Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Dec 18, 2016
your mom lmao xDDD
Alright lads, buckle up cause it's about to get good.
Just like you after reading these sick tips.

Now you might be asking yourself
"who's this henkle kid and why should I take advice from them"
I will excuse your rudeness for now and introduce myself.
I'm henkle. Bad minecraft player, and just bad at life really.
But I do have some pretty radical eggwars stats, so you can trust me.

Now, I'll just go and assume you're all pretty familiar with eggwars and know how it works.
if you don't, well I can't help ya with that.

These tips are based around my own experience. I only play 3 and 2 player eggwars and have never even touched a 4 or 5 player map. So I can't be certain if these are valid for those maps too.
That aside, here's tip number one:
Get to the middle island and activate your spawners as fast as possible.
this one always seem so extremely obvious to me and my mates, but it still amazes me how many people wait several minutes before going to mid.
What I always do is grab the iron, make blocks and instantly start building. no time for food, weapons or any of that.
Now it is important that at least one of your teammates stays on your island, in case someone tries to use your bridge to attack.
Once you get 5 diamonds you go back to your island and activate the spawner.
You can go back to mid later to get more and upgrade it faster, but it is important you enable your own spawner as fast as possible.
Leaving or breaking the bridge is completely up to you.
I personally prefer leaving it up, as it makes it harder for people to build upwards to attack, because you can run on the bridge and knock them off.

tip number two:

Yes. the dark purple block that's extremely difficult to break.
Now this one's really obvious, and many people do it already.
But your first priority when it comes to gold usage is obsidian. Golden apples can wait. They're useless once you're eliminated from the game, so protecting your egg is much more important.
There's really not much to add here. 50 gold is enough to get one layer of obsidian, so just get that as fast as you can.

tip number three:
now everyone's gonna hate me for this, but

Don't camp. (especially when there's only two teams left)
It's an ineffective strategy.
Sure, you might survive until the end of the game. But while time consuming, it's not hard to attack campers.
People can safe bridge to your island, and once they're on, you're probably screwed.
And even if it takes ages for them to get on, if you're a hardcore camper and your opponent still has an egg, it's no use killing them.
Now keep in mind I'm talking about actual camping here, which I define as "sitting on your island the entire game completely blocking yourself off from anyone else. Usually bowspamming anyone who dares get near your island"

This is different from "sitting on your island preparing items so you can go attack", in my opinion.
Also, for the love of our lord and saviour gaben, don't lock someone on their own island by bowspamming them if they try to get off, then accuse them of camping.

Anyway, onto tip number 4.
Work fast!
The first few minutes of the game are the most vulnerable for everyone, as nobody has a bow or any good gear.
But this can work in your advantage!
Because nobody has a bow or obsidian yet, it's so easy to break someones egg!
And since there's always a few people that build to mid, you can use their bridges against them and via mid, you can run to their islands.
However, it's usually not the smartest idea to build from your own island directly to other people's islands in the first few minutes. Only use bridges that go from mid to people's islands, as direct bridges between two islands can be used against you very easily.
It's happened many times where someone built directly to my island, then got their team wiped out because of it. So yea, try to avoid doing this.
The smartest thing to do in my opinion is to grab yourself alot of blocks (around 1-2 stacks), a weapon, pickaxe and some food. These can all be low tier as it's only the first few minutes of the game so nobody really has any good stuff.
Then look for bridges leading from mid to people's islands. If the island's owner sees you, you can tower up and make a more elevated bridge so they can't punch you off. If they start building up too, you can stand still for a while then all of a sudden jump down and run onto their island. take 'em by surprise. When you're on their island you can choose to fight first or break their egg first. I prefer to break their egg first as then I can just wipe them out instead of having to kill them multiple times, but that's up to you.

And now, the fifth and final tip for today:

I always feel like people seem to underestimate how important communication with your team is.
Now I know this isn't possible for everyone, but you'll have a MUCH higher chance of winning the match if you're playing with people using something like skype or discord.
Say you're getting destroyed in Pvp. You can't just go and type "oi lads im kinda getting rekt right now so if someone could come and help that'd be great". by the time you've typed the first 2 words you'll have died.
Typing just takes alot of time and is extremely ineffective if you're trying to get better.
So grab your mates, get 'em on your discord and start kicking some serious booty!

