Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
Dear staff and other members, I want to suggest that the stone rank should be having at least 20 friends, and not 10.
It is not fair to shorten the friend list, because you want money from the ranks. I can't pay for a new rank because my parents won't allow it, and others might have the same excuse, and they still want to have more friends, than just 10.
If the friend list is increased to 20, many will thank you for that, but if not, they will just have to suffer with removing their best friends for the other friends to fit in the list.

I hope for your understanding, and will hopefully increase the friend limit to 20.
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Dedicated Member
Mar 10, 2016
Dear staff and other members, I want to suggest that the stone rank should be having at least 20 friends, and not 10.
It is not fair to shorten the friend list, because you want money from the ranks. I can't pay for a new rank because my parents won't allow it, and others might have the same excuse, and they still want to have more friends, than just 10.
If the friend list is increased to 20, many will thank you for that, but if not, they will just have to suffer with removing their best friends for the other friends to fit in the list.

I hope for your understanding, and will hopefully increase the friend limit to 20.
I agree with @Cynamooo on this one. Stone ranks have too little amounts of friends. But 20 friends would be too much. Since getting a rank gives you more friends, it should not be that high for a stone rank. It also should not be that low for a stone rank though.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
Dear staff and other members, I want to suggest that the stone rank should be having at least 20 friends, and not 10.
It is not fair to shorten the friend list, because you want money from the ranks. I can't pay for a new rank because my parents won't allow it, and others might have the same excuse, and they still want to have more friends, than just 10.
If the friend list is increased to 20, many will thank you for that, but if not, they will just have to suffer with removing their best friends for the other friends to fit in the list.

I hope for your understanding, and will hopefully increase the friend limit to 20.

This is the ten millionth thread about this topic, and I'm finally done just shaking my head. This server runs off the money donated to them, and people donate for the perks. One of the perks to buying a rank is having more friend slots. Just because mommy isn't letting you get a rank, doesn't mean you have to have automatic justification to get more privaleges. You're lucky the server lets non-donators have friend slots at all! If you want to have more than 10 friends on the server, add them on other medias such as Skype, discord, or even exchange phone numbers. I'm a stone rank, and I'm not complaining. I add friends I don't have room for on Skype if they have it. Learn to let some people go, escpecially if you don't talk or play with them. I find it ridiculous that there are so many threads of kids trying to demand more friend slots when there's absolutly no justification in getting what you want. You have shown no loyalty to the server, so why should you get donator perks? Stop being a friend horder, and instead of complaining maybe you should be more resourceful and actually do something to help your "problem". Just ugh. This is about as useful as the Women's March. Now look where women are: the Annoying Orange is defunding Planned Parenthood with or without their thoughts on it!


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Dear staff and other members, I want to suggest that the stone rank should be having at least 20 friends, and not 10.
It is not fair to shorten the friend list, because you want money from the ranks. I can't pay for a new rank because my parents won't allow it, and others might have the same excuse, and they still want to have more friends, than just 10.
If the friend list is increased to 20, many will thank you for that, but if not, they will just have to suffer with removing their best friends for the other friends to fit in the list.

I hope for your understanding, and will hopefully increase the friend limit to 20.
Did you ever notice that a rank comes with more friend slots

If not I think Wow


Did you ever notice that a rank comes with more friend slots

If not I think Wow

She said that she can't afford a rank. Please read the whole post next time, is will help prevent miscommunications.

Now, onto the actual suggestion. I know 10 doesn't seem like a lot, but making it 20 or even 15 would lessen the minimal perks of an Iron rank, which would make some iron ranks upset. In order to do this, every rank would need a friend upgrade, which doesn't seem like the best idea. Keep up the suggestions though!


