Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Oct 20, 2015
hey, I'm writing this to give a few suggestions for SG. And there are quite a few...

Ok, so i've just recently started playing on cube again consistently and i really cant help notice these things that STILL haven't changed. And i'm going over bugs and suggestions in this thread so before you all attack me with
'WRONG THREAD!' read it first. Its mainly a suggestion thread so this is where i'm putting it.

The first things i want to go over are the bugs because they are just addons from my observations really. There are 2 and i'm sure there are more but these are the most obvious. and also something you could have easily picked up on.
OP Chest tier: Ok you can call me over observant but i since the start of the SG update 6 months ago i noticed that there was an issue with the description on the OP vote. Ill put screenshots below of what i mean. You can see that its says
'huge amount of golden apples'. Now i have never ever seen 1 golden apple in the OP mode and i even, just to make sure i wasn't wrong, i went through an OP sg game and took screenshots of my inventory throughout it (screenshots below). I know this is a small and simple thing but whether its a mistake and there weren't meant to be gapple's or there are mean to be gapple's but they are glitched and aren't going into the game for some sort of reason, this should have been address a long long time ago and shouldn't still be there at all 6 months after the initial and only update for SG.

Chest tier screenshot:
Game progress screenshots:
2017-01-06_15.37.38.png 2017-01-06_15.40.38.png 2017-01-06_15.42.24.png

The potion achievement:
Now i don't know which is a mistake but a thing it has in common with the first bug is the fact that its been a thing for 6 months and still hasn't been fixed... like come on. (Screenshot below of the issue) I also don't know if this is a mistake of being put in or there are actually meant to be potions in the games. I mean these should have seriously been fixed by now. These are 2 simple fixes that could be done easily. I'm also going to throw in another achievement that i think is a glitch because i know i've definitely done it. The 'One man army' achievement (screenshot also below).

Healer Achievement:
One man army Achievement:

Ok, now onto the suggestions.

Just so you know these are my personal opinions, some sg players might and will have different ones and if you do just put them below.

I'm going to start with the follow up of the potions bug and actually give up a way of making it not a bug by actually using it. I think potions would be a really good idea in OP mode and only OP mode. At least speed, regen and health pots. And maybe have an added kit for like 3 health potions as well. Either way i think it could be a good implementation and it would mean the achievement would actually mean something and you'd actually be able to get it.

Lava and TNT in basic:

Now call me out for being wrong but this shouldn't be a thing at all in basic at all. They do enough damage as it is in OP and normal and they are way too OP for the basic tier. I mean its an instant death pretty much. F'n'S in basic fair enough but lava... just no. The amount of times i've been lava spammed or TNT spammed just to get a quick and easy kill you have no idea. Just my opinion but ive put it out there.

I like the borders but they come in wayyy to late (by late i mean they only start coming in early if there are like 2 people left). I mean i've been in games thinking oh this is going quickly but then for another 5 or 6 minutes i've been running around aimlessly waiting for the borders only to get to 10 minutes game time played and they've only just started coming in. It wastes so much time and gets tiring when you start to know you are about to hit that time of the game again.

Wolf Kit:
Wolves are really really OP. I think the wolf kit should be changed so that you only get 1 wolf with the kit mainly for Team SG purposes. If you are new to 1.9 pvp or aren't the greatest pvper you stand no chance against them. They both hit like 1.8 and they make it so you cant reach the player you are trying to fight. Also in team SG it you run into a 4 team who all have 2 wolfs that makes it a 12 v 1 if you are by yourself and a 12 v 4 if you are with the rest of your team. I feel like newer players who don't know how to fight against them have no chance at all of winning and is actually quite demotivating when you see it because they will eventually get used to thinking they will lose because of it. This isnt a big deal but just a suggestion.

Kills Leaderboard:
This is wanted in a lot of gamemodes and i think its also wanted in SG by a lot of people. I know a lot of players who worked hard to get on the kills leader board when they played but as soon as it was taken away they quit. It upset a lot of people and got rid of a lot of hard work they went through to get on it. I personally found it really disappointing too when it was taken away.

Maps... for nearly 7 months its survived on 5 maps and the only time that changed was when one (Jurassic) was taken away for a while. I honestly don't know how people are still playing to be honest. Also i think i speak even more so the people who don't have a decent pc and lag on most of them. I can only play Underwater and Ruins without lag. You have no idea how demotivating it is as well when you are constantly seeing map updates for skywars and eggwars. I mean i think in the last 6 updates 4 or 5 of them have involved eggwars and skywars maps while SG i feel has been left there to just kinda dwindle. Yes you can say 'Oh, eggwars and skywars are a more popular gamemodes' but that's not the point. SG would be a lot more popular if it had a more diverse environment. It would be amazing even if you just added the old maps back. I loved the old maps and a lot of other people did as well. I actually miss them. I mean im sorry if you've been working hard on them in the background updating them but at least 1 map would have been nice in the 6 months since the initial update. If you are really running that low on time ill even make a map... i will go and make one now, im actually being serious. SG's general environment is becoming dry and there are less and less people playing because of the lack of diversity.
Another thing is most of the maps are big and in mornings or quieter hours the maps don't fill up. It needs smaller maps for these times so it can keep a good flow of gameplay going. It needs a good balance because at the moment there is only one small map and i rarely see it on the board.