So yeah. those are a few tips I feel everyone should know.
Keep in mind this is all based around my experience playing eggwars, so maybe you prefer to play way differently than me and that's obviously fine. (except for communication. there's no arguing voice chat is more effective)

Well, I hope any of these helped for you.

Shoot us some comments on how you like to play eggwars, or maybe share your eggwars stats with the world!

Have a great day lads.



Dedicated Member
Aug 6, 2016
Treasure town :D
Alright lads, buckle up cause it's about to get good.
Just like you after reading these sick tips.

Now you might be asking yourself
"who's this henkle kid and why should I take advice from them"
I will excuse your rudeness for now and introduce myself.
I'm henkle. Bad minecraft player, and just bad at life really.
But I do have some pretty radical eggwars stats, so you can trust me.

Now, I'll just go and assume you're all pretty familiar with eggwars and know how it works.
if you don't, well I can't help ya with that.

These tips are based around my own experience. I only play 3 and 2 player eggwars and have never even touched a 4 or 5 player map. So I can't be certain if these are valid for those maps too.
That aside, here's tip number one:
Get to the middle island and activate your spawners as fast as possible.
this one always seem so extremely obvious to me and my mates, but it still amazes me how many people wait several minutes before going to mid.
What I always do is grab the iron, make blocks and instantly start building. no time for food, weapons or any of that.
Now it is important that at least one of your teammates stays on your island, in case someone tries to use your bridge to attack.
Once you get 5 diamonds you go back to your island and activate the spawner.
You can go back to mid later to get more and upgrade it faster, but it is important you enable your own spawner as fast as possible.
Leaving or breaking the bridge is completely up to you.
I personally prefer leaving it up, as it makes it harder for people to build upwards to attack, because you can run on the bridge and knock them off.

tip number two:

Yes. the dark purple block that's extremely difficult to break.
Now this one's really obvious, and many people do it already.
But your first priority when it comes to gold usage is obsidian. Golden apples can wait. They're useless once you're eliminated from the game, so protecting your egg is much more important.
There's really not much to add here. 50 gold is enough to get one layer of obsidian, so just get that as fast as you can.

tip number three:
now everyone's gonna hate me for this, but

Don't camp. (especially when there's only two teams left)
It's an ineffective strategy.
Sure, you might survive until the end of the game. But while time consuming, it's not hard to attack campers.
People can safe bridge to your island, and once they're on, you're probably screwed.
And even if it takes ages for them to get on, if you're a hardcore camper and your opponent still has an egg, it's no use killing them.
Now keep in mind I'm talking about actual camping here, which I define as "sitting on your island the entire game completely blocking yourself off from anyone else. Usually bowspamming anyone who dares get near your island"

This is different from "sitting on your island preparing items so you can go attack", in my opinion.
Also, for the love of our lord and saviour gaben, don't lock someone on their own island by bowspamming them if they try to get off, then accuse them of camping.

Anyway, onto tip number 4.
Work fast!
The first few minutes of the game are the most vulnerable for everyone, as nobody has a bow or any good gear.
But this can work in your advantage!
Because nobody has a bow or obsidian yet, it's so easy to break someones egg!
And since there's always a few people that build to mid, you can use their bridges against them and via mid, you can run to their islands.
However, it's usually not the smartest idea to build from your own island directly to other people's islands in the first few minutes. Only use bridges that go from mid to people's islands, as direct bridges between two islands can be used against you very easily.
It's happened many times where someone built directly to my island, then got their team wiped out because of it. So yea, try to avoid doing this.
The smartest thing to do in my opinion is to grab yourself alot of blocks (around 1-2 stacks), a weapon, pickaxe and some food. These can all be low tier as it's only the first few minutes of the game so nobody really has any good stuff.
Then look for bridges leading from mid to people's islands. If the island's owner sees you, you can tower up and make a more elevated bridge so they can't punch you off. If they start building up too, you can stand still for a while then all of a sudden jump down and run onto their island. take 'em by surprise. When you're on their island you can choose to fight first or break their egg first. I prefer to break their egg first as then I can just wipe them out instead of having to kill them multiple times, but that's up to you.

