Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Dedicated Member
Nov 12, 2016
Disclaimer: this is NOT the same suggestion that @SenatorKarma highlighted earlier that was locked.

Light mode is dangerous, it poses several risks to people with certain health conditions.
However considering the locking of a previous thread, it appears it cannot be removed, therefore I suggest that you make dark mode the default mode (much like discord does for its application), as light mode simply has far too many health risks involved.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2017
Disclaimer: this is NOT the same suggestion that @SenatorKarma highlighted earlier that was locked.

Light mode is dangerous, it poses several risks to people with certain health conditions.
However considering the locking of a previous thread, it appears it cannot be removed, therefore I suggest that you make dark mode the default mode (much like discord does for its application), as light mode simply has far too many health risks involved.
Cubecrafts default theme contains white colors, therefore I vote no. If the website, or any other service is dangerous to your health, don't use it. Your health is your own responsibility. Not cubecrafts.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
I disagree, personally. A lot of other platforms, including YouTube and Facebook (for instance), have a dark mode as well but their default is white mode. It's the default mode on a lot, if not all sites


Novice Member
May 29, 2020
Disclaimer: this is NOT the same suggestion that @SenatorKarma highlighted earlier that was locked.

Light mode is dangerous, it poses several risks to people with certain health conditions.
However considering the locking of a previous thread, it appears it cannot be removed, therefore I suggest that you make dark mode the default mode (much like discord does for its application), as light mode simply has far too many health risks involved.

Almost every site has a white theme. Just change it one time and it will be dark forever :D
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Dedicated Member
Nov 12, 2016
I disagree, personally. A lot of other platforms, including YouTube and Facebook (for instance), have a dark mode as well but their default is white mode. It's the default mode on a lot, if not all sites
This is true, however, this website's light mode in particular has a huge amount of popping colours. One of my friends with a condition told me that she had to close the website straight away due to the large amount of stress it caused on her eyes/nervous system.
But why? You only have to change it once! It saves your preference and you will be greeted by the dark theme by default after switching once!
Ok but some people cannot look at the website for long enough to find the button that switches to dark mode. In fact they might not even know it exists. I just don't see why you should take the risk.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2017
This is true, however, this website's light mode in particular has a huge amount of popping colours. One of my friends with a condition told me that she had to close the website straight away due to the large amount of stress it caused on her eyes/nervous system.

Ok but some people cannot look at the website for long enough to find the button that switches to dark mode. In fact they might not even know it exists. I just don't see why you should take the risk.
Then again,
Don't use the site. Your health is not cubecrafts responsibility.

What Riley said, YouTube and stuff also have a white theme, and does that trigger too? With all the colorful thumbnails?


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Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Oct 19, 2013
Manchester, UK.

Thanks for your feedback, whilst it's unlikely that we will be changing the behaviour, as our brand is primarily associated with lighter colours, I appreciate your interest and suggestions.

I'm going to once more lock this thread, as the debate over the default theme seems to be attractive of very heated discussions. Please do not open any further threads of a similar nature, or more strict moderation actions will be taken.
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