Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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Hi everyone! How is life going? :D
Final exams starting in 8 days 🤚🏻..

It's my last year in high school
So i need to pass it to college
And it's really stressful tbh :(
Please wish me luck in my exams🤞🏻

Wish you all a great time!
Daily fact #4-
The first computer virus ever created was called Creeper back in 1971. Shortly after this virus was created, Reaper was created as the world’s first anti-virus.
As we approach June, I want to remind you guys that we might be eating good this summer. 7 updates (2 java, 2 bedrock, 2 global, 1 tba) are in development as we speak, and there might be even more later on! Which update are you guys looking forward to? I'm looking forward to the EggWars update!
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