you were not fit or have been breaking rules and punishing players for no reason than that is what will make your chance significantly lower but if you were to answer that you were demoted due to server issues or their staff team was to full, and nothing that is to do with you, it will still give you the same chance of being accepted as if you were to answer No. This question is fully dependant on the situation.

This one is also dependent on the situation. If you were banned, muted, kicked or warned but you have appealed it and was successful because it was a mistake or if you took full responsibility in your appeal, for example. I did indeed hack on this server and I would like to apologize and I will make sure to not do it again. Then your chances of being accepted will be the same as if you said No to the question.

This is also a big one, If you have been made staff member on other servers let them know, This includes servers not in Minecraft, Give them information on what game the server is and what type of server it was, Whether it was a popular server would help too. Let them know of any promotions you gained and what you did on the team. Having this will further increase your chances by a lot as they are looking for someone with experience in the field.

Like I said this one is tied to the third question behind this one. It all depends on why you were demoted, If you broke rules and abused your position you will have a significantly lower chance of being accepted as to if you were demoted for reasons out of your hands like server issues or too many staff members or a change in management.

This question is tied with the third question behind this one, Here is your time to explain yourself as to what happened, if you did hack then own up to it, If you did not hack then tell them about your appeal process and why you were banned, and if your appeal was denied. Having a clean record is a good indicator but having a bad record of hacking and not owning up to it will make your chances of being accepted significantly lower.

This question is not the most important question out there, Cubecraft would just like to see what game modes you will be active on so they will know where you will be taking care of rule breakers on the server. DO NOT LIE on this one or any of the questions, Lying will most certainly get you denied.

This one is important, If you speak English fluently and you are able to understand a lot of the English words add it in, the same counts for any language you speak. If you were to only know a tiny bit or not able to speak or understand another language and you put it in there, it will be considered lying as Fluently means understanding the language and the words and what they all mean in that language and being able to pronounce or using the correct grammar for that language, Understanding these languages fluently will give you the highest chance: English, Dutch and Spanish as these are the main players on the server but knowing other languages will also give you a small benefit.

This question is asking if you have experience in other games or in real life of having managerial or staff skills where you have to work with a team of people. Having this will boost your chance but it will not mean an automatic denial of your application if you do not have experience outside of Minecraft.

This question is not that important, If you were to answer Lame-o, amigo instead of ULTRA COOL, BRO it would not matter as they count that as not being a real question, please keep in mind to still answer this one Truthfully. Let them know how much you like their server.

Requirements for helper (Break Down and Explanation):

In this section, I will be explaining what Cubecraft is looking for in their thread over here https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/helper-applications-open.139999/ again I will be placing all the guides in spoilers to make it more convenient :)

This is extremely important, If you lie a lot and lie in your application you will be instantly denied from being a helper, it is much better to be truthful in any situation :)

You have to be very active in the community, This includes the discord and the forums and you have to be helpful when members require help, Think of the Cubecraft community as your family and treat everyone like in the community like your family as well. Being active on streams, supporting them and being active on their twitter will always give you a big bonus.

English is a must have but if you were to know any other languages it will give you a small bonus. The following languages will give you a big bonus in the application process (Dutch and Spanish). Although it is not a must have it will certainly help your application process out a lot.

Reporting players is a must have to be even considered, Keep in mind having 10 successful reports and 80 denied reports will most likely give you a deny whereas if you have 6 denied report and 50 successful reports it will make your chances of getting accepted significantly higher.

This is super important, Please keep in mind that they are looking for someone that will be able to be kind and respectful to anyone, Including players/members that make your life so much harder. As a tip, I am going to let you guys know that kindness will always be better in any situation, If someone is making you upset either by disrespecting you or calling you names in chat just respond with kindness as it will be useless to have 2 players upset, by responding with kindness and professionality you are preventing any situation from getting out of hand, and arguing or making another person upset is useless because instead of you being upset now you are both upset making it useless. That person might have also been having a very bad day or week and often enough responding in kindness and helping them out even if they are rude to you will cause them to feel better and sometimes apologize for what they have done. Here are some images as an example of someone being rude and keep in mind they did apologize for being rude at the end but I, unfortunately, did not get the apology in the second screenshot.
Capture 2.JPG

Roles of staff Members (Break Down and Explanation):

In this section, I will be listing the various stages of staff on the server and what their roles are.

Your role as a helper is to go around and help players out who need assistance in the lobbies, You are also required to report hackers and rule breakers as you do not have permissions to deal with the hackers yourself. Any staff member that requires assistance you would have to assist them and help out in any way you can. You will have to monitor the forums for good suggestions and bugs that need urgent fixes and report them to the appropriate staff member, You will be required to be co-operative and not to start a fight or argue with any staff member.

As a mod, you will have to take care of reports sent to the reports section of Cubecraft and you will also be required to monitor the forums daily, as well as monitor lobbies in the game for anyone that requires help or any hacker or rule breaker that needs to be punished. You will only reach mod level if Cubecraft has seen your efforts are big and you have a clear understanding of the rules and what a legit player is between a player that uses illegal modifications. You will be helping out helpers and other staff members that need your assistance.

As a senior mod, you will only achieve this if you have been a moderator for a very long time and excel at your position. You will have more permissions than the normal moderator, You will be able to help players out to your full extent if you have achieved this rank and you will still need to do everything that the previous positions require you to do.