And now, the fifth and final tip for today:

I always feel like people seem to underestimate how important communication with your team is.
Now I know this isn't possible for everyone, but you'll have a MUCH higher chance of winning the match if you're playing with people using something like skype or discord.
Say you're getting destroyed in Pvp. You can't just go and type "oi lads im kinda getting rekt right now so if someone could come and help that'd be great". by the time you've typed the first 2 words you'll have died.
Typing just takes alot of time and is extremely ineffective if you're trying to get better.
So grab your mates, get 'em on your discord and start kicking some serious booty!

So yeah. those are a few tips I feel everyone should know.
Keep in mind this is all based around my experience playing eggwars, so maybe you prefer to play way differently than me and that's obviously fine. (except for communication. there's no arguing voice chat is more effective)

Well, I hope any of these helped for you.

Shoot us some comments on how you like to play eggwars, or maybe share your eggwars stats with the world!

Have a great day lads.

Okay, get 5 diamonds and gold ASAP then go to your base and camp :)
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Spyridon Agnew Dragon

Dedicated Member
May 27, 2016
When the odds are overwhelmingly against me thats when i have issues about camping an example was yesterday on space map

One of my team (yellow) left before the cages released and another simply did /leave after a long afk leaving only 2 of us, (by this time dark blue had been eliminated) i got fully geared and managed to get to green, kill all 4 players but while mining the egg got fisted to death my teammate didnt even try to help despite me asking for it in chat, after a failed second attempt i simply left i wasnt going to try to solo getting greens egg, killing them all then trying to fight reds giant airport they built (which fortressing i believe is punishable)


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2016
In a country
Alright lads, buckle up cause it's about to get good.
Just like you after reading these sick tips.

Now you might be asking yourself
"who's this henkle kid and why should I take advice from them"
I will excuse your rudeness for now and introduce myself.
I'm henkle. Bad minecraft player, and just bad at life really.
But I do have some pretty radical eggwars stats, so you can trust me.

Now, I'll just go and assume you're all pretty familiar with eggwars and know how it works.
if you don't, well I can't help ya with that.

These tips are based around my own experience. I only play 3 and 2 player eggwars and have never even touched a 4 or 5 player map. So I can't be certain if these are valid for those maps too.
That aside, here's tip number one:
Get to the middle island and activate your spawners as fast as possible.
this one always seem so extremely obvious to me and my mates, but it still amazes me how many people wait several minutes before going to mid.
What I always do is grab the iron, make blocks and instantly start building. no time for food, weapons or any of that.
Now it is important that at least one of your teammates stays on your island, in case someone tries to use your bridge to attack.
Once you get 5 diamonds you go back to your island and activate the spawner.
You can go back to mid later to get more and upgrade it faster, but it is important you enable your own spawner as fast as possible.
Leaving or breaking the bridge is completely up to you.
I personally prefer leaving it up, as it makes it harder for people to build upwards to attack, because you can run on the bridge and knock them off.

tip number two:

Yes. the dark purple block that's extremely difficult to break.
Now this one's really obvious, and many people do it already.
But your first priority when it comes to gold usage is obsidian. Golden apples can wait. They're useless once you're eliminated from the game, so protecting your egg is much more important.
There's really not much to add here. 50 gold is enough to get one layer of obsidian, so just get that as fast as you can.

tip number three:
now everyone's gonna hate me for this, but

Don't camp. (especially when there's only two teams left)
It's an ineffective strategy.
Sure, you might survive until the end of the game. But while time consuming, it's not hard to attack campers.
People can safe bridge to your island, and once they're on, you're probably screwed.
And even if it takes ages for them to get on, if you're a hardcore camper and your opponent still has an egg, it's no use killing them.
Now keep in mind I'm talking about actual camping here, which I define as "sitting on your island the entire game completely blocking yourself off from anyone else. Usually bowspamming anyone who dares get near your island"

This is different from "sitting on your island preparing items so you can go attack", in my opinion.
Also, for the love of our lord and saviour gaben, don't lock someone on their own island by bowspamming them if they try to get off, then accuse them of camping.