Forum Expert
Jul 6, 2016
In a chicken coop
This is the ten millionth thread about this topic, and I'm finally done just shaking my head. This server runs off the money donated to them, and people donate for the perks. One of the perks to buying a rank is having more friend slots. Just because mommy isn't letting you get a rank, doesn't mean you have to have automatic justification to get more privaleges. You're lucky the server lets non-donators have friend slots at all! If you want to have more than 10 friends on the server, add them on other medias such as Skype, discord, or even exchange phone numbers. I'm a stone rank, and I'm not complaining. I add friends I don't have room for on Skype if they have it. Learn to let some people go, escpecially if you don't talk or play with them. I find it ridiculous that there are so many threads of kids trying to demand more friend slots when there's absolutly no justification in getting what you want. You have shown no loyalty to the server, so why should you get donator perks? Stop being a friend horder, and instead of complaining maybe you should be more resourceful and actually do something to help your "problem". Just ugh. This is about as useful as the Women's March. Now look where women are: the Annoying Orange is defunding Planned Parenthood with or without their thoughts on it!
You're joking right?
Lemme take this through
This server runs off the money donated to them, and people donate for the perks.
And so what's your point?
If they allow more friends, then all ranks should have an increasement of friends. I love how people are like "This server runs off of donators!" We all know that, but that has nothing to do with increasing the friend limit for everybody. In fact, I would say that there should be an increasement for all the ranks, not just the stone rank.
Just because mommy isn't letting you get a rank, doesn't mean you have to have automatic justification to get more privaleges.
And just because your mommy says that it's okay for you to be rude AF doesn't mean it's the right choice....
And since when does it say for just HER??
You're targeting just her and now you think that what your saying is justification??
You're lucky the server lets non-donators have friend slots at all! If you want to have more than 10 friends on the server, add them on other medias such as Skype, discord, or even exchange phone numbers.
Oh yeah, make it friends only for ranks!!!
Do you know how mad non-ranked people will be?
It's not lucky, I think that it's justified.
Unless if you're really sad, every single major server has some sort of friend system NO MATTER WHAT.
So exactly what's your point? CCGN should remove friends at all for non-ranked people?
How unfair is that?
And for adding people on Skype, discord, or exchanging phone #s, please think about the majority of the server.
I would say that exchanging phone #s with a stranger is a really stupid idea.
For skype, not everyone has access or permission to it.
For discord, it's the same as Skype.
In fact, if you can add all of these friends (in your case), why should there even be a limit?
I'm a stone rank, and I'm not complaining. I add friends I don't have room for on Skype if they have it. Learn to let some people go, escpecially if you don't talk or play with them. I find it ridiculous that there are so many threads of kids trying to demand more friend slots when there's absolutly no justification in getting what you want.
I find it ridiculous that you're only thinking about yourself too. Just because you're not complaining, doesn't mean that others can't.
No justification??
Some people have restrictions, it's unfair for them.
They want more friends so that they won't be bored or so that they can wins some games.
Or, they might be their real life friends.
If they meet someone that they think that they'll enjoy playing with but they have no access to other things like Discord or Skype, do you think it's easy to remove a friend (especially when you have 10 friends tops) to get another one?
So you're telling them that they should remove one of their good friends just because they don't have access like you do?
At least YOU have options, some people don't.
Just because you have access doesn't mean everyone does. I think that they should at least have some sort of increasement for all ranks.
You have shown no loyalty to the server, so why should you get donator perks? Stop being a friend horder, and instead of complaining maybe you should be more resourceful and actually do something to help your "problem". Just ugh. This is about as useful as the Women's March. Now look where women are: the Annoying Orange is defunding Planned Parenthood with or without their thoughts on it!
You're comment is as helpful as a bat that's scared of the dark too.

"You have shown no loyalty to this server..."
Lemme ask you this: PROVE IT!
Why even say that when YOU can't justify just like her "according to you"
Has she said," This server is trash." or something like ," I only play on this server sometimes."
Nope. Actually, the fact that she even wants this to happen is BECAUSE she is LOYAL to this server!! If she wasn't, she wouldn't care like you.
"Be resourceful"
So you're telling me that every single person that has ever been on the server, has access to all the things you've listen, and on?

If you're going to say no, make reasonable comments that everyone can base on, not just from what you get.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
And so what's your point?
If they allow more friends, then all ranks should have an increasement of friends. I love how people are like "This server runs off of donators!" We all know that, but that has nothing to do with increasing the friend limit for everybody. In fact, I would say that there should be an increasement for all the ranks, not just the stone rank.

I think the friend limits are fine just the way they are. The point, is that you don't need a ton of friends. My point is that you should be thankful for what you have, and stop acting like having 10 friends is some undergraded curse. 10 friends is a lot of individuals to be besties with. The ranks have had the same perks because those perks are rational and they encourage people to donate to the server if they aren't pleased with having default perks.

And just because your mommy says that it's okay for you to be rude AF doesn't mean it's the right choice....
And since when does it say for just HER??
You're targeting just her and now you think that what your saying is justification??

First off, how exactly was that rude? I could be rude and mean, but I'd rather not hurt your apparently delicate feelings. Because judging from the way you're typing to me, I could slap the label rude on you too. Also, I don't even know the person who started this thread, but it's the 20th one about friend lists. In no way am I targeting. I'm directing this toward everyone. Stop trying to twist my intentions.

Oh yeah, make it friends only for ranks!!!
Do you know how mad non-ranked people will be?
It's not lucky, I think that it's justified.
Unless if you're really sad, every single major server has some sort of friend system NO MATTER WHAT.
So exactly what's your point? CCGN should remove friends at all for non-ranked people?
How unfair is that?
And for adding people on Skype, discord, or exchanging phone #s, please think about the majority of the server.
I would say that exchanging phone #s with a stranger is a really stupid idea.
For skype, not everyone has access or permission to it.
For discord, it's the same as Skype.
In fact, if you can add all of these friends (in your case), why should there even be a limit?