This job is not given to just any moderator, to become an administrator you would need to be contacted by the owners and they will ask you if you are able to help them at their head offices. Yes you heard right, You would have to sign a contract with Cubecraft and go work for them at their UK offices and you would need to be 18 years or older, this job is a paying job. Most mods do not reach this as they do not live close to the offices, Being an admin would be a very hard job and you would be required to go to the offices on a set schedule. If you are only looking to help players and the server to your full capability this will not be the position for you, This position is for staff that want to help out Cubecraft to their full potential. *Please keep in mind, a Sr. Mod has all the permission required to help out players and staff members and take care of the server fully, You do not need to be an admin to help out on the server*

Thank you for reading my in-depth Guide on how the application process works. Keep in mind this thread did take a long time for me to do and I would highly appreciate any feedback you might want to leave in the replies and would also appreciate if you lie and share this thread to make everyone who wants to apply in the future know what they are up for. As always Have fun and enjoy the rest of your day :).
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Dedicated Member
Apr 25, 2016
Capetown, South Africa
> When you have never been a helper nor have you ever reviewed applications and you create a guide telling everyone how to be a helper and how to create an application.

I'd suggest you first get accepted before creating a guide telling others on how to get accepted, lol.
Yes, this is true, This guide is mainly to help them out in the process and explain what cube will be looking for, all of the other points I made was public information either from staff or just looking at how they handle things. This also explains what their responsibilities would be. This is not telling players how to be a helper but just giving an insight on their roles and guiding them through the process :)


Forum Veteran
Mar 4, 2015
East-Flanders, Belgium
Understand the process? You don't even know what is happening behind the scenes and stuff. You also didn't give information about the interviews. But with the inerviews it's hard to help people out because the interviews are a totally secret. What my point is, and I agree with @Nikoshka , you aren't a staff member and you maybe some of the information is public but that's maybe 25% of the process.


Dedicated Member
Apr 25, 2016
Capetown, South Africa
Understand the process? You don't even know what is happening behind the scenes and stuff. You also didn't give information about the interviews. But with the inerviews it's hard to help people out because the interviews are a totally secret. What my point is, and I agree with @Nikoshka , you aren't a staff member and you maybe some of the information is public but that's maybe 25% of the process.
I understand this but please keep in mind I am not telling them how to become a staff member but merely letting them know what cube is looking for in each question, Indeed i do not know what happens in the interview process and even if I did I would imagine that I would not be allowed to give out that information. This guide was made to guide them through the application process and give them a better understanding than what they already had. :)


Dedicated Member
May 4, 2017
You are saying that you must to be 19 years or older for becoming an admin, but @Camezonda is 18 years and an admin. I don't think that there is a limit of age for becoming an admin, they take only the people that can help Cubecraft for 100%. I didn't knew that it was a payed job.

I don't fully agree with what you are saying about the helper function.

It is a nice thread! Good work!!


Dedicated Member
Apr 25, 2016
Capetown, South Africa
You are saying that you must to be 19 years or older for becoming an admin, but @Camezonda is 18 years and an admin. I don't think that there is a limit of age for becoming an admin, they take only the people that can help Cubecraft for 100%. I didn't knew that it was a payed job.

I don't fully agree with what you are saying about the helper function.

It is a nice thread! Good work!!
Thank you for the feedback, I have made a mistake and it was supposed to be 18 (The legal consent age) I have fixed that
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Dedicated Member
Apr 25, 2016
Capetown, South Africa
If they goign to apply as helper, they already need to know what these questions mean.
I understand that but some people do not understand what they should give them at the certain Places so that is why I made this thread, And I certainly do not think that if they don't know what cube wants there that they should just not be able to be accepted. Helping them out like what I am doing makes them clearly see what they need to do at each question and hopefully make it easier for them in the Future to apply as now they know what cube is looking for :)
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Forum Professional
Dec 31, 2015
The Netherlands
> When you have never been a helper nor have you ever reviewed applications and you create a guide telling everyone how to be a helper and how to create an application.

I'd suggest you first get accepted before creating a guide telling others on how to get accepted, lol.
This is so true.

Maybe you had to ask @Nikoshka for some tips and stuff first while you were creating the thread :p

A part of that guide is helpful for others, but the rest isn't really since you haven't ever been a staff member and you haven't ever reviewed Helper applications.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2016
Yes, it's a good thread. Detailed, informative and it seems like a lot of time was put into it. I feel like a staff member should have made this thred, though. There's already a thread (an official one) explaining the entire staff application process. This is helpful but useless at the same time.


Dedicated Member
Apr 25, 2016
Capetown, South Africa
Yes, it's a good thread. Detailed, informative and it seems like a lot of time was put into it. I feel like a staff member should have made this thred, though. There's already a thread (an official one) explaining the entire staff application process. This is helpful but useless at the same time.
This is so true.

Maybe you had to ask @Nikoshka for some tips and stuff first while you were creating the thread :p

A part of that guide is helpful for others, but the rest isn't really since you haven't ever been a staff member and you haven't ever reviewed Helper applications.
If they goign to apply as helper, they already need to know what these questions mean.
> When you have never been a helper nor have you ever reviewed applications and you create a guide telling everyone how to be a helper and how to create an application.

I'd suggest you first get accepted before creating a guide telling others on how to get accepted, lol.

I have decided that I will be working with other staff members on this thread to make it more useful and informative. I will release a new updated version of this as soon as I got all the information ready. Sorry for the inconvenience :)
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Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013
Locked upon request of thread owner. An updated version of this guide will be released soon. ~Locked
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