Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Shoud cubecraft make a new gamecategory called spleef?

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Nov 15, 2020
It would be nice if you added a new games category called spleef. It could contain 3 subcategories/games. These games are the following: Normal spleef (Shovels and the floor is snow or enchanted pickaxes with harder block on the ground such as concrete). Bow spleef (Normal tnt blastable blocks on the ground, the players get a bow [with infinity] and where they shoot the map explodes there like when a tnt is placed, here the ground below the players can be 4,5 or 6 blocks deep). Rocket spleef (Its similar to the game in the mc championships and it looks like a ton of fun, the player gets an elytra and a shovel, with the shovel they can fire 3 fireballs [but its need to recharge, so you cant spamclick] and the shovel also enchanted with like knockback five, in the last minute of the game [to get rid of the remaining players] tnt start to fall from the sky, the players also get one rocket but they only can use it before the tnt start dropping [these rockets are for emergencies]).
I hope you consider my suggestions. Thanks for reading.


Nov 15, 2020
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Also I seen some staff say before they dont add these types of games because they like having original games
I know. But i didnt really saw a good server with reliable spleef games, or with spleef games at all. And getting spleef games back at business would be a fun minigame change.


Forum Veteran
Dec 31, 2017
The Butterfly Gardens
Layer Spleef is one of my favourite games on Java probably, even though I'm pretty bad at it. I would honestly love to see this game added to Bedrock, the only gamemodes that don't include PVP are Skyblock and Minerware at the moment.

It would be fantastic to see a variety of gamemodes implemented onto Bedrock, hence other Arcade games. Line Dash didn't take a good response when added, but Spleef could be an amazing addition for the people who enjoy more calmer gamemodes. It would also open up another community within Bedrock, leaving a possible rise in players.

I defiantly think it should be added as Beta at first, for a test. Overall, I think it would be a wonderful addition!
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