Once again you're accusing me and putting words in my mouth. I said be grateful for having 10 friends, because once again, 10 friends is a lot when you think about it. But wait-- I thought you were getting triggered over wanting more friends? So if you're exchanging phone numbers, how are they a stranger? I thought they were your friends that you so desperately need. And if someone doesn't have Skype or discord, then let them go. You can't just cling onto every person you find who is nice to you.

I find it ridiculous that you're only thinking about yourself too. Just because you're not complaining, doesn't mean that others can't.
No justification??
Some people have restrictions, it's unfair for them.
They want more friends so that they won't be bored or so that they can wins some games.
Or, they might be their real life friends.
If they meet someone that they think that they'll enjoy playing with but they have no access to other things like Discord or Skype, do you think it's easy to remove a friend (especially when you have 10 friends tops) to get another one?
So you're telling them that they should remove one of their good friends just because they don't have access like you do?
At least YOU have options, some people don't.
Just because you have access doesn't mean everyone does. I think that they should at least have some sort of increasement for all ranks.

I was using myself as an example. You must not understand how connecting your experiences with other people's issues is reassuring and brings in the relatable aspect of a conversation to get somewhere with them. And yes, it should be easy to remove some friends. I highly doubt anyone who is a stone rank has that many friends whom they play with on at least a weekly basis and are close to. But once again, if you're that close to them, you will find other ways to communicate. And if you're getting that attached to "strangers" on the internet, maybe you should make some irl friends so you aren't that needy for friends on a block game.And I would love to mention that an estimated 74 million people have Skype right now, and 560 million have used Skype in total. If your friend who you are so dear and close to doesn't have one of the most used gamer communication apps, then guess what? Get over it or trade their place with someone who does have Skype/Discord. I'm going to go out on a mathmatic limb here (I suck at math) and say that out of 10 people, the chances of none of them having Skype is extremely far-fetched.

"You have shown no loyalty to this server..."
Lemme ask you this: PROVE IT!
Why even say that when YOU can't justify just like her "according to you"
Has she said," This server is trash." or something like ," I only play on this server sometimes."
Nope. Actually, the fact that she even wants this to happen is BECAUSE she is LOYAL to this server!! If she wasn't, she wouldn't care like you.
"Be resourceful"
So you're telling me that every single person that has ever been on the server, has access to all the things you've listen, and on?

If you're going to say no, make reasonable comments that everyone can base on, not just from what you get.

I would say there are few ways to prove your loyality to a Minecraft server:
1. Offer your services (become staff to keep the server a better place and enrich the community)
2. Record a ton of hackers to keep the server clean and help out the staff
3. Donate.

Considering you're a stone rank, that only leaves catching hackers. But catching hackers isn't exactly proving anything. No one can read your mind, and catching hackers doesn't prove that you are a good member of the server and will offer yourself to the server. Money and power are the only ways to connect a person to a server and ensure they wouldn't do anything terrible like abuse the power they have. That may happen in rare cases, but let us not base these stats on the small minority of a situation. And no, I can't justify that I have shown royalty. Which is one of the reasons I'm fine with having 10 friend slots. Obviously.


So wanting more privaleges means you're loyal to a server? Here's the part where I'm actually rude: that is the dumbest and most biased thing I've heard in a real long time. LMAO. I love it how you're expecting and demanding I prove everything I've said, when you can't prove your own points. Let's be real, most of what we're both saying are opinions. Get real and stop trying to be Bill Nye the Science Guy.


Well, that was a nice waste of my time. Congrats. Not going to bother with your illiterate
again. Toodles!


Forum Expert
Jul 6, 2016
In a chicken coop
I think the friend limits are fine just the way they are. The point, is that you don't need a ton of friends. My point is that you should be thankful for what you have, and stop acting like having 10 friends is some undergraded curse. 10 friends is a lot of individuals to be besties with. The ranks have had the same perks because those perks are rational and they encourage people to donate to the server if they aren't pleased with having default perks.

First off, how exactly was that rude? I could be rude and mean, but I'd rather not hurt your apparently delicate feelings. Because judging from the way you're typing to me, I could slap the label rude on you too. Also, I don't even know the person who started this thread, but it's the 20th one about friend lists. In no way am I targeting. I'm directing this toward everyone. Stop trying to twist my intentions.

