Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2015
Hello everyone,
Today i'm here becuase of that fly bug that a lot people use in skywars. Everyday a lot of people get banned becuase of that bug.
I know that the CCG can't solve that bug, but would be a good idea(in my opnion) if when you fall in void you die in that moment, and you don't have time to "fall into the void".

Good afternoon :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2014
I disagree as when I used to go on the server, you died quickly anyway as you fell into the void and it's already almost impossible to survive from falling as you fall into the void quickly, and I think it should be lowered so water is more effective. If there are a lot of people using fly then you should record them and upload the video


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
I agree, at least until mojang fix the issue. I mean, you basically have the power to flyhack without needing to install anything, and a global warning threatening to ban anybody that tries the glitch will only increase awareness that the glitch exists.


Dedicated Member
May 23, 2014
I agree, at least until mojang fix the issue. I mean, you basically have the power to flyhack without needing to install anything, and a global warning threatening to ban anybody that tries the glitch will only increase awareness that the glitch exists.
Erm can you explain to me what the glitch is ... xD I didn't even know there was a glitch 0-o


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Erm can you explain to me what the glitch is ... xD I didn't even know there was a glitch 0-o
I won't go into very much detail as it could spread awareness that the glitch exists, but basically if you are removed from a block and you do a certain trick with your client, you will be moved back to the last whole block that you were standing on. For example, If I was shot off the map and I did this so called trick, I will be teleported back onto the block that I was shot off from which essentially allows players to cheat death and become immune to eggs, snowballs and bows.
Quick disclaimer: If you are caught doing this then I believe that you can be instantly banned from the server without warning, so I wouldn't try to attempt it yourself.
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Dedicated Member
May 23, 2014
I won't go into very much detail as it could spread awareness that the glitch exists, but basically if you are removed from a block and you do a certain trick with your client, you will be moved back to the last whole block that you were standing on. For example, If I was shot off the map and I did this so called trick, I will be teleported back onto the block that I was shot off from which essentially allows players to cheat death and become immune to eggs, snowballs and bows.
Quick disclaimer: If you are caught doing this then I believe that you can be instantly banned from the server without warning, so I wouldn't try to attempt it yourself.
Wait, so this is a minecraft bug, and not a CCG plugin bug? Where have I been, in a cave? ;-;
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