Anyway, onto tip number 4.
Work fast!
The first few minutes of the game are the most vulnerable for everyone, as nobody has a bow or any good gear.
But this can work in your advantage!
Because nobody has a bow or obsidian yet, it's so easy to break someones egg!
And since there's always a few people that build to mid, you can use their bridges against them and via mid, you can run to their islands.
However, it's usually not the smartest idea to build from your own island directly to other people's islands in the first few minutes. Only use bridges that go from mid to people's islands, as direct bridges between two islands can be used against you very easily.
It's happened many times where someone built directly to my island, then got their team wiped out because of it. So yea, try to avoid doing this.
The smartest thing to do in my opinion is to grab yourself alot of blocks (around 1-2 stacks), a weapon, pickaxe and some food. These can all be low tier as it's only the first few minutes of the game so nobody really has any good stuff.
Then look for bridges leading from mid to people's islands. If the island's owner sees you, you can tower up and make a more elevated bridge so they can't punch you off. If they start building up too, you can stand still for a while then all of a sudden jump down and run onto their island. take 'em by surprise. When you're on their island you can choose to fight first or break their egg first. I prefer to break their egg first as then I can just wipe them out instead of having to kill them multiple times, but that's up to you.

And now, the fifth and final tip for today:

I always feel like people seem to underestimate how important communication with your team is.
Now I know this isn't possible for everyone, but you'll have a MUCH higher chance of winning the match if you're playing with people using something like skype or discord.
Say you're getting destroyed in Pvp. You can't just go and type "oi lads im kinda getting rekt right now so if someone could come and help that'd be great". by the time you've typed the first 2 words you'll have died.
Typing just takes alot of time and is extremely ineffective if you're trying to get better.
So grab your mates, get 'em on your discord and start kicking some serious booty!

So yeah. those are a few tips I feel everyone should know.
Keep in mind this is all based around my experience playing eggwars, so maybe you prefer to play way differently than me and that's obviously fine. (except for communication. there's no arguing voice chat is more effective)

Well, I hope any of these helped for you.

Shoot us some comments on how you like to play eggwars, or maybe share your eggwars stats with the world!

Have a great day lads.

like a very good player with 5+ days playing in total eggwars due to stats i am , all of them are very right , but you forgot to say , what to do if your teamates getting the diamonds , getting armour for them and then dying due to a mistake, so be sure to avoid players like these i mean . You can avoid them by doing your first advice very quickly , after the dia gen is lvl 3 you are done and you can say your teammates about the generator if they are like these i mean.


Novice Member
Dec 18, 2016
your mom lmao xDDD
like a very good player with 5+ days playing in total eggwars due to stats i am , all of them are very right , but you forgot to say , what to do if your teamates getting the diamonds , getting armour for them and then dying due to a mistake, so be sure to avoid players like these i mean . You can avoid them by doing your first advice very quickly , after the dia gen is lvl 3 you are done and you can say your teammates about the generator if they are like these i mean.
not exactly sure what you're trying to say.
if its about bad teammates who steal everything, avoid them by playing with people you trust if that's possible.
Dec 23, 2016
Don't camp? Well, if they have no egg and you still have an egg AND a punch bow plus a ton of block, you and your team can sit there and wait for them to come and knock me off would be a plan


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
I do this game totally different lol.. Just rush mid asap, pick up some items there, run back, craft some gear, rush back to mid and kill everyone there until you have it for your own (and your team). Guard mid, get better gear, until you're good enough to fight the islands. Works fine for me and my stats:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2016
CubeCraft Forums
You can't just go and type "oi lads im kinda getting rekt right now so if someone could come and help that'd be great". by the time you've typed the first 2 words you'll have died.
Typing just takes alot of time and is extremely ineffective if you're trying to get better.
What happens if you type at 130 WPM? The thing is, it kind of depends who is typing.
Yes, that is my typing speed.


Nice tips. All I would say it to gat obsidian first, you are easy to pick off when you don't have much gear and your egg can be destroyed faster.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2016
My biggest tip: Play with a friend. You have a major advantage early on if one of you goes to obby right away and the other goes to mid right away and having a friend ensures this happens.
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