Once again you're accusing me and putting words in my mouth. I said be grateful for having 10 friends, because once again, 10 friends is a lot when you think about it. But wait-- I thought you were getting triggered over wanting more friends? So if you're exchanging phone numbers, how are they a stranger? I thought they were your friends that you so desperately need. And if someone doesn't have Skype or discord, then let them go. You can't just cling onto every person you find who is nice to you.

I was using myself as an example. You must not understand how connecting your experiences with other people's issues is reassuring and brings in the relatable aspect of a conversation to get somewhere with them. And yes, it should be easy to remove some friends. I highly doubt anyone who is a stone rank has that many friends whom they play with on at least a weekly basis and are close to. But once again, if you're that close to them, you will find other ways to communicate. And if you're getting that attached to "strangers" on the internet, maybe you should make some irl friends so you aren't that needy for friends on a block game.And I would love to mention that an estimated 74 million people have Skype right now, and 560 million have used Skype in total. If your friend who you are so dear and close to doesn't have one of the most used gamer communication apps, then guess what? Get over it or trade their place with someone who does have Skype/Discord. I'm going to go out on a mathmatic limb here (I suck at math) and say that out of 10 people, the chances of none of them having Skype is extremely far-fetched.

I would say there are few ways to prove your loyality to a Minecraft server:
1. Offer your services (become staff to keep the server a better place and enrich the community)
2. Record a ton of hackers to keep the server clean and help out the staff
3. Donate.

Considering you're a stone rank, that only leaves catching hackers. But catching hackers isn't exactly proving anything. No one can read your mind, and catching hackers doesn't prove that you are a good member of the server and will offer yourself to the server. Money and power are the only ways to connect a person to a server and ensure they wouldn't do anything terrible like abuse the power they have. That may happen in rare cases, but let us not base these stats on the small minority of a situation. And no, I can't justify that I have shown royalty. Which is one of the reasons I'm fine with having 10 friend slots. Obviously.


So wanting more privaleges means you're loyal to a server? Here's the part where I'm actually rude: that is the dumbest and most biased thing I've heard in a real long time. LMAO. I love it how you're expecting and demanding I prove everything I've said, when you can't prove your own points. Let's be real, most of what we're both saying are opinions. Get real and stop trying to be Bill Nye the Science Guy.


Well, that was a nice waste of my time. Congrats. Not going to bother with your illiterate
again. Toodles!
oh my another waste of my time.
My main point is,
1: those gifs are exactly pointed to you
2: your points could be true, but legitimately I would say that there should be a chance.
3: I can see why you put loser as your occupation jkjk
4: Jokes aside, just because your fine with it doesn't mean everyone is.
Anyways, I can see your point.
But of course this applies to all.

Too lazy to ramble about everything XD
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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
oh my another waste of my time.
My main point is,
1: those gifs are exactly pointed to you
2: your points could be true, but legitimately I would say that there should be a chance.
3: I can see why you put loser as your occupation jkjk
4: Jokes aside, just because your fine with it doesn't mean everyone is.
Anyways, I can see your point.
But of course this applies to all.

Too lazy to ramble about everything XD

Well, at least you're mature about that aspect.


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2016
Dear staff and other members, I want to suggest that the stone rank should be having at least 20 friends, and not 10.
It is not fair to shorten the friend list, because you want money from the ranks. I can't pay for a new rank because my parents won't allow it, and others might have the same excuse, and they still want to have more friends, than just 10.
If the friend list is increased to 20, many will thank you for that, but if not, they will just have to suffer with removing their best friends for the other friends to fit in the list.

I hope for your understanding, and will hopefully increase the friend limit to 20.
Umm.... I agree on this. I have the same situation as the OP has. 10 friends? I mean, I have 20+ friends because for some reason, I glitched. I also saw this thread and I completely agree on that. Buying friend slots will be awesome, even if it costs 1k points I will still buy it.
Okay. I know what you guys are thinking: "24, Why don't you just enable Show Everybody?"
I want to point out 2 things.
1. Show Everybody causes a really big problem: You can't even play a game when the lobby is crowded.
2. I have a really, REALLY bad laptop. When I turn on Show Everybody, I get literally 1~10 FPS. (That's why I don't play mega SkyWars or team UHC on Hypixel.)
You can fix the 1st problem by joining another lobby, but fixing the 2nd problem,
you either have to:
1. Glitch the system again. (May not work)
2. Buy a rank.
3. Buy a better PC/laptop.
Okay. I know what you guys are thinking again: "24, Why don't you just hide everybody and click the same sign?"
When voice chatting, it doesn't really matter. But, if typing, I will type like "toys bottom right." But if there's 2 "toys bottom right's" we may be joining a different game. When I have more friends, I can Simply just jump near the sign to indicate the sign we want to click.
It's kinda long, but it's just my opinion.
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