For my map ideas and suggestions go here:

Anyway, thats my opinion on what should be added into sg. I hope more time can be put into it creating and developing SG and thank you for taking youre time to read through this. i think i got everything i wanted. if there are any more i forgot about then... :p <3

All in all though... maps would be amazing to see... and generally just some work done to be honest <3
Last edited:

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
All of those I agree except with the wolf kit. The wolf kit has a 0.1 attack range (melee range) instead of the usual 4.7 attack range players have. Once the wolves die, the player is forced to play without any perks. Additionally:

-Wolves are weak against TNT (1 TNT will kill them if they're close to the explosion).
-You can trick them into entering lava or yours will do.
-You can shoot them, though save your shots against better targets.
-Wolves can be kited easily in the open (make sure not to enter a closed area or a dead end). Practice killing aggressive wolves in single to get an idea where to hit. They're easier to hit when they're leaping since you don't have to look down completely.
-You can trick wolves by entering water (they will pursue you). Go underneath them and then hit them but this is generally not a good idea if their owner is nearby!


Novice Member
Nov 13, 2016
All of those I agree except with the wolf kit. The wolf kit has a 0.1 attack range (melee range) instead of the usual 4.7 attack range players have. Once the wolves die, the player is forced to play without any perks. Additionally:

-Wolves are weak against TNT (1 TNT will kill them if they're close to the explosion).
-You can trick them into entering lava or yours will do.
-You can shoot them, though save your shots against better targets.
-Wolves can be kited easily in the open (make sure not to enter a closed area or a dead end). Practice killing aggressive wolves in single to get an idea where to hit. They're easier to hit when they're leaping since you don't have to look down completely.
-You can trick wolves by entering water (they will pursue you). Go underneath them and then hit them but this is generally not a good idea if their owner is nearby!
These are really good tips on how to kill and beat a player with the wolf kit. Though I remember a game that there were these 2 players with at least 10 wolves and it was very difficult to kill the two players plus all their wolves.
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Dec 7, 2016
aisle 7 in Walmart
I think these are all good ideas, but, like @hyperBravo said, the wolf kit would become very useless if only one wolf was given to the player. They are extremely vulnerable and have very little health.

Furthermore, I would like to point out that there has been at least one SG update that I can remember this year, if not more. So do not worry, Cubecraft SG has not been forgotten! Hopefully, another update will come out soon that has more maps and features!


Forum Expert
Oct 20, 2015
Yea the wolf one was just an idea. And i thought exactly the same as you guys but i put it up as an idea just in case anyways to see other people points of view on it.


I totally didn't realize that there weren't golden apples in OP. That's super weird that no one caught that until now though. Thanks for pointing this out and adding your suggestions. I'd like the spikes to stay the same but other than that I agree.
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Dedicated Member
Aug 18, 2016
I would like to point out that there has been at least one SG update that I can remember this year, if not more.
you're correct about that... but if you compare the number of updates sg has had this year (the one massive update that got so much hate) to other gamemodes such as eggwars or skywars which have both had like 5 or 6 updates this past year, it's fair to say that sg has kind of been forgotten?


Forum Veteran
May 4, 2016
Can't agree more on all of these points. Again, good job Jordanz.

Hopefully Survival Games will get a bit more attention now that this thead has been made and our thoughts on it are out there.
If Cubecraft could improve on these little points listed above and especially on the 'maps' suggestion SG would be so much
better and so much more enjoyable to play.


Forum Expert
Oct 20, 2015
you're correct about that... but if you compare the number of updates sg has had this year (the one massive update that got so much hate) to other gamemodes such as eggwars or skywars which have both had like 5 or 6 updates this past year, it's fair to say that sg has kind of been forgotten?
They had 3 or 4 map updates as well as a big update each, and that just since the SG update.

Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
I really hope they just change the description instead of adding tons of golden apples make fights last forever D:

I don't really pay attention to achievements but it would be a good idea to fix that :P

I agree with potions being added to op because potions as cubecraft is lacking in the potions department everywhere </3

I don't mind lava and TNT in basic

The borders do take forever but I think hat problem would be fixed just by adding compasses into the cheats to find the last people.

I wouldn't mind a kills leaderboard ♡

Most people find the wolves easy but I will agree it is incredibly hard for a new player to take on wolves so I agree with reducing the wolves ♡

Honestly the old maps looked like garbage to me... Steampunk was the only really nice one out of all of them. Fairy tale was a joke though looking like someone's survival world xD that being said efcluke has released some screenshots of a revamped candy that will be coming (soontm?) ♡
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
I agree with everything besides the wolves, i think that wolves are horribly weak in pvp.
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